Chapter 356

“Su Bai, this is okay?”

A group of people rested in the lobby of the inn,

Ordered a table of food and tasted the delicacies of daughter’s domain.

Luo Cheng never expected,

A battle that should have been extremely dangerous.

It turned out to be such a dramatic ending!

Once the formation of the daughter domain is formed,

Only one person who stands till the end will dissipate!

and so,

More than a thousand people were troubled by the judgment 3.

Weakened 90% of the damage,

How do you fight this?

“369! Dice! Divine forever!”

Su Bai poured a jug of wine and said with a smile.

“It’s only strong here.”

Dark Domain reminded Zhao Zizhen,

“Don’t use it after you go out,

The effect is not so good, don’t kill yourself. ”

Zhao Zizhen nodded, indicating that he understood.

The final result of the battle:

Su Bai easily defeated a thousand people,

Fragments of their authority,

Su Bai did not absorb it!

Tyrant’s authority is fully contained,

Need to absorb [old] authority!

The fragments of authority were repurchased by Mulan,

She promised that the price will satisfy Su Bai!

The powerhouses of these daughter domains,

Level temporarily declined,

But waiting for everything to be re-accommodated,

Will soon return to the top.

It just takes a different length of time!

Although a few people were sitting in the lobby chatting,

But the conversation will not be heard by others.

For the dark domain, everyone still has this confidence.

Su Bai asked,

“What is the old authority?”

Dark Domain was slightly surprised,

“Do you even know the old authority?”

The others are also very curious.

Darkfield Encyclopedia Lecture Hall has begun again!

In a sense,

Dark Domain and Ye Su are in the same line.

When necessary,

Both are omnipotent tool people.

of course,

This idea cannot be told to the dark domain,

Let him know, Su Bai inevitably beat him up.

Darkfield introduced,

“you know,

The master of the Upside Down Mountain once contained eternal authority, reaching level 1000 briefly.

In the end it failed.

After failure, He took ownership of it.

Being intolerant by eternal rules, becoming a heresy,

That is the [old authority]! ”

This past,

This is the first time everyone has heard of it!

After failing to accommodate [eternity] alone,

Can survive this thing,

The strength of the master of the Hanging Mountain is already terrifying!

Like a chicken like the Devil God,

I haven’t even seen the Eternal Fragment!

“The ranking of authority will be improved according to the master’s strength.

The authority that the master of the Hanging Mountain originally held was naturally the top ten authority. ”

The latter words,

Even if the dark domain does not introduce it, everyone can guess it.

Ten old powers,

Now owned by the nine domain masters!

“In other words,

I want to fully accommodate Tyrant’s authority,

Need to participate in the killing of a domain master-level powerhouse? ! ”

Su Bai was taken aback.

What devil’s condition is this!

The domain owner is a super power from level 991 to level 999.

Su Bai leaned on the dice,

It can still be close to the 980-level powerhouse.

Once it reaches level 990,

The strength will undoubtedly undergo another qualitative change!

Su Bai who doesn’t even have level 700,

Obviously impossible!

Su Bai quickly realized another thing,

“You brought us to Upside Down Mountain,

In fact, I want to help me collect fragments of old authority,

Fully accommodate Tyrant’s authority? ”

The expression in the dark field appears sluggish for 0.01S,

Does Tyrant have the authority to accommodate the request so perverted!

Did I even calculate this step?

Two questions,

At the same time appearing in the mind of the dark field,

But he nodded quickly,(Read more @

“Yes, that’s it!”

Su Bai:…

Fudge me, treat me like a fool.

Is it too much?

“The empress also has the old authority, but it hasn’t accommodated it yet!”

Darkfield proposes an unimagined path.

Su Bai can eat soft rice!

Su Bai snorted coldly.


Then I will have a meal with the master of Diaoxuan Mountain! ”

From today, he is the son-in-law of the empress!

This human race, don’t save it!

“Accommodating that old authority will become a woman,

This is not a problem with women’s clothing. ”

The Dark Domain curiously said,

“Su Bai, if you become a woman.

Should it be called Su Xiaobai? ”

Why don’t you call it SXL?

The terrible side effect of degeneration,

Let Su Bai directly dispel the idea of ​​eating soft rice.


Still hard incense!

Straight steel guys are going to eat iron!

“The rest of the domain owners are not easy to solve.”

Su Bai started to think seriously,

How to participate in the killing of the domain owner!

These domain owners have two things in common:

1. Su Bai can’t even beat

2. Can kill Su Bai in seconds

“Su Bai, look.”

Dark Domain pointed to the second floor of the inn.

Tianzihao elegant room.

“What are you looking at?”

“Can’t you see?”

Dark Domain said seriously,

“In the elegant room of Tianzi,

Sitting in the ninth domain,

The sons of the domain masters of the other domains are also here! ”

Blocked by Yama’s defensive array,

The eyes cannot penetrate,

Everyone couldn’t see the situation in Yajian at all.


They still nodded in unison,

Echo the road,

“Indeed, they are here!”

“What a coincidence, let’s avoid it?”

“Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva makes sense!”

If you can’t see it,

Wouldn’t it be shameful? !

Everyone is wearing the emperor’s new clothes.

Su Bai spurned them in his heart,

For the sake of face, I still nod with everyone!

Until now,

Su Bai probably understood the plan of the dark domain!

He didn’t come to find a wife for Su Bai.

It’s here to kill Yuzi!

Kill Yuzi, then kill the domain owner!

As for why the Ninth Yuzi appeared here,

The answer is self-evident:

The female emperor invites relatives!

Things, like beads, strung together into a thread!

Kill domain,

It’s just an appetizer.

As for the real ultimate move,

· · Ask for flowers · ·······

Su Bai doesn’t know for now,

I’m afraid it’s not clear whether it’s eroding or cracking!

Since the dark realm dared to come in,

At least there is a complete plan!

And right now,

At the important initial stage of the plan!

“How strong is Yuzi?”

Su Bai asked.

Look at the dying look of the dark field,

Killing the domain,

Mostly it fell on Su Bai and Luo Cheng.

“Near Level 960,

Their father dare not make them too strong. ”

Dark Field gave an unexpected answer.

The logic,

Everyone quickly understood: Father is kind and filial!

The difference between domain sub and domain master.

The gap in strength,

It is only reflected in the authority of the old days!

If the prince is too strong,

The emperor will always be jealous!

In this situation of mutual suspicion,

Decided that Yuzi’s strength will not be too strong!

Several people are chatting,

One person walked out of the elegant room of Tianzihao and was about to go downstairs.

This person has a happy face, an extraordinary imposing manner, and a heroic spirit when he is in a hurry!

……. 0 …….

Until… he glanced downstairs,

Saw a few people sitting in the lobby.

Strictly speaking, it was seeing a five-year-old child.

He rolled down the stairs!

Literal meaning: Get out!

A superb powerhouse,

Gu Lu Gu Lu rolled down!

Head first!

After landing, he was not idle even more, and he crawled to the dinner table.

“The little sixth domain Yuzi, the former Dragon God, the twelfth evil god of Taboo Hai, please… to… to the adults!”

To the end,

He didn’t even have the courage to say the word “Darkland”!

As the former twelfth evil god,

Undercover taboo Hai Wannian, longing to become the thirteenth evil god.

After he was killed by the first evil god,

Back to the Upside Down Mountain.

I thought I was finally free from the threat of the three strongest humans!

The result…have a meal and meet the dark field!

How can this make sense!

“Is it a coincidence!”

Darkfield stands on a chair,

Kicked the shoulder of the twelfth evil god once.

“How many people are eating up there?”

“In response to your lord, there are four people in total, the first Yuzi…”

The skill of his speech,

Su Bai and Luo Cheng got up at the same time,

Walked to the second floor at the same time, murderous!

The sixth domain’s apple kneeling on the ground moved slightly,

Asked tremblingly,

“My lord… my lord crow,

What is this going to do? ”

Dark Domain picked up a bone with chopsticks and threw it to the ground.

The sixth Yuzi quickly caught in the air!

Be a dog for the dark domain,

It is the greatest glory of his life!

Darkfield took a bite of food by himself,

Return casually,

“You mean Su Bai, Luo Cheng?”

“It’s okay, they just went to kill a few domains,

Where did we talk just now? ”

The sixth domain: barking!

This dog, he is determined!


(It’s done before twelve o’clock! Good!

Seeking flowers! Good night, brothers, see you tomorrow.

Note: No mosquitoes tonight, don’t wait. )a few.

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