Chapter 348

Hanging upside down,

The second domain: daughter domain.

Su Bai faces the soul torture of the dark realm.

“Su Bai, do you want your wife?”

Su Bai said NO directly!

“The crypt is not flat, how can you make a family!”

Su Bai is awe-inspiring, quite contemporary Zhao Zilong.

The dark wind replied,

“Then go out this time and level the cave.”


I really want to kill this guy who puts the cup to death! !

But Dark Domain has this strength and confidence,

More irritating!

Su Bai tried to resist again,

“I’m only 18 and under the legal age for marriage.”

“It can be changed.”

Darkfield casually wrote a few words in his notebook,

“The federal legal age for marriage is now 18.”

Su Bai:…

At last,

Su Bai can only speak his own psychological words.

“The female emperor of the second domain, a level 992 powerhouse, right?

I don’t know how many years old women are in a deep sleep, I’m really not interested! ”

Darkfield said seriously,

“The female emperor only ascended the throne last year. This year, she just reached her eighteenth birthday and held her marriage invitation.

The eighteen-year-old 992-level powerhouse? !

Su Bai was shocked and didn’t forget to ask.

“How is her character, her zodiac sign, height and weight, tofu brain is sweet and salty…”

Everyone: …..

Look at the kid holding back.

Must have been brewing in the stomach for a long time, right?

Darkfield winked and said,

“I don’t know this, I know that the empress is so long…”

“Hey what?”

“Just look hey…”


No words can be found in the dark field.

His informant only said,

The female emperor is unparalleled in beauty,

Daughter domain deserves to be the first beauty!

It is said that

Even if her beauty is drawn on paper,

The paper will feel ashamed, and the ink will fade automatically!

In short,

The spread is very evil!

“Then what are we waiting for?”

Su Bai listened to the description of the dark field,

“I don’t go to hell, whoever goes to hell!”

The great monk heard this,

It’s like a big drink!

This kind of heroic ambition, this kind of Zen opportunity!

Tyrant is the reincarnation of the Living Buddha!

The great monk has already started to think,

What should Tyrant’s law number be?

Darkfield introduced,

“The rules for recruiting relatives are simple.

The first level, don’t be poor.

Must have 37 million domain stones,

To enter the next level! ”

There is still a small amount of registration fee,

It can be seen,

The Empress is not a patient with obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Su Bai asked curiously.

“How many domain stones do we have now?”


“Taking 40 to earn 37 million yuan, are you kidding me?”

Su Bai was furious,

Why is this empress so snobbish?

Don’t bully the young man!

Hedong for thirty years, Hexi for thirty years!

“It’s not 40 to earn 37 million, but 20.”

The dark space is assigned to,

“We are divided into two groups with three people in each group.

Me, Su Bai, Zhao Zizhen’s group.

You have a group of three, each with 20 domain stones. ”

Luo Cheng took over 20 domain stones,

Curiously asked,

“How long do we have?”

Dark Field glanced at the non-existent watch,

“There are two hours left.”

Su Bai has the heart to choke the dark realm to death!

“In 2 hours, 20 domain stones won 37 million?”

Su Bai rolled his eyes.

When he is eternally Chen Daozi!

Looking at Zhao Zizhen, who was equally stunned,

Su Bai suddenly had a bold idea.

“Lao Zhao, I might really rely on you this time!”

Su Bai turned to look at the dark field,

“Daughter domain, there should be a gambling house, right?”


“Lead the way! I want them to know what is a gambling saint!”

Daughter domain,

The palace belongs exclusively to the female emperor,

A group of female civil servants and generals are kneeling in front of the Jinluan Temple,

Heartbroken and screamed,

“Your Majesty, think twice!”(Read more @

Behind the bead curtain,

The female emperor raised her arm,

I only saw a small section of skin that was as delicate and moist as lanolin,

A sweet but majestic voice echoed in the hall,

“My niece is named Sansi,

What did you tell her to do? ”

Civilian and military commander: …..

“No matter what you wait to say,

I will not recruit relatives!

The queens you recruited, I saw one kill one! ”

Put down the bead curtain,

There was a little anger in the words,


The figure of the empress disappeared behind the bead curtain.

“Your Majesty! Your Majesty! The ancestral system cannot be violated!”

The ministers were dragged out by the palace guards,

They didn’t give up, they still knelt outside the palace gate.

Waiting for the empress to change her mind!

“I’m so angry!”

In the royal makeup room,

The female imperial squeeze off the limited edition imperial custom lipstick.

“These superficial guys!”

“What’s the age, and still engage in feudal solicitation of relatives!”

A report from the palace lady came from outside the house,

“Your Majesty, Master Zaifu kneeled outside the palace gate with Baiguan…”

“Kneel if you like!”

The female emperor snorted coldly,

“Change clothes for me!”

Changed into a capable outfit,

The female emperor drank left and right, and brought a hairpin.

Her skin has dimmed a bit,

Like from a gem that is unparalleled in the world,

Become the level of Ye Mingzhu.

She put on another bracelet,

The appearance is also a little more ordinary.

It seems that it is no different from an ordinary 8-point beauty.

Looking at the plain self in the vanity mirror,

The empress smiled satisfied.

“My husband, I want to pick it myself!”

She shook her figure,

What stays in place is already a puppet of elemental condensation.

The real empress,

Then sneaked out of the palace!

Daughter domain, the Royal Gambling House.

“Guest, please inside!”

Su Bai and his party walked into the casino,

20 domain stones are all their possessions.

“Old Zhao, it’s all up to you this time!”

The two came to a gambling table that guessed the size,

The gameplay is not complicated,

Su Bai didn’t even understand!

He only knows,

There are only two options for this gameplay: big or small.

Su Bai handed Lao Zhao a domain stone,

“It’s up to you to have a blind date with the Empress, Lao Zhao!”

Zhao Zi was really puzzled.

What kind of medicine is sold in Su Bai’s gourd? !

He casually pressed Yu Shi on the ‘big’ choice.


Zhao Zizhen saw that Su Bai left 19 yuan,

All on the “small”!

Zhao Zizhen: …..

Is your luck so bad? !

Zhao Zi is really dissatisfied!

“Open! Little!”

Facts speak louder than words!

Su Bai looked at the 38 domain stones in front of him,

Another piece was given to Zhao Zizhen.

Took over the domain stone,

Zhao Zizhen’s mouth twitched.

Su Bai’s plan is simple,

What did Zhao Zi really suppress,

He can do it the other way around!

Don’t say 37 million!

Even if it is 370 billion, Su Bai is not afraid!


The Hanging Mountain can also magnify the power of the prophecy system!

it’s here,

Zhao Zi really works better than the strongest!

Su Bai slaughtered the Quartet, Zhao Zi really lost all battles!

The two cooperated very tacitly!


A cold wind blows into the casino,

The curtain was lifted,

A woman with delicate eyes and bright eyes entered the gambling house.

“This is the gambling house!”

The woman looked at everything around her,

Everything is so novel, she seems to have never seen one before.


She noticed a huge crowd around a gaming table.

It seems that everyone’s attention,

All focused on a handsome guy.

The woman cast her gaze over,

“Yes, very handsome!”

The woman suddenly felt,

If the draft recruits relatives, all handsome guys of this level are recruited.

It seems… OK!

After all, the ancestral rules cannot be abolished!

The woman walked forward, an invisible force pushed other people away without making them feel any strange.

that’s all,

Woman 703 easily came to her target.

Drop a piece of domain stone casually,

It’s just the opposite of what the handsome guy is betting.

She lost, the handsome guy won.

“Good luck, handsome guy.”

The woman struck up a conversation,

“I…what a coincidence, my name is Mingkong, how about you?”

The opponent is focused on the gambling game,

Perfunctory return,

“Su Bai, single, no appointment.”

“Who said he wanted to date you?!”

Mingkong is not irritated,

Arrogance is not a good habit!

Su Bai’s rating in her mind dropped by 0.5.

999.5 points remain.

Su Bai replied with a serious face,

“I’m the man who wants to participate in the blind date of the Empress!”

Mingkong raised his brows,

Is there such a good thing? !

Happiness came too suddenly, she hadn’t figured out what the names of their children should be!

Su Bai’s next sentence shattered her fantasy,

“I’m going to see if this empress is so godly!”

“By the way, haven’t you asked your last name?”

Mingkong, obviously does not have the surname Ming.

The moment the woman spoke,

The hearing of everyone around was temporarily blocked, unable to hear what she said.

Only one child looked up,

Gave her a surprised look.

“My last name is Wu, Wu Mingkong.”

“Good name!”

Su Bai said with emotion,

“Have the potential of an eternal female emperor!

It’s a pity that you are not the empress. ”

This person will chat!

Wu Mingkong was about to say a few more words.

Just listen to what Su Bai said,

“Thank you, I want to place a bet.”

Women will only affect how fast he makes money!

Wu Mingkong, who has always been domineering, really gave in half a step backward!

If you let Master Zaifu see this scene,

I’m afraid the eyeballs can fall off!

Wu Mingkong showed a slightly charming and extremely charming smile.

Dark Domain also showed a seemingly honest smile.

“Things seem to be interesting.”


(Fourth update, Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong!).

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