Chapter 358

“Lead the way ahead, I will wait to enter the palace.

Su Bai and his party followed the messenger in the palace,

The sixth domain followed at the end of the team,

He wanted to run,

Luo Cheng’s gun doesn’t agree!

In the blink of an eye,

There is a white dog in the team.

The little monk Xuanzang touched the head of the dog.

Said with a little pity,

“It’s useless if we want a dog.”

There were tears in the white dog’s eyes,

Monk, don’t you say it’s done!

Can you let me as a fart!

Xuanzang asked suddenly,

“Master, it would be great if it were a horse!

This will also help us carry our luggage. ”

“Wow!” (I look down on who!)

The sixth Yuzi changed,

Blink into a little pony, white, purebred!

But the little white horse still has a familiar taste.


Little monk Xuanzang and the sixth Yuzi play around no one cares.

The dark field is around,

The sixth Yuzi is more filial than Lu Bu,

Don’t dare to have two hearts!

“Everyone, please stop.”

In front of the Golden Temple,

Luo Cheng and others were stopped,

The empress appointed to see Su Bai alone.

The rest will be hosted by Lord Zaifu.

“Master Su Bai, please.”

Su Bai walked into the Golden Luang Temple,

There is no majestic and majestic atmosphere as imagined.

On the contrary, it is the exquisiteness of Xiaojiabiyu.

Maybe this is the difference in aesthetics.

Through the bead curtain,

Although Su Bai could not see the face of the empress,

But Su Bai had seen Wu Mingkong’s appearance long ago.

Just so-so.

“Su Bai.”

Behind the bead curtain,

The voice of the empress sounded,

She and Su Bai are the only ones in the entire Golden Luang Temple.

“Come on, let me see clearly.”

Su Bai rolled his eyes silently.

Still posing as a female emperor? !

If you let me come forward, I will come forward.

Am I very shameless!

Su Bai stood still and didn’t move.

Then… the whole Jinluang Temple retreated a few meters,

The distance between Su Bai and the empress is closer,

It looked like Su Bai came over on his own initiative.

Su Bai:…

Empress, please respect yourself!


The empress did not let herself laugh out loud,

Give an extremely arrogant evaluation.

Su Bai refused.

His appearance can only be considered okay,

How good is the female emperor?

I think of the phrase in the dark field, ‘I know she’s long he…’

Su Bai decided to witness it with his own eyes,

Then decide whether to marry the empress.

He stepped forward,

Didn’t you let me come forward, here I am!


The empress tried to order Su Bai again.

“I told you to stop!”

The more she said that, the faster Su Bai walked.

Su Bai opened the bead curtain with his fingers,

The face of the empress broke into Su Bai’s eyes,

Su Bai didn’t expect… she’s long hey…

I really don’t know how to describe this beauty!

Su Bai’s Adam’s apple moved slightly, squeezing two words from his teeth,


Su Bai only saw it once,

The female emperor concealed her face, shyly said,

“I…before we get married, you can’t meet your husband!”

Next second,

The figure of the empress disappeared directly in place,

In the empty Jinluang Temple,

Leaving only her sweet voice,

“After I cut Tyrant, I will marry Jun again!”

Countless question marks appeared above Su Bai’s head.

Are you going to kill me or sleep me?

You kill me and get married again,(Read more @

Are you married? !

Su Bai walked out of the Golden Luang Temple in confusion.

“So fast?”

Zaifu was shocked.

She is ready for her majesty’s direct bridal night.

Two young people, actually holding them?

“Men can’t say fast.”

Su Bai corrected seriously.

“What did you guys talk about?”

It’s not only Jaebu who cares about this issue,

Everyone present listened with their ears pricked up.

The little monk asked,

“Master, aren’t these mundane things?

Why bother? ”

The old monk said solemnly,

“It depends on who the other party is.

The Buddha is taking a nap, which is also called enlightenment, not laziness.

As a teacher, Su Bai is the future Jade Emperor.

If he gets married, the other party will be Queen Mother of the West, so sloppy! ”

The little monk seemed to understand but not understand.

Under the gaze of everyone’s expectation,

Su Bai said seriously,

“The female emperor said to kill me.”

Everyone: …..

real or fake?

You have to fight and kill as soon as you meet. It’s a wonderful life, isn’t it?

“What about people?”

“Take the knife and go.”

Su Bai is serious nonsense,

Fortunately, everyone has long been used to it.

The topic is back on track,

“You want to go to the eighth domain?”

Master Zaifu didn’t embarrass everyone,

Promise directly.

“No problem! I’ll open a teleportation channel for you!”

She is worrying about how to get rid of these hot potatoes!

They have completely killed four domains!

Another domain is missing,

Nowhere to go!

Offended the five domains in one breath,

Daughter Yu didn’t dare to shield this gang of murderers.

Get in touch with the eighth domain,

After explaining the situation, the eighth domain agreed to send it over!

The rest,

It has nothing to do with Zaifu and the second domain.

“Everyone, the eighth domain…not necessarily safe.”

Zaifu is also a wise man,

Did not think about counting the people.

Directly take your current situation,

The understanding of the eighth domain was spoken out.

The eighth domain-the other shore domain,

The domain owner is the sister of the last daughter, the domain owner.

There is no living person in the other side,

There is only an endless sea of ​​flowers!

If the eighth domain owner wants to attack everyone,

Luo Cheng couldn’t stop it either!

“It’s okay, thank you Master Zaifu for your help.”

The other party is open and honest,

Su Bai and others are also very calm.

Even if the eighth domain owner is waiting for them to cast themselves into the net,

They have to go too!

Big deal,

Throw the dark domain first when you see the eighth domain master!

A white light flashed,

Su Bai and others disappeared in the teleportation array.

After the transfer is complete,

Zaifu made a bold move and directly destroyed the teleportation center!

The pretty girl never looked back at the explosion.

She walked out of the teleportation array,

Right in front of him was the empress who had just arrived.

The armor is added, and the momentum is like a rainbow.

“Where is Su Bai?”

The voice of the empress came from the helmet.

“Your Majesty forgive the death penalty, Su Bai and others have already gone to the eighth domain!”

Zaifu lowered his head, his eyes dimmed.

Things get to this point,

If she still can’t see that Su Bai is Tyrant.

She has done nothing for Zaifu for so many years!

The female emperor stomped her feet straight.

She vaguely sensed something wrong,

But there is nothing to do with this Zaifu.

It must be Su Bai’s idea to go to the eighth domain.

The empress had to order,

“Search for Tyrant in the world!”

She is rushing to get married!

“Chen… lead the order.”

“This is the eighth domain?”

Su Bai and Luo Cheng were sent 707 to a sea of ​​flowers.

Stone benches and tables, and a pot of tea.

“Two, please sit down.”

The slender lady turned her back to the two, holding the pipa in her arms,

Hold the strings lightly, the sound turns softly.

“Sit down.”

In front of the enemy that he can’t win,

Su Bai has always been very dedicated.

He and Luo Cheng sat down, both eyes were worried.

Because… the dark field is lost!

to be exact,

Dark Domain, Monk Master and Apprentice, Sixth Domain, Zhao Zizhen.

Did not teleport to a place with them! !

“The monk is not good at fighting, Zhao Zi really keeps his mantra,

The best fight among the four, turned out to be the sixth Yuzi! ”

This match is absolutely amazing!

“I hope people are okay.”

Su Bai poured a cup of tea and brought it to Luo Cheng.

“Yes, I know that we respect the old and love the young.”

Luo Cheng took a sip of tea, and he was very happy.

Su Bai nodded.

“Well, I’m afraid of poison.”

Luo Cheng: …..

“Thief, die!”


The monk sang a Buddha,

The golden body of Dhamma appeared in front of him,

“How can this be good!”

Beside them,

Four grinning domains emerged.

“Kill them, you can be the domain master of the second domain!”

“Do it!”

The four shot without mercy,

In an instant, the golden body was broken!

The little monk shook Zhao Zizhen’s arm,

“Master Zhao, use your invincible authority to think of a solution!”

Zhao Zizhen had only one thought in his mind,

It’s over, this time it’s dead!


(The second one is late, sorry.

No nonsense, codewords! Rush! ).

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