Chapter 357

Daughter domain, the palace.

“Master Prime Minister! The big thing is not good!”

A confidant knelt outside the royal makeup room,

“There was an assault in the city, Ninth Yuzi…dead!”

Zaifu was taken aback when he heard the news.

After she came back to her senses, she had a smile on the corner of her mouth.

“How can this be called a bad event?

He died well!

He is dead, my second domain has no worries! ”

For the revenge of the ninth domain master,

Zaisuke is not worried at all.

The second domain can completely reject the visit of the ninth domain master,

He can’t disobey the master’s rules!


Ninth Yuzi is dead,

On the contrary, a troublesome thing was solved.

“As long as it wasn’t killed by Su Bai.”

Zaifu said to himself.

“It was indeed not killed by Lord Su Bai…”

Kneeling confidant on the ground,

The body trembles like a swing,

“Yes, Luo Cheng killed…

Lord Su Bai killed the other three Yuzi! ”

Zaifu: …..

Now, the trouble is big!

Offend the four domains in one go,

Daughter domain absolutely cannot bear such pressure,

You have to find a way to send this hot potato away!

The lobby of the inn,

The four corpses lay straight beside Sixth Yuzi.

It only took less than five minutes,

Su Bai and Luo Cheng are back.

One more minute of it was used to wash hands.

Su Bai kept adding vegetables to the dark domain,

“When you are growing up, eat more vegetables!”

Luo Cheng remained silent and pretended to be a master.

Su Bai made a summary,

“Yuzi feels good when he is killed.”

His eyes fell on the sixth domain.


The sixth Yuzi almost changed his tail and swayed as if to please!

The four corpses beside him,

I was talking and laughing with myself before!

It’s cold in the blink of an eye!

The other three are fine,

The strength may not be as good as the sixth Yuzi,

But the ninth domain,

The strongest existence in all domains!

It turned out to be like killing a chicken,

Killed by Luo Cheng and Su Bai!

Look at the appearance of the two,

Still disgusting that the domain is too weak!

Is it ashamed to be a dog?

As long as you can live, you won’t be ashamed!

The undercover is taboo for Hai Wannian,

From the first evil god to the twelfth evil god,

The sixth Yuzi has been forbearing!

At that time,

He thinks that if he bears it, he has a chance to comeback!

It’s different now,

The sixth Yuzi just thinks,

If you don’t be a dog, you will definitely die!

Comeback? What is that, he doesn’t know!

The dark field looked at the piles of green vegetables,

“I’m full, don’t eat anymore!”


Su Bai and Luo Cheng showed their weapons at the same time.

Luo Cheng slapped the table, extremely domineering,

“According to him, today you are not allowed to leave until you finish eating this vegetable!”

“How can a child grow up to be picky eaters?!”

The two had discussed before,

Isn’t the dark field going to act to lead the snake out of the hole?

Didn’t he always pretend to be dead or alive?

Is it true or false, false and true, hiding it from everyone?(Read more @

Satisfy him!

If the two can really force the dark field to eat vegetables.

Does this mean that the dark domain is already weak to the extreme?

Even Su Bai and Luo Cheng can intimidate him!

Su Bai said very seriously,

“This is part of your plan!”

Only by using the dark domain can we defeat the dark domain!

Only magic can defeat magic!

Looking at the dazzling tip of the gun,

The corner of Dark Domain’s mouth twitched,

He realized that

I’m about to capsize in the gutter!

These two are determined to force themselves to eat vegetables!

prior to,

Luo Cheng and Su Bai promised,

“Ye Su broke the news exclusively.

Picky eaters in the dark, don’t eat vegetables! ”

This was the scene where the two men threatened the dark field to eat vegetables!

No, it cannot be called coercion,

To be called coercion!

“Heh, do you think I can’t do anything this way?”

The Dark Domain said quickly,

“After Yuzi dies, there will be a fragment of the key left.

Every dog ​​knows how to strip it! ”

The sixth domain: You can just report my ID card.

“Gather eight key fragments,

You can go to the sleeping place of the master of the Overhanging Mountain. ”

After Dark Domain said the last sentence,

“Take me… there…”


In front of everyone.

The dark domain has become a baby!

One has just been full-term, his eyes are full of innocence,

A baby who can’t speak and can’t walk!

Everyone: …..

“Why don’t you retreat into a tadpole,

Is it more convenient for us to carry it? ! ”

Su Bai rolled his eyes.

In order not to eat vegetables,

The dark field is really inappropriate!

“What should we do now?”

Luo Cheng didn’t expect that the Dark Domain would be so big!

He can’t even tell,

This guy has been struggling to support,

Still take the initiative to become this look!

“Master Youlao.”

Su Bai looked at the monk,

He is the only one who is suitable for bringing children here.

At level 799, King Kong is not bad, even if the monk is not good at fighting,

Can also protect the dark domain!


The great monk is different from the others,

Regarding the matter of the dark domain becoming a baby.

Not only is he not sad, but he is also a little bit happy.

“Return to the basics, and trace back to the cause…

The past me, the present me, and the future me.

The Dark Domain Bodhisattva has a sign of becoming a Buddha! ”

Holding the baby version of Darkfield in both hands,

The monk read the Buddhist scriptures lightly.

The other party did not cry or make trouble, and expressed an international friendly gesture towards Su Bai and Luo Cheng with two fingers.

Su Bai, Luo Cheng:…

“Feed the dog.”

“it is good.”

It’s impossible to feed a dog.

Throw it to the sixth domain, he didn’t dare to eat it.

“Collect the key fragments.”

According to the order of the dark domain,

The sixth Yuzi hurriedly started.

The four key fragments were quickly delivered to Su Bai.

The sixth Yuzi took the initiative to separate a clone,

“Excuse me, you kill me.”

Su Bai was merciless, and severely wounded the body of the sixth domain with a single shot.

“I… mean… the clone…”

The sixth Yuzi vomited blood and wanted to cry without tears.

“You said it earlier!”

Su Bai took a second avatar,

Get the fifth key fragment!

It seems that there is still a godhead who shattered along with the clone.

The godhead of the twelfth evil god,

Be crushed by Su Bai!

Will freeze again in the sea of ​​taboos!

He didn’t care at all at this moment.

Because he forgot,

The third way to become the thirteenth evil god:

Kill the first and twelfth evil gods, hold the authority to destroy the world, steal all anchors…you can become the thirteenth evil god!

How can it be achieved if it is so troublesome?

Su Bai feels assured of herself!

“What about the other three domains?”

Su Bai looked at the sixth domain,

The traitor of the hanging mountain, the dog of the dark realm.

“They are all in the eighth domain!”

Sixth Yuzi betrayed others without hesitation.

1.7 He knows,

If you don’t show enough value,

Wait for death!

“The Second Domain Palace can directly reach the Eighth Domain!”

Even how to get there, the sixth domain has been arranged!

“Su Bai, look…”

Luo Cheng pointed to the wrist of the dark domain,

A bracelet is hung on it, and there is a bright red countdown:


“What will happen in 40 hours?”

No one knows the answer.

“No matter, let’s go!”

Without further ado,

Everyone set off immediately.

Even if you kill it all the way,

Also rush to the eighth domain!

Just went out,

Su Bai ran into someone from the palace,

“Xuan Su Bai can enter the palace face saint!”


Su Bai and others did not hesitate,

The dark realm looks like this, even if there is a sea of ​​swords and flames in front,

I can only bite the bullet and rush forward!


(The first thing is, rice, code, red!).

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