Chapter 347

Before the daughter’s domain,

Zhao Zizhen was shaved.

When it was Su Bai’s turn, he quit!

“It is everyone’s responsibility to protect hair!”

Su Bai is plausible,

He was only eighteen years old and he was worried about hair loss!

Dark Domain asked,

“How can you enter your daughter’s domain without shaving your hair?”

“This dark realm, you don’t need to save it!”

Su Bai’s attitude is very firm.

You can save people,

Shaving your hair won’t work!

At last,

Or compromise in the dark,

“You don’t need to shave your hair, let’s go.”

Zhao Zizhen: …

You don’t need to shave your hair,

Isn’t Laozi shaved for nothing?

Zhao Zizhen’s heart sank.

Thought, “This hair won’t grow out, right?”

Gan! Careless!

Poisoned milk yourself!

Zhao Zi really feels that he might say goodbye to his hair forever!

The three came forward,

Su Bai is at the forefront,

Dark Domain and Zhao Zizhen followed behind.

“Hello, is this daughter’s domain?”

Su Bai asked seriously.

“Can I go in?”

The defender of the city nodded frantically,

“Of course! Handsome guy, can I buy you a drink when I finish my turn?”

Not only Su Bai, they are old snakeskins.

The people in the daughter’s domain are also old snakeskins,

Maybe everyone is old snakeskin.


Su Bai did not expect,

Being handsome turns out to be really privileged!

People don’t want men,

Don’t be ugly!

“I knew I would take the lead!”

Su Bai realized then,

Luo Cheng’s words are wrong!

People’s original saying was “Ugly Rejection”, Luo Cheng abruptly changed it to “Smelly Rejection”!

This old bastard,

I want to lie to everyone for women’s clothing!

And Su Bai didn’t get fooled, relying on his face to pass.

Su Bai thought about it carefully.

There is another possibility,

Luo Cheng himself wanted to wear women’s clothing,

I am embarrassed to say it again.


Think carefully!

Su Bai suddenly didn’t know which floor Luo Cheng was on.

He looked back at Dark Domain and Zhao Zizhen.

How do they live?

After getting close to the defense,

The dark domain whispered,

“It’s a miracle to use talent at no cost.”

Steal the day and change the day!

At the moment he used his talent,

Su Bai, flame erosion, rift,

All three of them have a certain sense!

At the same time cursing mother in the bottom of my heart!

In the dark, you can’t even believe the punctuation!

Dark Domain and Zhao Zizhen just walked in so swaggeringly!

“how did you do that?”

Luo Cheng has changed back to his previous skin,

Returning to men is just a mere death.

The dark field explained lightly,

“I stole their perception of the difference between women and men,

They think we are also women. ”

Everyone: …..

This is called “I can’t change the day by stealing the sky?”

“Let’s go back,

I think it doesn’t matter if there is a fountain of youth. ”

Luo Cheng’s statement was unanimously approved by everyone.

“My apprentice specializes in repairing graves,

I asked him to help you repair the seventy-two suspicious graves! ”

The four-character mantra from the dark field,

“It’s all here!”

Since everyone has entered the Inverted Xuanshan Mountain, they have entered the domain of their daughters.

Naturally, I can’t make a trip for nothing.(Read more @

not to mention,

Lay out the existence of traps,

I won’t let them go so easily!

“How much do you know about daughter domain?”

For the inverted mountain,

The others are at a loss,

Can only turn to the dark domain.

“The upside-down mountain is divided into nine domains,

Every domain has special rules and domain owners! ”

Dark Field introduced.

Hear this,

Su Bai’s heart sank.

Upside down the mountain nine domains, dark domains, coincidence?

If it was before,

I don’t know the hidden prophecy of the human race,

I don’t know the origin of their ID in the dark domain,

Su Bai may not associate these two things together.

But now,

Su Bai really can’t tell!


The owner of Upside Down Mountain was once the strongest existence in the prophecy system!

Scattered details are put together,

Su Bai doubted,

The moment the Dark Realm stepped into the Hanging Mountain,

He may have already lost!

Soon Su Bai dispelled this doubt.

“Why do I worry about the dark field?!”

Isn’t this unfounded worry?

Su Bai can see through things at a glance,

The eclipse may not be clear,

Will the dark field not see the problem?

He is still here!

After clearing away the clutter, Su Bai continued to listen to the popular science of dark space.

“The nine domains are:

Aurora Realm, Daughter Realm, Self Realm, Yellow Spring Realm, No Music Realm, Mantra Realm, Heart Demon Realm, Beyond Realm, and Ninth Realm! ”

Dark Domain said seriously,

“The daughter domain is the safest place here,

The weakest beings living in each domain are masters, and the strongest demigods are everywhere.

There are mysterious powers between domains that can help them eliminate divine pollution.

There will be more powerhouses at the Demigod and God-level in the Upside Down Mountain. ”

Hear this,

Su Bai frowned slightly.

Even if the dark field did not deliberately introduce it,

Su Bai also understood his implication,

Daughter Domain is the active choice of Dark Domain!


The disadvantages of decontamination by the domain are also obvious.

People between domains cannot leave their domain!

Paint the ground as a prison, imprisoned in disguise!

Su Bai asked suddenly.

“Why don’t you tell us this information before you leave?”

The Dark Domain was suddenly silent.

Finally, a reason for everyone’s shock was given.

“I also remembered this when I saw my daughter’s domain.”

There are only two possibilities!

First, the dark domain is really related to the nine domains of the Upside Down Mountain!

The strongest of the human race,

The true backbone, finally found out that the boss was me?

This is too bloody!

If it were written as a script, it would definitely be the one scolded by thousands of people!

Su Bai directly denied this possibility…

The second possibility,

Dark Domain sealed its own memory!

This is all part of the Darkfield Project!

But if it’s the second type,

The dark field is too terrifying!

Su Bai suddenly realized one thing,

“Can’t Yan Erosion and Rift Space also come, right?!”

The dark field showed a stubborn smile,

“Then who knows?”

“I’m just a kid with a six-year-old body.”

Su Bai rubbed Dark Domain’s head,

“You kid, you’re smart at a young age.

Tell Uncle Su Bai, what should I do next? ”

A voice sounded around the five people,

“The female emperor posted the imperial list to invite relatives,

Do not miss passing through! ”

Everyone: …..

“It’s not a coincidence!”

Dark Domain laughed,

“Su Bai, do you want your wife?”

The first domain of the upside-down mountain: Aurora domain.

A tall figure appeared,

His real name in two gold letters was written on his wrist: Crack Kong.

“This is the auroral domain that the dark domain said, it’s normal!”

The tall figure stretched,

Said politely,

“Is the 991-level domain owner home?”

“I’m here to kill you!”

Upside down the nine regions of the mountain,

Starting from the Aurora,

The Level of each domain owner is 1 higher!

From level 991 to level 999!

This is also the entire inverted mountain,

Except for the oldest existence,

The top nine!

The tall figure strode forward,

Ignoring Aurora’s 1.7 damage to myself,

Rampaged in the aurora,

All attacks on him are immune!

“Come out quickly, Grandpa is going to fight the boss!”

“Without Laozi, the Xeon will save the world? Save a fart!”

Blink time,

Most of the Aurora Region was demolished by him!

The third domain of the upside-down mountain: self domain,

A tall cold figure appeared in the ego domain,

The real name on his left wrist is impressively written with Yan Eclipse.

Looking at the real name of the left hand,

The man snorted and shredded his real name directly!

“Where is the owner of the self-domain?”

The high cold man took a step forward,

Countless figures of him appeared around!

Attack him at the same time!

These figures shattered at the same time!

Gao Leng said,

“Have you heard? Death is knocking at the door!”

Self domain,

Instantly riddled with holes!

Countless wounds were torn!


(The third one is sent, it’s in good condition today.

Chong Chong Chong! ).

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