Chapter 334

“Ye Tian, ​​hurry up! Hurry up!”

The eclipse urged,

The body is sacred, and the appetizer was eaten before.

The power within Yan Erosion is gradually being awakened!

Before he reaches the peak,

Attack the Demon King God!

if not,

The eclipse must be fine,

Earth, the designation cannot be kept.

“It’s positioning, don’t worry!”

The dark field that seems to be fifteen years old,

Becoming younger at a speed visible to the naked eye!

The dark field has more important things to do,

This matter requires him to devote all his energy.

Can’t even be distracted to steal the erosive Yanlang!

The goal of the third strongest player,

From the beginning, it was Ninety-Nine Heaven-Demon Emperor God!

The eternal upside-down mountain has emerged,

The ancient existence is slowly waking up!

There is not much time left for the youngest card to continue.

Before dealing with the overhanging mountain,

They are going to hurt the crypt and cry!

The strongest existence of the demons,

Even if I slept for countless years,

Not to be underestimated!

It is worth all the effort of Yan Eclipse!

The premise is,

Find the Demon King God!

Since the human race has no strong prophecy,

Dark Realm wants to lock the main body of the Demon King God,

Need two lines to meet,

Can be completely locked!

The first line:

A mask of joy and anger hung on the son of God.

The son of God is still rushing all the way, seeking the blessing of the Demon Emperor God.

The second line:

The phantom of the Demon Emperor God who just shot the projection of the Yan Eclipse!

The Demon King Phantom killed the Yan Eclipse Projection,

The two have fought each other in the air!

On that phantom,

Also marked by the dark domain!

The eclipse projection that was killed,

It’s bait.

Just wait for the power of the phantom to return to the 33rd heaven,

The moment of two lines of communication,

The dark field can start the final plan!

Over Earth,

[Guardian] Authority!

[Vernal Equinox] Authority!

The green light falls,

Everyone’s injuries quickly recovered.

“What exactly is going on?”

The grandmasters were in shock.

There are only a group of old masters,

After ten years of darkness,

The vague memories in my mind began to become clear.

“This is the breath of the sun!”

They remembered,

“Every time the sun flashes,

There will be accompanied by the fall of powerful enemies! ”

In their mouths,

Until the end of the ten years of darkness,

The breath of the day never happened again.

Listening to the old people telling the story of the year.

Su Bai has a question in his heart,

“Those evil gods and devil gods back then…”

“How did you persist for ten years?!”

That’s it for the dark domain.

The eclipse known as the shame of the strongest,

There is such a terrifying strength!

There is also the rift which is known as the strongest attack,

Has been low-key these years

Enemies of the old three cards,

How can He De persist for ten years?

Ten years of darkness in textbooks,

Ten years of heroes!

There are countless epic stories.

It was even remade into a movie or a series:

“The avatar of the Evil God and the Blood Erosion Battle, is seriously injured and will not return! 》

“Splitting 1·The Birth of a Hero”, “Splitting 2·My Captain…”

“The Xeon of the Xeons”…

These are all well-known and well-known literary works.

at this moment,

Su Bai was suddenly shaken.

The so-called dark decade,

Could it be the ten years of darkness for the evil gods and demons? !

“Tyrant, have a meeting…”

Su Bai’s thoughts were interrupted.

Found that the strongest and invincible grandmaster had gathered together.

They have other tasks!

The meeting was chaired by Luo Cheng,

Ye Su stood by, his facial expressions constantly changing.

There seems to be overlapping ghosts.

Su Bai gave a slightly worried look.

These guys,

Always make big news inadvertently!(Read more @

The five strongest men looked down,

Luo Cheng is also the most honest and simple!

“Shen Huayun, you are responsible for guarding the eternal taboo sea.”

Before Taboo Sea was hit by the ghost of the Demon Emperor God,

Completely disappeared in the Eternal Continent!

The existing evil gods have also been severely damaged!

at this time,

It’s when the Eternal Evil God is weakest,

Luo Cheng can take time to leave,

Just send an invincible guard!


Shen Huayun threw a gold coin,

[Money] Authority,

He was directly pulled away by the hearse and headed to the Forbidden Sea.

There is no dark space suppression,

Shen Huayun is the most dangerous one among the invincible masters.

If you continue to fight,

He may break through to level 900 at any time!

The Dark Realm has been suppressing his Level,

Even if Shen Huayun desires to be the strongest again,

Also know that now is not the time!

This time,

It is not that the crisis of extinction comes, and the strongest come out to save the world.

It’s the layout of the Xeon,

Take the initiative!

To know,

After ten years of darkness,

The Xeon never took the initiative again!

Bad things,

There is no need for the strongest to take action at all,

Shen Huayun would smoke himself!

Everyone present,

Regardless of whether the overall situation is strong or weak,

Never get confused on key things!

Luo Cheng continued to assign tasks,

“Monk, you are in charge of the entrances to the three caves in the West.

No monsters are allowed to break through! ”

“Follow the decree of Jizo Bodhisattva’s Light Lamp!”

The monk saluted and went straight to the west.


Su Bai couldn’t help but laughed.


Luo Cheng?

This is too funny!

“Ahem, some people, pay attention to the occasion!”

Luo Cheng glared at Tyrant.

“Taoist priest,

You rate all the legions in the West to push forward,

Take down these forty-five cities! ”

A coordinate map of the crypt was thrown to the Taoist priest.

Su Bai’s expression tightened.

This is the start of a real all-out war!

There are no rules or contracts at all!

Invincible can not be shot?

Laozi worked hard to upgrade to invincible,

Isn’t it just to kill you guys?

When the war really started,

Invincible should make a move!

Taoist priests are a little embarrassed,

“Fusheng is not bright, the old man is most afraid of seeing blood…”

Su Bai is so familiar with his expression!

Isn’t this a copy of yourself?

Just plainly said: add money!

Luo Cheng said lightly,

“After this battle,

Allow you to establish Taoist ancestral courts to worship the strongest.

The crypt can be preached for eight thousand miles. ”

Lao Dao pulled out a black cloth from his sleeve,

He blindfolded his eyes, turned and ran.

“Fusheng Laozi Tianzun,

Disciples and grandchildren, get up and work,”

Xuanwu Mountain,

Countless stone statues flew up,

Each one has the strength above the fifth rank martial artist!

“… Tyrant, Liu Wanlou,

You lead the Eastern Warrior Legion,

Take down fifty-four cities and conquer the Demon Imperial City! ”

A messenger shaped like a tiger charm,

Was sent to Su Bai.

Commanding power of the Eastern Warrior Corps,

Also handed over to Su Bai.

Before leaving,

Su Bai asked, “What about you?”

Invincible wants to win the ground war.

Take down the Ninety-Nine City of the Demon Race,

This is something Su Bai didn’t expect before,

The Xeons are playing so big!

strictly speaking,

Lao San Pai, Gou Sanjia,

It’s so fierce!

Where are Luo Cheng and Ye Su?

Luo Cheng was taken aback.

He doesn’t know either!

Luo Cheng looked like everything was in his chest,


He is just the sound tube of the dark field.

Ye Su spoke to help him out,

“Under the Demon Emperor God,

There are seventy-two pillars of the devil. ”

Su Bai nodded.

It’s clear.

Once the Devil God is awakened,

The seventy-two pillar demon god will also wake up at the same time!

Terran does not even put the strongest in the Taboo Sea,

Just to resist the Seventy-Two Pillar Demon God!


All have their own opponents, their own tasks!

“Go, see you later.”

Su Bai disappeared in place with Liu Wanlou.

The two strongest also left one after another.


Ninety-nine Heaven,

Before the son of God came to the last prohibition,

Very anxious,

“Hurry up!”


A phantom flew out of the Demon Emperor God.

“Someone summons the father to kill the enemy?!”

The Son of God is overjoyed,

In this case, the father’s awakening will be easier!

Less than half a minute,

The ghost of the Demon Emperor returns!

The momentum hasn’t diminished at all!

This is the invincible Demon Emperor God!

To his father,

The Son of God has endless confidence!

One in and one out of the phantom,

Let the restraining force be weakened.

There was joy on the face of the son of God,

“Hurry up! Hurry up!”


The ban is on!

He fell into the sleeping palace of the Demon Emperor God!

“Ah, it’s finally safe!”

“This is the safest place in the crypt!”

The son of God who survived the catastrophe,

Did not notice the mask on his waist,

Suddenly broken!

At the moment when the son of God broke into the deepest part of the Ninety-Nine Heaven.

The dark field showed a relieved expression.

“caught you!”

The eclipse can’t wait a long time,

“Go ahead and welcome!”

The second strongest of the human race, request to fight!


(Secondly, Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong!).

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