Chapter 349

In the casino,

Su Bai is leaning on Zhao Zizhen without any disadvantages!

37 million domain stones are in hand,

Su Bai stopped directly.

He has never been a greedy person.

Zhao Zizhen, a strong prophecy, a causal weapon,

Save a bit!

“In other words, what is the use of this domain stone?”

The storage bag in Su Bai’s hand,

Stored in 37 million hot domain stones.

“You don’t even know this?”

The girl with a pretty good voice ran after her.

“Yu Shi can buy power!”

Su Bai looked back at each other.

In the casino before,

Su Bai didn’t have the time to deal with each other,

Focus on the economy with one mind.

Now take a closer look,

The other person’s appearance is not exceptional,

Especially in the case of 8 and 9-point beauties like daughter domain everywhere.

But the foundation is very good,

It belongs to the kind that looks more attractive.

If there is no crisis of extinction,

Su Bai can take a moment to relax,

Talking with this kind of little sister does not involve the soul,

It only involves Yu Shi’s pure love.

“Can you buy authority?”

Su Bai was taken aback.

Looking at the dark space that looks like a child.

“Are you sure this is the registration fee for the female emperor?”

“The registration fee is only 20!”

Mingkong interjected again, interspersed with needles,

It seems that she wants to lead Su Bai to the enrollment office of the empress.

Su Bai glared at her.

Why is this kid so rude!

Dark Domain said in a childish voice,

“Since I made so much,

Let’s go buy some authority! ”

Su Bai rolled his eyes.

This guy, from the beginning, wanted to pool money to buy power!


Can power be bought and sold?

This kind of strange thing,

Su Bai has heard of it for the first time!

The three of them followed the guidance of the dark domain,

Ready to buy power.

“You can’t go there,

The power sold is 1000+, and there is no discount! ”

Mingkong hurriedly said,

“I know a place that sells power, good quality and low price!”

The Su Bai trio looked at her suspiciously.

“Anyway, you are all right, go and see with me.”


Su Bai seems to be asking himself,

The little dark domain that Zhao Zizhen was holding nodded.

The three talents followed Mingkong.

With Mingkong, the local guide,

Things went well a lot.

On the way,

Mingkong asked curiously,

“This kid is so cute, your relative. “?”

Su Bai smiled.

“No, my son.”

Zhao Zizhen froze on the spot.

Dare to call the dark realm his own son,

Zhao Zi is really willing to call Su Bai the strongest!

A child’s smile appeared on Dark Domain’s face, his arms opened,

“Dad, hug!”

The conversation between the two made Zhao Zizhen a cold sweat!

Even Mingkong was dumbfounded,

Su Bai looks young, his son is so old? !

“Good son, dad hold him.”

Su Bai hugged Dark Domain.

Darkfield’s head stuck on Su Bai’s shoulder,

Said extremely quietly,

“Su Bai, you are dead!”

Su Bai is not to be outdone,

“You are reluctant to kill me.”(Read more @

Father, kindness, son, filial piety!

Mingkong has not yet emerged from the shadow of “Su Bai has a son”.

She didn’t give up and asked,

“The child is so cute, what’s the last name?”

“The last name is Ye.”

The Dark Field Society has rushed to answer!

Mingkong was overjoyed in his heart,

The father’s surname is Su, and the child’s surname is Ye. Is this an adopted son?

Su Bai took the conversation naturally,

“The child has his mother’s last name, but I must be my son!

We have done DNA testing. ”

Mingkong doesn’t know what Di Enai is.

She only knew that her male god had a son!

Still a six-year-old cub!

Su Bai continues to tease the dark domain,

“I’m coming to Daughter’s Domain this time,

Just find a stepmother for this kid! ”

Wu Mingkong took a few deep breaths, his body undulating and his shoulders shaking.

I force myself not to run away,

Gritted his teeth and asked,

“Then you find Xiaoye and your stepmother, what standard do you want?”

Su Bai was asked.

He really didn’t think about the answer to this question!

Su Bai said casually,

“First of all, she wants to give her the child’s last name.”


A piece of jade ruyi in Wu Mingkong’s hand was directly turned into powder,

She can no longer control her emotions!

I saw it in the dark, and talked on,

The empress in front of you is going to run away!

Su Bai, this is no longer a problem with straight men.

In this matter,

He is even more eroded than erosive!

Something must be done in the dark field,

He turned around and opened his arms again.

Shouted at Wu Mingkong,

“Mom, hug!”

Zhao Zizhen: …

I shouldn’t be here!

The strongest of the dark domain will definitely kill me!

In just a few minutes, Lao Zhao has endured too much that should not be endured!

“The child’s mouth is so sweet.”

Wu Mingkong swept away from the depression in his chest.

What does she care about with a child?


Su Bai is not a queen yet!

She stretched out her hand to hug.

Su Bai threw the dark domain to the ground,

“Little bastard, I can’t walk!”

Su Bai also kicked the dark field with the back of his feet.

“Be quicker, I will call mother when I see any beautiful sisters, is it easy for me to be your father, me!”

Su Bai has already looked away.

It’s all dead anyway.

When Dad is dead once in the dark domain, it is also dead when twice.

Let’s talk about it if it’s cool!

As for the dark space want Mingkong hug?

Su Bai still wants facial cleanser!

Think of peaches!

Looking at Su Bai’s attitude towards the dark domain,

Mingkong thought from the bottom of his heart,

“This child is definitely not his own!”

A group of four people came to a place called 【Royal Authority Sales Office】,

It was originally blocked from entering.

Mingkong took out a token and drew a glance.

The other party’s attitude immediately changed 180 degrees,

The four people were greeted in the highest courtesy!

“… come in,

The authority of the whole domain can be bought from us! ”

A beautiful price list,

It was sent to Su Bai and others.

The rules of buying and selling authority are also introduced,

“Rank 1000+ authority, 5 million domain stones,

Ranked 500-1000 authority, 10 million domain stones.

Ranked 200-500 authority, 30 million domain stones! ”

Su Bai asked casually,

“What about the top 200?”

“Sorry, not for sale.”

Su Bai checked the price list,

Throw it to the dark realm at will,

Calmly said,

“Xiaoye, buy whatever you like,

Our family is rich! ”

Anyway, Su Bai didn’t know what to buy.

Let the dark field be busy.

Su Bai and the seductive lady talked in free time.

“Actually, I know your true identity.”

Su Bai said casually,

Surprised Wu Mingkong!

Can I be seen through so easily?

Is it because my imperial spirit is too strong?

Wu Mingkong is about to say,

‘I’m not pretending, I’m going to showdown, I’m the Empress. ’

Su Bai’s next sentence,

Interrupted her singing.

“You came out of the palace,

Help the empress choose good seedlings to participate in the recruitment, right? ”

Su Bai confidently analyzed,

“Look at the way you haven’t seen the world,

I knew it must be in the palace.

Alas, feudal society is really harmful,

A palace lady like you has been trapped in the palace wall for a lifetime! ”

Wu Mingkong: Abba Abba

She didn’t know how to return to Su Bai for a while.

Su Bai finished the analysis and asked closer.

“I’m curious about one thing, is it convenient for you to answer me?”

“you said.”

“Your empress…”

Su Bai thought about it.

I think it’s better to be more straightforward and less routine.

“How does it look, is it pretty?”

“Are there any bad hobbies, like killing people in ordinary times.”

“What’s your personality? Have you ever studied? Do you have a college diploma.”


Facing Su Bai’s overwhelming problems,

Wu Mingkong began to doubt the emperor.

College diploma,

What it is?


(Fifth, rushing!).

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