Chapter 354

“Intentionally punching!”


Su Bai has a set of combo punches,

Directly disrupt the situation completely!

His gloves,

Upgraded to level 700 with the help of Master Xiaohu.

The two extra skills are especially good for punching!

Not only that,

Su Bai, who superimposes a hundred battle BUFF,

After superimposing the super high attributes,

When a demigod-level powerhouse met him, it was a second!

“Killing Gems!”

Su Bai directly promotes the effect of killing gems,

Get real damage doubled effect!

Gods Twilight!

Walk in the void!

It’s just a wave of rushes,

Su Bai killed no less than 800 people!

The existence below the god level has been cleared!

These people will be resurrected off the court,

But everyone has broken an authority,

A big drop in strength!

Su Bai is like a whale swallowing a sea drink,

Swallow the fragments of ownership!

The scene was extremely chaotic for a while!

Su Bai’s Tyrant authority progressed soaring!


Unlocking effect: [Si] and [Rong]

The important event of the country is to worship and Rong!

Su Bai as Tyrant,

The first authority juxtaposed with eternity,

From the name of the newly unlocked effect,

I feel tall!

Su Bai is busy fighting for the time being and has no time to take care of it.

If you rush the unskilled effect,

Don’t drag Su Bai’s hind legs as much as possible,

It will also expose the authority effect!

The gain is not worth the loss!

Su Bai can only study slowly after the battle is over.

After the progress rose to 90% in one breath,

Su Bai found that his speed of accommodation had dropped suddenly!

The last 10% of the progress,

As if carrying the whole world forward!

It was able to increase authority fragments by 10% and 20% before,

It’s less than 1% here!

According to this progress,

The last 10% is harder than the first 90%!

Su Bai’s eyes swept across the room,

There are 2200 more people, that’s enough!


Killing the gem of authority, completely motivated!

Cooperate with the killing field,

Su Bai can cause billions of real damage!

For the god-level powerhouse,

If you don’t die, you will be seriously injured!

They certainly have a lot of life-saving means.


Su Bai can kill you once, and twice!

Walk in the void!

Su Bai only strikes with two fists,

This group of people didn’t even have the qualifications to let him use a gun!


Under the heavy punch, dozens of people turned into blood mist!

The fragments of authority were swept away by Su Bai!

“Not enough, not enough!”

Su Bai fists like a tiger, and his body is like a dragon.

Into the crowd,

Set off a storm after another!

The martial arts authority emerged beside him: [Nanquan]!

Su Bai directly accommodates,

The containment progress is like a rocket glance, directly 100%!

As long as Su Bai is willing,

You can enter the realm of the martial arts master at any time!

He is still suppressing, waiting for Tyrant’s authority to slowly rise!

Two rounds seem to fight each other,

There are less than a thousand people left in the audience!

All opponents above level 920!

Each of these enemies holds more than four powers!

Su Bai wants to defeat them by this means,

It’s not that easy!

God-level powerhouses also have their own dignity and glory!

The whole arena,

Has been stained red by blood!

The two thousand people who died before,

The performance on the field is like a shrimp soldier and crab general.

But in fact,

They were thrown outside, each of them was a strong man with a face and a face!

This is three thousand people,

It is half of the core combat power of the daughter country!

It turned out to be…. Su Bai couldn’t be beaten alone!

in the corner,

The empress was dumbfounded!

“I, I didn’t see the wrong person as expected. “!”

Wu Mingkong kept breathing deeply,

The uncontrollable trembling of her shoulders,

The whole person was in shock.

She’s sure,

The 2000 people who have just been killed,

No one releases water!

They… just simply can’t win!

No, it’s not a question of not winning,

They have been seconded!

The empress is still a little unable to accept this reality!

She took a deep breath,

“As expected of my man!”

Su Bai has already learned from “the man in my eyes”,

Became ‘my man. ’

This change is as silent as a spring rain moistening things.

The female emperor has a lot of thoughts,

The battle on the field continues!

These people left,

On the one hand, with precautions,

On the other hand, their authority began to take effect.

But they soon realized a thing that makes people fall into infinite fear!

“Prophecy is an authority, and it is invalid for him!”

“how can that be!!”

“Who are you and how can you be so strong?!”

Some dark lines even shouted in horror,(Read more @

“Are you Ye Su, the son of Dark Realm?!”

Su Bai:…

He first strikes out with a heavy punch,

Hammer nonsense people.

With Tyrant crowned on his head,

Can be immune to the interference of the prophecy system,

Su Bai is really not afraid of prophecy!

not to mention,

Su Bai’s newly unlocked 【Sacrificial】 effect,

It has something to do with prophecy itself!

“Competing for authority?”

Su Bai pursed her lips.

Bi Bi Bi, who was he afraid of? !

To know,

Su Bai hasn’t made a full shot for a long time!

Starting from the first level, Su Bai passed through all the way.

Cut to level 699 abruptly!

The results of it?

During this time, he has been making soy sauce!

Didn’t even kill a Cthulhu!

The cups have been filled by them in Darkfield!

Take the bamboo shoots!

Su Bai is still young and hot.

Out of the state of fighting for too long,

It is also a big test for Su Bai’s own competitive level!


Facing more than a thousand powerful men with authority,

Such a good stepping stone,

How could Su Bai let it go? !

“The hero is here!”

Two Tyrant demon gods Galio are here!

Su Bai used Forbidden Magic for the first time!

Not only that,

There is also an authority in his hand:

Authority NO.96 [Prison]!

Come, help!

Su Bai did not hesitate to urge Tyrant’s scepter!

Ten people were pulled into the small black room by him, singled out!

The rest of them dealt with the Tyrant demon Galio,

On the one hand, I want to break the prison and save people!

Luo Cheng was taken aback off the court.

“Fuck, where’s my authority?!”

The prison power is his!

How could it be in Su Bai’s hands?

Luo Cheng was the first to doubt,

This is the effect of the dark domain shot!


Darkfield nodded earnestly,

“Su Bai has too little authority,

Can’t hold on. ”

Since Darkfield said so,

Luo Cheng also accepted this statement.

But is it too cruel to steal the day?

Can still be used like this!

Luo Cheng exclaimed too hard.

Su Bai rushed out of the small black room,

The opponent has been solved by him!

Authority [Fraud]!

Several strong men close to Su Bai,

After being deceived, he even shot at his companions!

Su Bai immediately switched effects,

Authority [Domination]!

The time of being deceived is not over yet,

The strengths of several strong men under Su Bai and Galio have increased!

The scene is in chaos!

Three powers were used in succession,

Su Bai hasn’t finished his solo show yet!

Authority [Vernal Equinox]!

The sky started to drizzle…

Su Bai banged left and right, as if into no one’s land!

Coupled with the constant switching of authority in hand,

No one can help him for a while!

As the killing continued,

The acceptance of Tyrant’s authority is slowly increasing!

The eyes of a few people off the court looked towards the dark field,

“You stole this?”

Luo Cheng lowered his voice,

“You and Su Bai cooperate so well?!”

“Yes, we are as close as father and son.”

The dark field is shameless!

He stole all these powers to kill!

have to say,

As the battle continues,

Su Bai once again showed his super fighting talent and growth ability!

This is also the most precious part of him!

Able to fight again and again in life and death,

Grow fast!

One thousand people have been reduced to six hundred!

Su Bai’s killing continued,

And there is no sign of stopping!

“You really can steal it!”

With a thought on Luo Cheng, the prison authority was secretly released.

A green light appeared on the soles of the dark fields.

If the dark space uses talent,

Luo Chenghui found out for the first time!

As a result… nothing happened!

The dark field didn’t even find out,

Push yourself to imprison this matter!

Luo Cheng quickly withdrew his authority,

Could it be said that the dark domain is already weak to this point?

Empty city plan, lead the snake out of the hole,

Or… bluffing? ?

Luo Cheng, as his own person,

I’m almost tortured crazy by the dark domain!

He found that he was really not fit to use his brain.

It’s better to learn from the eclipse, lie flat and accept your fate!

Is it difficult to believe in the dark?

Darkfield hooked his finger,

Luo Cheng leaned down, and Dark Domain slammed his nose with a flick of his finger.


I was bombed like this,

Luo Cheng was relieved!

Don’t worry about this stuff, really don’t worry about him!

Attention is back on the court,

Su Bai is still unstoppable,

The combination of skills and authority is perfect,

In conjunction with the brutal martial arts authority, weird combat tactics.

Su Bai is a nightmare for all enemies!

No one cares about Zhao Zizhen,

Under Zhao Zizhen,

The female general with double swords can’t do any harm at all!

She is the only existence in the audience that can threaten Su Bai!

But Zhao Zizhen changed his limit.

Luo Cheng noticed,

Wu Mingkong is missing?

Where did she go, she won’t be killed by Su Bai?

On the city wall,

The female emperor dressed lightly, looking into the distance.

A contest is going on there!

Su Bai,

The man she fancy is about to win!

She opened her mouth,

“Kill like this, what is my face?!”

“If the order is passed down, the elites below level 960 will come out

Be sure to defeat this fanatic! ”

“Your Majesty, no!”

Zaifu knelt down,

“Your Majesty, this person is strong and not weak.

I’m afraid that sending these people is just to die… the other party was made in vain!

If your Majesty really wants to suppress this madman, how about an old minister? ”

“You can’t make a move!”

Wu Mingkong almost blurted out.

“What if you really kill Su Bai?”

The suppression is false,

The stepping stones are true!

This group of people are just new experience babies sent to the past!


The empress also has her own little abacus in her heart.

“My daughter, the domain powerhouse, formed a formation,

There is also General Hua presided over, even if it is Su Bai, it will not last long! ”

“Wait then, I will make a hero to save the United States…”

Under the order of the Empress,

A collection of strong from 920 to 960,

Go to the martial arts field!

On the martial arts field,

Su Bai was covered with blood and stood like a demon,

He has only the last enemy left!

Level 980, a female general with two swords!

“Old Zhao, solved the dice!”

Although Zhao Zizhen didn’t know why,

Still follow Su Bai’s instructions.

Su Bai, be upright and defeat this female general one-on-one!

“it is good!”

The female general who was finally relieved of 90% damage reduction,

The suffocation in my chest was swept away,

“Sister, let me show you the high-end operation and tell you the 980-level powerhouse…”

She hasn’t finished speaking yet,

A power appeared in Su Bai’s hand,


Decision: 3!

Sure enough, old Zhao’s authority comes with bad luck!

Su Bai’s figure rushed up again,

Don’t have authority, are you stupid?

Laugh to death!

This heads-up called ‘Fair’ is still going on!


(Fourth update, a four thousand-word chapter! Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chapter of 4,000 words!

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