Chapter 355

“You are shameless!”

At decision 3 of the dice,

The female general can’t fight Su Bai at all!

The damage is reduced by 90%, how to play?

Plus Su Bai is more than just dice!

The whole situation,

Under Su Bai’s complete control, hit the opponent under pressure!


Su Bai was uncharacteristically.

Did not directly solve the opponent,

It’s to keep defeating and starting over again!

There are not many such good practice objects!

Which is hanging upside down the mountain,

This special area that magnifies the authority of the prophecy system,

The dice can suppress the opponent.

Change to other places,

There is absolutely no such strong effect!

In chaos,

Su Bai even took the opponent with a sword!

Waving the heavy sword with both hands, it is extra heavy,

Su Bai adapts very quickly.

The authority of martial arts [epee]! accommodate!

100% progress!

In terms of martial arts authority,

Su Bai’s speed is amazing!


The heavy sword and the light sword kept colliding,

Make a clanging sound that belongs to metal!

“Try another one!”

Su Bai generously threw the epee back,

The female general’s face sank,

Although she was reluctant, she had to admit it!

For her,

Su Bai is also a rare opponent!

Su Bai is not alone in improving in battle!

Against Su Bai,

Being suffocated is really suffocating,

But the power of martial arts has increased… so fast!

Unfortunately, people are too shameless!


Throw the light sword,

The two exchanged weapons 707 and fought again.

The epee has no edge, it is as clever as foolish, and the weight is as light as it is.

Su Bai first grasped the authority of [epee sword],

At this time, use the light sword again to get by analogy.

It’s so easy to use!

One of the great things in life: every opponent!

They met by appointment and did not use authority.

Of course, Su Bai’s dice are still in use.

Otherwise you will be killed!

The strength is also controlled at a close level,

The two have superb control over their own power, reaching the pinnacle!

Blinking, the two played against each other a hundred times!


A challenge,

Both swords came out at the same time!

The female general’s eyes were full of shock!

Although the weapon is also released,

Two people who can use heavy swords and light swords,

Can it be the same?

With one-handed weapon, she lost!

Close combat?

She who has seen Su Bai’s boxing skills,

Don’t even think about it!


A silver gun fell into Su Bai’s hands,

Thanks to the old iron [Luo Cheng] outside the field for his peerless magic!

Su Bai pulled a gun.

“They don’t deserve to look at my gun.”

With the spear in hand, Su Bai is like a different person!

The female general felt a dangerous breath from him! !

That is the peerless beast is slowly waking up!

Just holding a gun can give her so much pressure!

Start with two swords,

The female general said solemnly,

“Daughter domain, Hua Mulan, haven’t consulted yet.”

“Baichuan, Su Bai!”

The wrist shook, the gun body shook,

Su Bai moved!

Come here first!

This bit of cold light,

Stay in everyone’s pupils forever,

Can’t dissipate for a long time!

After a while,

The two swords landed, and the blood spilled!

“You are entitled to die by my gun!”

A white light flashed, and Mulan was resurrected off the court!

Holding a spear,

Su Bai was covered in blood, with an invincible figure carved in everyone’s mind!

Not yet a master, already invincible!

Standing horizontally, there is no enemy!

Even the defeated Hua Mulan,

I only have admiration for Su Bai,

Although Su Bai defeated only one tenth of her strength I!(Read more @


The opponent is only level 699!

Not even the Grand Master, let alone become a god!

Only 699 is so powerful…

Is it a strong domain master?

Do not! Even the owner of the Hanging Mountain…

Hua Mulan was completely convinced,

Your majesty’s husband, shouldn’t that be the case? !


Is your majesty worthy of such evildoers,

Still another question!

“General, I’m waiting to be ordered to come and support, this…”

Nearly a thousand people came to support,

The atmosphere was awkward for a while!

Su Bai has already finished playing!

All destroyed!

How do you fight this?

In other words, can you fight or not?

Hua Mulan was about to hesitate,

Su Bai on the stage put the spear upside down on the ground,

“Coming to fight!”

He hasn’t been so happy in a long time!

Tyrant’s authority has also reached 99.99%!


The last 0.01% is accommodated,

Can’t move forward anymore!

Su Bai looked at this advanced authority request,

You need to crush the old authority and absorb it in order to fully contain it!

“Old authority?”

Su Bai has doubts in his mind,


He has more important things to do right now.

“Coming to fight!”

Su Bai’s voice echoed on the battlefield,

Challenge the newcomers to the battlefield!

“It’s crazy! It’s crazy!”

Luo Cheng restrained his emotions,


“Ye Tian, ​​don’t you stop him?”

“Will die, what if his authority is broken?!”

Su Bai has a lot of authority now,

Tyrant has the strongest authority!

Because of a momentary struggle, Tyrant lost his authority!

This is a loss that Su Bai cannot bear!

It is also a loss that Human Race cannot bear!

“What are you afraid of, am I dead?”

The dark voice is slightly cold,

Luo Cheng’s pupils shrank,

A power emerges from the sleeves of the dark realm.

Miracle Master!

If Su Bai is truly life-threatening,

Then you can only believe in miracles!


Behind Hua Mulan,

More than a thousand people are over!

This is the strongest combat power of the daughter domain!

“After forming this formation, the domain master-level powerhouses are also invincible!”

Hua Mulan said slowly,

“Everyone in the formation, in the same state, sharing life, and sharing harm…”

“A lot of nonsense!”

A dice appeared in Su Bai’s hand.

Decision: 3!

Hua Mulan:…..

Surrounding audience: …..

It seems… something big happened! !

Everyone in the formation is judged to be affected by 3 at the same time!

Su Bai has no habit of being merciful,

Do your best!

“The hero is here!”


“Report! Your Majesty! Your Majesty!”

An emissary has just brought it to deliver the battle report.

It seems that the news is terrifying,

Let her speak clearly for a while!

“What kind of style!”

Zaifu reprimanded,

“I was in a panic and disturbed Yujia. What should I do?”

The female emperor sent more than a thousand strong people,

It was made clear that Su Bai was going to be the ladder.

Send the other party soaring into the sky!

Zaifu is not a vegetarian, either.

Send out the elite to make Su Bai suffer a dumb loss!

She deliberately asked someone to obscure the movement on the other side of the competition arena.

The Empress and Zaifu couldn’t perceive it!


If Su Bai loses, then everything will be business as usual.

Yuzi of the ninth domain is still the default winner!

If Su Bai can survive…

This kind of enchanting Tianzi,

Substitution is not impossible!

The messenger is the confidant of Zaifu,

Responsible for whistleblowing.

Calculate time,

It should be over now!

Zaifu asked the messenger with his eyes,

Has the matter been settled?

The other party was a little evasive, and didn’t dare to look at Zaifu!

“Look at your lord… the battle report.”

She was shaking all over,

Holding a document, it seems to weigh ten thousand catties!

“Dignified invincible Grandmaster, when things are not quiet, how will you achieve it in the future…”

As Zaifu said, he opened the paperwork.

She just glanced,


The paper fell to the ground.

She was dull for five seconds!

It’s as if someone stole five seconds from her life!

For these five seconds, Master Zaifu’s mind went blank!

Constantly echoing the sentence on the document:

Su Bai beheaded 1,126 people in the martial arts field…

When she recovered,

The female emperor happened to see the paperwork on the ground.

“Is there a result?”

The empress wants to know the result,

I don’t want to be too eager.

after all,

There is also a bit of a female emperor’s air!

Zaifu didn’t reply,

But just kneel down,


Her voice kept trembling,

With the greatest courage,

I said what I wanted in my heart,

“Your Majesty, please recruit Su Bai as your husband and get married today!”

This is the daughter domain who wants to rise up and keep her life in the next war.

The best chance!

Must not be missed!

Empress:? ? ?

Happiness comes too suddenly,

She didn’t know how to answer for a while.


Make a proud voice,

The female emperor flew away, leaving Zaifu a back.

Just walked to the corner,

She laughed out of excitement, dancing and dancing, she didn’t look like a female emperor at all.

Zaifu, kneeling on the ground,

Wry smiles again and again.

“Blind, almost made a big mistake!”

“It’s just that Su Bai’s attitude is still unknown.”

“And… the son of the Ninth Domain Master, what should I do?”


(Fifth, rushing!).

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