Chapter 352

“What do you think about me?”

The question of the female emperor silenced Su Bai.

“Little lotus just shows its sharp horns.”

Su Bai answered seriously.

Wu Mingkong’s eyes widened.

“What do you mean?”

Another nine-leaked fish.

Su Bai waved,

“It’s nothing, continue to talk about your joining our team.

How old are you? ”

“A little lower than you.”

Su Bai was shocked,

“I’m only level 699, are you lower than me?”

Wu Mingkong: …

Only level 699? So weak!

It’s ok,

Wu Mingkong can play and develop!

Is to smash with authority,

Can raise her husband to level 900!

Think about it, I’m still a little excited!

“You don’t even have level 699?”

Faced with Su Bai’s question, Wu Mingkong quickly explained,

“No, I’m a billion points better than you.”

Su Bai’s next question,

Wu Mingkong was completely dumbfounded.

“Then how much do you plan to pay to join our team?”

Wu Mingkong:? ? ?

It’s fine for her dignified female emperor to stick to the group,

Su Bai asked her for money? !

“That’s it, we will definitely win.”

Su Bai explained patiently,

“You think,

The rewards of the female emperor along the way, the gains of beheading the enemy,

I can’t give it to you for nothing, right? ”

Wu Mingkong nodded,

Worthy of being the man I picked,

Confident enough, she likes it!

Wu Mingkong was not stupid either, and proposed,

“Then I don’t want any of these things.”

“You can not, I can’t help but give.”

Su Bai is determined to charge the registration fee!

He just lost 1 million copper coins, distressed!

Wu Mingkong asked timidly,

“Then…how much do you want?”

She didn’t take much when she came out this time.

There are only 80 million domain stones on his body.

In case Su Bai wants more,

She had to go back to get it, that would be troublesome.

“One million copper coins, do you have one?”

Su Bai feels that this request is not excessive at all!

His money was lost in his daughter’s domain.

Originally, the daughter of the domain owner came to catch the thief,

If I can’t catch it, who can I look for if you don’t?

Let the domain owner of the daughter’s domain come to pay for it, it is justified.

As for the dark field account, another count!

“Ok… alright.”

Wu Mingkong did not expect such an answer.

She didn’t carry so many copper coins,

The two agreed to pay back the money in the future.

Su Bai is not a stingy person,

There is no additional interest.

There is no need to swear by your real name,

Smaller, the pattern is smaller.

“Let’s go, the test is about to begin.”

The group followed the instructions and came to the first level: the arena.

Originally the female emperor recruited relatives,

The process is cumbersome and requires more than 800 levels!

Su Bai and Wu Mingkong complained a few words,

It has been changed to three levels, and the efficiency is very high.

Anyway, in the heart of the empress,

The candidates are almost determined by default,

So many levels, didn’t it delay her wedding!

This is the advantage of Jane in the emperor’s heart.

“The rules for this level are very simple.”

Wu Mingkong introduced,

“A thousand teams participated in chaos,

The last group left wins. ”

The rules of the arena here are very special.

Resurrected off the court after being killed.


The death penalty is also terrible:

Power to break one,

Become the trophy of the killer!

“Luo Cheng and they started.”

Luo Cheng, a group of monks and apprentices,

From before,

Su Bai is strange!

Could the little monk named Xuanzang be a woman?

From beginning to end,

In the eyes of the daughter’s domain people are regarded as women by default!

The little monk has a secret,

Su Bai is not surprised.

Under the leadership of Gou Sanjia,

The atmosphere of the entire human race has deteriorated.

Especially the Invincible Master,

It can be said that each body possesses unique skills.(Read more @

Can break 800, I won’t break, alas, just play.

After the three appeared on the stage,

The great monk immediately shrank in the corner with his apprentice.

King Kong is not broken, no one loves it.

As we all know,

The monk is not good at fighting.

Luo Cheng held a silver gun,

As if into the land of no one!

One after another picks the god-level powerhouses,

Demigod can’t hold him a shot!

Luo Cheng laughed wildly.

“Happy! Happy!”

Su Bai was aside, silently rolling his eyes.

Look at holding the child!

Ever since the eclipse broke out,

Ye Su also used his body to control the taboo sea,

One person becomes the twelve evil gods!

In terms of strength,

Who is the Xeon’s shame? Needless to say.

Luo Cheng of 950,

I was abruptly suppressed by a group of people whose Level was not as good as me!

Still suppressed, there is no room for turning over!

at the moment,

Finally got a chance to abuse food,

But Luo Cheng was so excited!

Su Bai looked at the scene carelessly,

Yu Guang noticed,

The expression in the dark field seems a bit strange.

“what’s happenin?”

The dark field is a little flustered,

“Su Bai, let me tell you something, don’t be afraid.”

“Gan, I’m already scared!”

There is dark space,

The conversation between the two will not be heard by others.

The Dark Domain whispered,

“I seem to remember,

Where did the last daughter domain master go? ”

“Where have you been, you can’t go to Earth, right?”

Just finished speaking,

Su Bai looked at Dark Domain’s face, and he froze.

Fuck! Am I Zhao Zizhen? !

A domain master-level powerhouse,

Lurking in Earth?

“You want to tell me,

Our house is going to be stolen? ”

Su Bai suddenly felt,

This plan is so exciting!


Shen Huayun sent away batch after batch of seeds,

The secret realm of authority is not so much a secret realm to become stronger.

rather say,

More like a cage of exile!

You can’t get out if you don’t become a god!


The mystery of authority is plagued by the turbulence of time,

The time flow rate inside and outside is different.

“Second father, I’m leaving now!”

Pi broke his leg and waved goodbye.

“Little bastard!”

Shen Huayun felt that he should break his leg!

The fire bug also shouted,

“Second dad, remember to talk to my dad,

I took away all the wine at home!

Ah no, I said it was stolen by the uncle! ”

Shen Huayun: …..

Good guy,

Are you really brothers? !

Why are you so skilled in planting the dark domain?

Shen Huayun felt,

I also have to learn this skill!

Got it all done,

Shen Huayun’s heart is empty…

The feeling of parting as a gift to the battlefield,

very bad!

Shen Huayun’s burden is too heavy,

No time for him to be sad!

The top combat power that Human Race can use today,

He is the only one!

“That kid, Master Brigade, has disappeared!”

Thought of here,

Shen Huayun didn’t make a fight.

What did the Dark Domain send the Brigade Master again?

The guy in the dark,

Can’t you tell yourself more about the plan?

Shen Huayun patrolling the Great Wall in the crypt,

Brows twitched.

Earth, nothing will happen, right?

The body of Yan Eclipse is still there, it should be fine!

Earth, the sun.

The sun is still rising today.

A figure suddenly appeared near the sun,

Jade fingers with crystal bones, red lips lightly picked,

A voice with infinite magic sounded,

“Since you dare to take the main body to the Upside Down Mountain,

Yan Eclipse, don’t you worry about Earth? ”

A burly figure came out in the sun,

“How many times have I told you,

The big husband can’t change his name or sit down and change his surname,

Laozi is called Split Air! ”

Ignore the shameless words of the other party,

Contacted over the years,

She had long understood the shameless character of Go Sanjia.

“Earth, you can’t fortify the Ai family now!”

With her arms stretched out, her phoenix crown and neon clothes draped over her body, she rose from the ground with an aura that was comparable to the eclipse!

The breath of a god-level powerhouse is revealed!

It is the former second domain master, domain master-level powerhouse, and sister of the eighth domain master!

“Laejia? How many years has the emperor died!”

Yan eclipse spit on the dross of feudal society,

“Try to move it.”

Earth, right in front of you!

The second domain master did not try to do it.

Because she knows,

Try it and die!

Ninety years ago,

She was ordered by the Lord of the Ninth Domain,

Leaving the upside down 1.7 mountain, lurking in Earth.

On the first day of her arrival,

Ten years of darkness is over!

The Terran began to cultivate and nourish,

Hide the teeth and claws!

In other words,

Her every move was under the gaze of the dark domain.

“rest assured.”

The second domain owner tore off a piece of moonlight, sent it into the mouth, and chewed slowly.

“The day when the body of the dark field dies, is the time when the concubine body does it!”

“According to [Fate]’s prophecy,

That day is not far away! ”

After speaking, she turned away and returned to the moon.

The projection of the eclipse returns to the sun and continues to sleep,

His power is now rootless water,

Use a little less!

Yan Zhao also has a question in his heart,

“Darkland, is it really going to die?”

With that guy’s character,

If you replace the entire Hanging Mountain by yourself.

He… won’t change either!

Salvation in the dark is dictated by interest.

This scourge must be longer than one’s own life!

Yan Eclipse Projection fell asleep once again,

Waiting for the final battle!


(Second delivery, meal, code, red!).

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