Chapter 351

Hanging upside down,

The eighth domain: the other shore domain.

Level 991 Aurora Master,

993-level self-domain master,

The 998-level domain master of the other side.

The three teamed up,

Even the Demon Emperor God would not dare to confront each other head-on!

The main body of the other side is a flower,

Named Manzhushahua.

After transforming into a human form,

It is a red shadow, embracing the Pipa.

She said,

“Two, I’m sorry for you,

Let the two thieves run wild for a period of time! ”

“It’s okay.”

The Aurora domain master is a cloud of white light, and it is not clear what it looks like.

Once you get too close to the Aurora Master,

Even a god-level powerhouse will be blind!

“It’s just that I don’t understand one thing,

What the hell is the rift and the eclipse?

It’s completely different from what the information shows,

The two seem to be the other way around! ”


Enemies of the Aurora,

It should be the crack of the sky!

Master Aurora has not suffered any harm,

Can also be immune to most damages.

The SSS-level talent [Tear Wound] is directly abolished!

The combat power of Rift Air has dropped a lot!

who knows,

With the real name of [Split Kong],

But it is as cruel as a scorching eclipse,

The starting point is the fire forbidden curse!

I was stunned by the Lord of Aurora!

What is this? !

Self domain,

The same is true.

The ego domain master is a mirror,

He can become stronger according to the strength of the enemy!

It couldn’t be more suitable to deal with the eclipse of inflammation.

who knows,

With the real name of [Yan Eclipse],

It turned out to be a terrifying injury like tearing a wound?

This is a hammer!

The two did not fight each other and went straight to the eighth domain!

“Two, don’t worry.”

The lord of the other shore said seriously,

“Winning first is not winning,

Who laughed and said that in the end is the real winner!

If Human Race wants to rely on this little trick,

To defeat the Nine Regions of the Downfall Mountain, it would be too small to look down upon us! ”

She introduced carefully,

“Regarding the weakness of eroding and rifting,

We have studied thoroughly,

As long as the plan is successful, there is a certainty of victory! ”

The ego domain master snorted coldly,

“What to do now,

It’s a matter of determining who is who! ”

The identities of Yan Lu and Rikong are all confused.

This is what they are most concerned about.

“You can never go wrong with your real name, you have to have confidence in your master!”

The master of the other shore said confidently.

Master Aurora proposed an idea,

“Could it be that Dark Domain changed their real names?”

No one knows the specific effect of stealing the day!

It is possible! !

not to mention,

The Dark Domain has always been a legend that turns decay into magic.


Even in the heart of the nine major domain masters,

Dark Domain is also a legend!

If the two sides are not in a hostile camp,

as the last resort,

They really don’t want to be an enemy of the dark realm!

Their fear of the dark realm,

Far better than the sum of Yan Eclipse and Rift!

“This point is also considered by the ninth domain master.”

The lord of the other side slowly said,

“First of all, the strength reaches the level of flame erosion and rift.

In fact, it is not weaker than our domain owner.

Want to change the real name of this level of life,

Even if it is secretly exchanged, it is extremely difficult! ”

Aurora, the ego domain master frowned,

They don’t quite agree with what the other party said.

The upside-down mountain has been closed before,

It does not mean that they have no external channels to understand information!

Cthulhu is their lackey,

There are other ways to understand the deeds of the dark domain and others.

[Change real name] This matter,

Looks difficult,

But in the hands of the dark domain,

It is really possible!

He is a man who constantly creates miracles!

“Secondly, we have similar concerns.

All done triple insurance! ”

In order to stabilize the military spirit, the master of the other side,

Reveal part of the plan,

“First preparation,

We confirmed that the real name field is still in effect and there will be no errors! ”

For the domain of the master,

The three are still confident.

If the dark domain can affect the master domain,

They don’t need to fight anymore, just surrender!

“Second preparation,

We awaken the authority of the master,

Had a divination!

Fortune telling the dark realm has used the effect of stealing the sky in the past 100 times! ”

Hear this,

The other two domain masters felt tight.

They actually awaken the authority of the master? !

Just to deal with the dark domain! !

It can be seen that the pressure on everyone in the dark domain is as great!(Read more @

On the surface,

The other side domain master is doing psychological counseling for the other two.


She is also increasing her self-confidence in disguise!

This is the power of the name of the dark domain!

It’s like you are going for surgery,

The doctor keeps repeating, ‘this is a minor operation, don’t be afraid. ’

You thought it was comforting you,

In fact, he is cheering on himself.

The master of the nine domain masters,

Once mastered the prophecy system,

The 999-level horror exists, the absolute powerhouse.

His authority will certainly not go wrong!

“The results of it?”

The two domain masters are very concerned about the results of divination.

The Domain Master from the other side said helplessly,

“Darkland uses the sky to change the day,

Stole 100 times from Tyrant,

One copper coin was stolen every time. ”

Two domain masters:…

This is probably called:

I predicted your prediction!

The dark field proved by practical actions,

Everything is in his calculations!

Haven’t officially played against each other yet,

The two domain masters felt a deep sense of powerlessness!

The domain master from the other side quickly added,

“We used authority again,

Retrieved the record of the most recent 10,000 use of [Stealing the Sky and Changing the Day] in Darkfield! ”

Ten thousand times!

There should be no problem, right?

All domain owners know,

There is a price to steal the day and change the day!

The dark domain must always be washed by the long river of time,

The body will even grow backwards,

From the peak period to a little bit smaller.

Don’t play with time casually!

“The results will come out soon.”

A butterfly flew from the ninth domain,

Falling at the fingertips of the master of the other shore.

After reading the information contained in it,

The lord of the other side was silent.

“Darkland has stolen the sky and changed the day 10,000 times recently,

What did you do? ”

The two domain owners are very curious.

Darkfield is obviously hiding some important information!

The lord of the other shore said with a sense of frustration,

“He stole Tyrant 10,000 copper coins.”

The three fell silent at the same time,

He refused to speak for a long time.

The Dark Realm does not hesitate to launch tens of thousands of times of stealing the sky,

What is the information that must be concealed?

No matter what,

It must be important!

The Domain Master from the other side took a deep breath,

Said in a notice,

“The Ninth Lord decided,

Use the authority of the Lord,

Divining the dark realm in the past 100 years using the role of the sky to change the sun! ”

“There is only one situation that we cannot foretell,

That is, the change of the sky is effective for the 999-level powerhouse, such as the master, the demon emperor god. ”

Everyone smiled relievedly,

It certainly won’t, the dark field hasn’t even reached level 990!

It is too immature to want to directly calculate the existence of level 999.

He can let the eclipse attack the opponent,

It is also due to the disadvantage that the Demon Emperor God must sleep for a long time!

The decision of the ninth domain master,

No domain owner questioned!

Even collectively raised their hands in agreement!

The price of doing this is very heavy,

The authority of the Lord will fall into a long sleep!


Everything is worth it!

When your opponent is the dark domain,

You can’t be too cautious!

· · Ask for flowers · ·······

“The authority of the Lord,

Can fortune everything in the world! ”

The three domain owners are full of confidence.

Once there are all records of the use of [Stealing the Sky and Changing the Day] in the dark domain.

They are inherently invincible!

The real name problem of Yan Erosion and Rift Sky will also be solved.

“Of course, we also made the third preparation!”

The master of the other side introduced,

“Sixth Domain Master-Mantra Domain Master,

The strongest domain owner in the prophecy system,

He will take action,

Divination of the real names of Yan Eclipse and Rift in the past 100 years!

If there is anything unusual about the two eternal real names,

He will find out! ”

If Su Bai sees this plan,

He will sigh with emotion,

Isn’t this the way they do things in Darkfield?

Gou, everyone can go!

Gou Sanjia’s style of doing things,

I was stolen by the nine domain masters!

With this triple guarantee,

The nine domain masters will be relieved to take action against the three strongest humans!

The Aurora Master suddenly asked,

“Second Domain Master, that little girl?”

“She was excluded from the plan and knew nothing.”

“That’s good.”

Since the two domain masters have no doubts,

Set out to prepare for the trap against the strongest!

When the divination result comes out,

The ninth domain master gave an order,

……. 0 …

Kill the game,

It will come instantly!

The three strongest celebrities,

The result of waiting for them will only fall!

Before that,

Let them go!

Sent away the two domain masters,

The lord of the other shore flicks the pipa, sings and talks to himself,

“Darkland, why on earth are you coming back?”

“My sister clearly told you that prediction.

Are you really afraid of death? ”

“Or, did you find a way to crack your destiny?”

The breeze blew across the eighth domain [the other shore domain]

Tactful singing echoed, no one answered.

The second domain, daughter domain.

Recruitment registration office,

Su Bai frowned and looked towards the dark field.

“I feel I am missing 1 million copper coins,

Did you steal it? ”

Dark Domain rolled his eyes,

I don’t want to bother about this bad guy who framed him!

Luo Cheng also came out to preside over justice,

“Su Bai, framing the dark domain also depends on the occasion!”

“Wait after the upside-down mountain is framed.”

Dark field: …..

Can you frame me by co-authoring?

Luo Cheng asked curiously.

“Su Bai, why do you bring so many copper coins?”

1 million is not a small number!

Most people will change them into gold coins and bring them with them.

Su Bai answered seriously,

“I changed 100 million copper coins,

In case the dark domain wants to steal, you can steal 100 million times! ”

Su Bai’s logic is very simple,

Dark Domain stole 100 million gold coins and 100 million copper coins,

Obviously the latter is better!

Dark Domain took a breath,

It’s an opponent!

Luo Cheng rolled his eyes.

No wonder Tyrant is called the little dark domain.

Both of them have a bad stomach!

The account of 1 million copper coins,

Su Bai wrote it down.

He has another thing to worry about now,

“Why do you need a three-person group for registration conditions?”

“One more woman is needed!”

Su Bai looked towards the dark field,

Do you need darkfield women’s clothing this time?

Just when Su Bai wondered,

Wu Mingkong trotting over, dressed up in a capable suit,

“What a coincidence!”

“Yes, what a coincidence!”

The two chatted awkwardly.

After a few chattering words, Wu Mingkong finally got the point.

“Are you short of people?”

Su Bai: …. Empress, please respect yourself!

“What do you think about me?!”

Looking at the empress who was delivered to the door,

Su Bai felt that something might really go wrong!


(The mosquitoes are so troubled that they can’t sleep, and they get up and make another picture.

The first one is sent, good night. )a few.

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