Chapter 350

“Su Bai, what is the university you are talking about?”

Wu Mingkong is really curious.

“A good place to teach and educate people.”

Educating people, Wu Mingkong understands.

It is pregnancy and childbirth.

Why teach before pregnancy?

Su Bai has too many things Wu Mingkong doesn’t understand.

She is handsome, speaks nicely,

The key is,

There is a kind of attraction to Wu Mingkong in Su Bai!

Let Wu Mingkong admire him very much.

No, it should not be said to be appreciation,

More like… worship?

The two were just chatting.

Dark Domain is really picking power with Zhao Zi,

“Authority NO.369 [Dice],

There are 1000+ powers [unlucky ghost]. ”

Dark Domain spent 35 million Domain Stones and bought 2 powers,

Is waiting for the other party to deliver to the door.

[Dice]: Make a judgment, each with a one-third probability of 3, 6, and 9, and the judgment effect lasts for 20 seconds.

Judgment 3: 90% reduction in damage caused

Judgment 6: The damage caused remains unchanged

Judgment 9: 90% increase in damage caused

Note: You can judge the enemy/self

Cost: After using authority, a judgment must be made every 15 seconds until completely out of combat.

in a sense,

The authority of the dice can be ranked three or six,

It is totally overestimated!

Normal people use [Dice] authority,

The expected value is 0. As long as you use it enough times, the gains and losses will cancel each other out!

In many people’s minds,

The dice authority ranking should be out of 1000.


If the power of the dice falls into the hands of some [unnormal people].

Will exert an amazing combat power 703!

For example: Zhao Zizhen.

Another authority [unlucky ghost],

Effect: When the unlucky accumulates to a certain extent, get a [Good Luck] effect

Cost: The accommodator will be very unlucky

On the upside-down mountain,

The effect of this kind of authority will be magnified!

“Old Zhao, you can accommodate both of these powers.”

The dark field is not nonsense,

Su Bai even came to help.

There is a hidden space dedicated to holding authority,

after all,

No one wants to let others know,

What authority does he contain?

The information of authority is extremely important!


Su Bai’s Tyrant scepter emerged,

Help Zhao Zizhen to accommodate two powers.

Obviously, Zhao Zizhen alone cannot do it!

Su Bai is not at a loss,

It has the effect of [rescuing the driver],

He can call Zhao Zizhen’s authority.

[Dice] Su Bai doesn’t use this authority,

Can be used by crows!

If the enemy cuts 90% damage, Su Bai earns blood!

If you shake a 9 to the enemy,

Su Bai quickly shot the enemy.

There will be no problem!

The moment Tyrant’s scepter appeared,

Wu Mingkong waiting outside exclaimed,

Her authority NO.46. [Female Emperor] moved!

do not know why,

Seems to be touched by some authority,

There is an urge to surrender!

“This is the authority of the top thirty? No! At least the top fifteen!”

Wu Mingkong felt a lot of pressure,

Just controlling authority,

It’s already very difficult to keep it from getting out of control!

“Who is it, and what authority is it!”

The first thing Wu Mingkong thought of was Su Bai!

Is it true that I adore him,

Is it also the attraction from authority?

Fortunately, the unnamed authority quickly disappeared,

Wu Mingkong’s authority calmed down.

Su Bai came out of the small black room,

Seeing sweat beads on Wu Mingkong’s forehead,

“Why, did you go to the sauna?”

Wu Mingkong asked, “What is a sauna?”

“It’s a good place for good brothers to be true to each other.”

The authority is bought out,(Read more @

There are 2 million domain stones left in the money.

The dark field did not get it back,

But asked the store,

“Do you immediately have a gambling power stone?”

“Yes, a quota of 1 million, do you want to book it?”

“This is 2 million. I ordered 2 stones in advance.”

Looking at the familiar technique of Dark Domain.

Su Bai suddenly realized,

This guy doesn’t often go in and out of the Upside Down Mountain, right?

Everyone regards this place as a tiger’s lair,

The dark field is the same as going home!

Since the dark field has no other instructions for the time being,

Su Bai simply wandered in her daughter’s domain,

The beauty here is like a cloud, and she looks really seductive.

He and Wu Mingkong walked in front,

Dark Domain and Zhao Zizhen walked behind.

Dark Domain is teaching Zhao Zizhen how to use authority,

“Take the dice to judge the enemy, remember, you must judge the enemy!”

Darkfield believes,

Zhao Zizhen will be [Judgment 3] every time!

As the strong prophecy of the future of the human race,

Zhao Zizhen has unlimited potential!

The content of Su Bai and Wu Mingkong’s chat is also very simple.

“This female emperor may not be able to recruit relatives!”

Su Bai sighed.


Wu Mingkong’s eyes widened,

She finally liked someone.

Why are you not going? !

“Not my prodigal son!”

Su Bai’s teeth are itchy,

“I don’t want me to find him a stepmother,

I ran out of money, no money to sign up! ”

Wu Mingkong was taken aback.

She was going to say that I had no money to give you!

But after another thought,

No, giving a man money will hurt his self-esteem!

She decided to change the method.

Su Bai also listed a few things he was not satisfied with,

“This is for a queen, is it appropriate for me to be a queen?”

“Also, my son-in-law’s script!

I’m not the Dragon King with Crooked Mouth, how can I be a son-in-law? ”

“This process is too cumbersome…”

Every word Su Bai said,

Wu Mingkong kept it in his heart.

“Well, happy hour will always end!”

Su Bai bid farewell to Wu Mingkong,

“Let’s see bye bye!”

“Okay, I… good also has something to do, goodbye bye.”

The two said goodbye.

Su Bai rushed to the registration office,

It happened to meet the three of Luo Cheng.

“Boy, you were deceived!”

Luo Cheng is very proud,

“You only need 20 domain stones to sign up! The grandson of Dark Domain lied to you!”

Su Bai suddenly felt that he was downgraded…

Regardless of these details,

Su Bai asked quickly,

“Have you signed up?”

“Not yet, what’s the matter?”

Su Bai said seriously,

“I bet you that the registration fee will be cancelled soon.

Bet on your 20 domain stones! ”

“no problem!”

Luo Cheng is very confident.

Su Bai is not the master of the prophecy department.

How can it be so accurate?


News came from the registration office.

“The registration fee is free! The payment is non-refundable!”

Su Bai successfully won 20 domain stones from Luo Cheng.

Dark Domain sighed with emotion on the side,

“Boy, you already knew her true identity?”

Su Bai blinked, revealing a hint of sly.


“What are you talking about, why don’t I understand.”

“Isn’t she Mingkong?”

Su Bai hides merit and fame deeply.

In fact,

The moment Tyrant’s scepter appeared,

Su Bai felt the change in the power of the empress!

If you don’t know who the other party is,

Su Bai will not live that much either!


Su Bai feels a little regretful.

“This female emperor is pretty average!”

“Not half as handsome as I am!”

Daughter domain, inside the palace.

The empress who returned to the palace,

Several regulations have been promulgated one after another:

1. The registration fee for this recruitment is free!

2. The winners of each round of recruiting will receive special rewards.

3. Reduce the scale and process of the recruitment conference, keep everything simple, and decide on candidates as soon as possible!

4. Modify the goal of recruiting relatives this time, not to recruit the queen, but…to recruit the emperor!

She wants to share the sovereign power with her husband, the sun and the moon are in the sky, and the two saints are in the dynasty!

The civil and military officials kneeling outside the palace wall,

After hearing these news,

Feeling happiness comes too suddenly!

Did the empress even agree to recruit a kiss?

For other requirements of the Empress,

The civil and military officials said one after another: satisfy her!

You are the emperor, you have the final say!

One more male emperor?

What are you afraid of?

Boys and mothers are not afraid of them!

The male mother still has to be afraid…

The civil and military officials with strong executive power,

Complete all requirements quickly!

at the same time,

Wu Mingkong returned to his bedroom,

Still thinking about the day when I had a showdown with Su Bai,

How surprised he should be!

The empress is happy,

An order from the ninth domain was communicated,

“Killing? Does this kind of thing need me to do it myself?”

The empress looked at the order and snorted coldly.

“This person is really arrogant, his real name is Tyrant?”

at this moment,

A domineering spirit slowly rose from the female emperor,

She is incomparably in power with her [Female Emperor]!

“I want him to see and see,

In front of me, no one dared to call themselves Tyrant! ”

“I, it’s Tyrant!”

On her jade-white wrist, her real name slowly emerged:

Wu Zhao!


(It’s finished before 12 o’clock, I’m super brave!

Ask for a flower monthly evaluation ticket! Good night, brothers! ).

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