Chapter 353

Daughter domain,

The last round of competition has ended.

Luo Cheng and the three stood at the end,

One of the 980 god-level powerhouses,

Almost killed Luo Cheng!

Luo Cheng threw out the ‘Dundered King’s Flesh Shield’,

Blocked the opponent’s dying counterattack,

He blew up an arm and exchanged his wound for death!

King of Dilapidation: You are more erosive than erosive!

The ruined king’s meat shield,

Whoever uses it!

“Wonderful and wonderful.”

Wu Mingkong was too addicted to his eyes,

She didn’t expect a weak chicken of level 950 to be so fierce!

950 can kill 980,

This is beyond their imagination.

In fact,

Terran’s top combat power,

Comparing yourself with that is the bottom of the shame,

Before other forces,

The lower limit of the human race is the ceiling of others!

The shame of the strongest?

You have to become the strongest before you can be called a shame!

Wu Mingkong thought,

Then my future husband is level 699,

Isn’t it the invincible master who can leapfrog to kill the level 799? !

of course,

Such unrealistic things,

Wu Mingkong was only fantasizing in his heart.

If Su Bai can really do it,

Isn’t he stronger than the empress back then?

how can that be!

If it can be done,

Wu Mingkong gave Su Bai the position of emperor, and he could be a queen himself!

To know,

Since the last female emperor has disappeared 11.

The domain master of the second domain has been suspended for decades!

Until the Empress’s birth,

Sweep all powerful enemies with invincibility and stand out!

Known as the first genius of the Nine Territories of the Fallen Mountain!

The last empress left a legacy,

Must be married to accommodate the authority she left behind.

This is also the fact that the civil and military officials have been persuading the female emperor,

Let her get married as soon as possible!

The second domain has no domain owner for many years,

Get along with other domains,

The confidence is much weaker,

These years have been squeezed out by other eight domains!

A lot of news has been learned afterwards.

For example, this time ambush the three strongest humans,

The dark domain has touched the second domain.

Other domains clearly know this news!

The empress received only one instruction,

Let her find a way to find Tyrant and kill it!

“Su Bai, is this your domestic slave?”

Brave and unparalleled, really a great general! ”

Wu Mingkong asked curiously.

She has a strong personal feudalism,

Su Bai has a chance in the future,

Suppress it well and let her know that all beings are equal!

Luo Cheng strode over,

Hearing this, he scolded with a smile,

“Laozi is his father…”

not good!

Su Bai’s eyes are murderous!

Luo Cheng suddenly realized,

Su Bai now,

In terms of combat effectiveness,

Of course, there is still a big gap between Luo Cheng and Luo Cheng.

But according to the terrifying growth rate of this kid Tyrant,

It is only a matter of time before catching up!

Talking to the lips,

Luo Cheng changed his mouth,

“I’m his father’s friend, family friend!

Lao Fu Luo Cheng, Miss Ming Kong was honored to meet. ”

Su Bai rolled his eyes.

Let Old Man Luo take advantage of him.

“It turned out to be Luo Shibo, impolite.”

Su Bai did not expect,

The female emperor’s mouth is quite sweet!

Next group,

It’s Su Bai’s turn!

Su Bai patted the cerebellum in the dark field,

“My son, dad is going to kill the enemy and help you grab the stepmother!”

Luo Cheng:? ? ?

It’s messed up, all seniority is messed up!

Dark Domain is also a great filial son,

“Father, don’t die on the battlefield,

Don’t miss your broken arms and legs, disfigurement and useless authority!

How pitiful our stepmother is then! ”

This child,

The little mouth was like arsenic.(Read more @

Let’s grow up with the old eight secret burger!

Su Bai, Zhao Zizhen and Wu Mingkong appeared on the stage.

Dark Domain suddenly turned his head and asked Luo Cheng.

“If Su Bai is my dad,

You are Uncle Su Bai again,

What should I call you? ”


“Well, good grandson.”

Darkfield was very satisfied with Luo Cheng’s response.

Luo Cheng was taken aback.

How can I be so stupid?

No, a few words have been stolen from my own words!

In other words, the dark field…

“Are you special in the Dark Zone!”

Luo Cheng realized that

This bastard might have really stole one million copper coins from Su Bai!


The dark field raised his finger,

“This is part of the plan.”


He tugged at his sleeve,

Oh, it’s big again.


The great monk chanted the Buddhist scriptures silently,

Pray for the Dark Realm Bodhisattva.

“Your Majesty, isn’t this a nonsense?!”

Wu Mingkong appeared in the arena,

This matter can be concealed from others,

I can’t help but Zaifu!

“Could it be that your majesty took a fancy to Su Bai?”

“Don’t say, Su Bai’s face, even I saw it and wanted to marry it back to be a mistress!”

“Look at what you are! In exchange, I will definitely let Su Bai be the grandfather and pet him alone!”



Zaifu slapped him on the desk,

The Minister of Civil and Military Affairs immediately silenced,

She snorted coldly,

“The most urgent thing is not to let your majesty mess around!”

“We originally moved the domain of the ninth domain.

The other party agreed to enter the domain of the daughter of the family and marry the empress,

The two domains help each other,

The second domain can return to the nine domains! ”

Zaifu’s words,

Let the civil and military officials fall into silence.

In fact,

The empress also knew about this.

That’s why she resisted recruiting so much at the beginning!

Who wants to marry Yuzi from the Ninth Domain?

that guy,

It’s not as good as Su Bai!

“Master Zaifu, what should we do now?”

When Zaifu was a close friend of the former empress.

She is also the aunt of the contemporary empress,

Manchu cronies, powerful and powerful,

The strength is as strong as level 990,

Only one step away from the domain master-level powerhouse!

What she said,

Sometimes it works better than the empress!

“Send General Xiaoyeol on the field,

Be sure to let Su Bai lose the first game!

Everything else is from the old! ”


After the civil and military officials retired,

Zaifu paced in front of the desk, and confided in him again.

“Go, throw all the undercover agents sent from the other domains into this competition!

My sister, General Xiaolie, level 980, has unparalleled combat power and will surely be able to kill Su Bai.

If you don’t know how much temper you will get,

Just let the girl kill all these hidden lines,

The court was cleared, and she will be in charge in the future, and she will also be clean! ”

“Little understands!”

Walked to the window,

Zaifu’s eyebrows are undiminished.

“A foreign enemy has entered the nine regions of the Hanging Mountain,

Why doesn’t my daughter domain know anything about it! ”

The daughter’s position as domain master has been vacant for too long,

Today’s daughter domain,

The status is not as good as the Aurora!

The gaze penetrates the city wall,

Look in the direction of the arena.

hope everything is fine!

She always has an ominous premonition,

The 699-level Su Bai can’t survive, right?

“It’s weird.”

Su Bai is buffing herself,

“Why are our opponents all women?”

This thousand groups of people gather particularly slowly.

In addition to two men, Su Bai and Zhao Zizhen,

The rest of the contestants turned out to be women!

They also want to marry the empress?

Wu Mingkong was also very puzzled.

“Why did General Xiaoli 703 come?

Could it be that her sister sent her to kill Su Bai? ! ”

She is young and has little knowledge,

But the mind is still far better than his peers.

Looking at the outrageous lineup,

Obviously knows Master Zaifu’s plan.

“Su Bai, how do we fight in a while?”

Wu Mingkong was a little worried,

You may not protect Su Bai!

Su Bai is very confident,

“It’s easy!”

“You protect old Zhao, don’t let him die.

Leave the rest to me! ”

Su Bai’s eyes are burning,

Where is this contest for recruiting relatives?

This is a copy of my own experience!

No one should compete with me for experience baby,

Who robs me and who is anxious! !

Tyrant has never been the only one to steal the blame,

No one can grab meat from Tyrant!


Wu Mingkong did not expect Su Bai’s script to be so outrageous.

Zhao Zizhen is very cooperative.

“Old Zhao, can you see who is the weakest?”

Zhao Zizhen cast his eyes on a heroic female general.

The opponent uses double swords, and looks not very skilled!

“Very good, after a while,

The power of the dice hit her! ”

Since Zhao Zi really thinks she is the weakest,

That must be the strongest!

Su Bai is full of confidence in Lao Zhao!

Can always rule out the correct answer,

It is also a way of solving problems!

Old Zhao’s dice were thrown out,

Shake a decision 3, reduce the damage by 90%, and be happy!

“The contest, officially begins!”

Su Bai immediately rushed out.

Shadow Assault!


Strong hand cracked skull!

Facing these delicate flowers,

Su Bai didn’t keep any hands!

Hit hard!


(This is the third point, I blow it up!

Ask for a flower monthly evaluation ticket! The state is hot, rushing! ).

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