Chapter 333

“I am the sun!”

Yanzhe’s words are extremely domineering,

With the blazing sun,

The scene is magnificent, like an epic picture scroll, extremely spectacular!

Unfortunately, there is no audience.

No Katz suddenly popped up in the silent space.

Before the inflammation erodes,

The void fluctuates, it seems that someone wants to come out, but is stopped again.

Yanzhe took a deep breath,

The sun’s rays dimmed in half,

The repressive blockade of the surrounding void was completely released.

The dark field just appeared.

“How, the feeling of releasing power?”

Dark Domain asked with a smile.

Treat the dark space,

Yan Eclipse didn’t make a good face,


Inflammation erodes the muscles and bones,

The bones made the explosion of fried soybeans.

The muscles all over his body seem to have been tempered,

A perfect combination of strength and burst.

He who is sloppy and sloppy on weekdays,

Clean up a bit, go to the bodybuilding competition and take the championship casually.

After moving the muscles and bones,

Two white gas erupted from the nasal cavity of inflammation,

Said slightly angrily,

“A projection of Laozi is dead!”

“Killing pays for life is justified.

Killing Laozi’s projection, half-dead the Devil God, isn’t it too much? ”

Yan eclipse just two sentences,

Contains an extremely explosive amount of information!

Over the past few decades,

Always guarding the erosiveness of the forbidden sea,

The most powerful person who fought with more than ten evil gods.

It turned out to be…just a projection! !

Only the first evil god,

Vaguely know the truth!

When the first evil god merged with the moon in the cave,

He has an incomparable fear of the distant sun.

It’s as if the creature has met its natural enemy!


The First Cthulhu didn’t think much about it,

Thought it was the restraint effect between the stars.

After he failed to destroy the world,

The dark field relieved the long-term stealing of his thoughts.

IQ has returned to the high ground.

Just like a toilet flushes a toilet,

Thinking things are finally smooth!


The first Cthulhu realized a terrifying fact:


The sun is alive!

Don’t think too much,

Just know who the sun is!

From that moment on,

The first Cthulhu will close the kingdom of God and never go out again!

Who loves to send to death who is going to die!

Live under the fear of the sun every minute and every second!

Luo Cheng went to find the first evil god twice in a row,

The first evil god is obediently like a chicken boy,

Do whatever you want!

Broken authority, great, this will give you the broken authority in your chest!

Come to my kingdom of God to play, you sit here!


Just rely on the two words dark field?

Do not!

Because the first evil god knows,

How terrifying is Yan Eclipse’s true strength!

The one on Shadow Island,

It’s just a projection of him! ! !

He didn’t take it seriously at all!

If the inflammation is annoying,

All the evil gods sit in rows,

A beacon blazes into the sky,

Direct Cthulhu Family Portrait-BBQ!

It would be considered merciful to Yan Eclipse to keep a whole corpse!

The dark field is too far away,

The eclipse is right in front of us,

The first Cthulhu dare not fail!

Earth, crypt, eternity.

Know the true strength of Yan Eclipse,

No more than five people!

After unlocking the final form of [Beacon Fire],

The connection between the eclipse and the sun,

Become extremely subtle.

The sun will never die, nor will he die!

Until he holds the authority of [stars],

After incorporating the authority of the stars into the sun,

Yan Eclipse’s strength has evolved to a terrifying point!

Below level 990,

No one can resist a full blow in front of the body!

The benefits of this are many,

There is no need to worry about the pollution of authority.

Divine pollution just appeared,

Will be purified by the sun itself!

This is also among the three strongest people,

The only existence that can ignore the pollution of authority!

But the stars he holds are powerful enough,

This makes Yan Eclipse have no interest in other powers,

One mind to develop the authority of the stars.

In spare time,

He even mastered the 1000+ authority of [Good Wine],

Just to drink some good wine!

Also laughed at by the rest of the strongest for many years.

It is for this reason that

The eclipse does not need too many anchor points,

When the Federation created the image of the three strongest men,

Deliberately downplayed the erosion.

The title of shame of the strongest,

One back is so many years!

There are many advantages,

But the disadvantages are also obvious:

The eclipse is too strong!

He turned himself into a powerful nuclear bomb,

Strong enough to use inflammation,

The Terrans themselves have to pay a big price!

I can’t, there will be a god-level demon god,

Terran: Yan eclipse, explode!

Devil: I may not be a human, you are a real dog.

How strong is the eclipse?

The body shot once,

For Earth,

All S-class disasters are coming!

Even this S-level disaster,

Still weakened by countless strong people in front,

The result of falling on the surface of Earth!

If Yan Eclipse makes its best effort,

Whether the enemy will die or not, Dark Domain does not know.

Earth will become a boundary like the Flame Mountain,

All creatures below the Grand Master are destroyed!

This is also the reason why Yan Eclipse has always been present as a projection!

Too strong,

Sometimes it is not necessarily a good thing!

Chopsticks stir the sea bowl, it is sad.

The super-large rocket hits the ant’s nest. That is not a tragedy, it is a tragedy!

“I told you earlier, it’s not a good thing to become stronger too fast.”

The Dark Domain taught a serious lesson.

Yanzhe rolled his eyes,(Read more @

Laozi is so strong,

Why can’t you beat you who owe you?

The dark domain has its own business to be busy,

The eclipse is still waiting,

Wait for the dark domain to get ready!

The nine demon gods just now,

Just appetizers,

The main course is not on the table yet!

Yan Zhao looked at Earth,

There was some worry in his eyes,

“Nothing will happen, right?”

In his vision,

Because of my full effort,

A terrifying flame wave hit Earth!

Can they resist it?

“Alert! Alarm!”

“S-level disasters have risen to SSS-level disasters,

Federation warriors below the master level,

Please do not participate in disaster relief operations! ”

Southern Hemisphere,

At the moment the eclipse shot,

The alarm is directly full!

The dark field detects the intensity of the attack,

Feedback the information to the Federation in an instant!

Than their previously estimated energy level,

Two orders of magnitude higher!

This guy,

It’s stronger again! !

Sunlight to Earth,

It takes 500 seconds.

If you let this wave of flames,

Luo directly on the southern hemisphere,

Everyone will die!

Compared with this force,

Red Moon Destroying the World is simply fighting the five scums!


Only 500 seconds to help yourself!

10 seconds,

All the great masters in the southern hemisphere rose into the sky,

Those with ice skills,

Create extreme cold as much as possible!

Those who don’t have ice skills,

Start to move sea water to the sky frantically!

15 seconds,

All the masters who stayed behind on Earth started to act!

The master in the crypt,

It was also urgently transferred out!

This wave cannot be stopped,

The home is gone!

40 seconds,

The invincible master appeared!

They appear outside the atmosphere,

Countless copper coins are stacked into a wall!

The brigade mage used the ice forbidden curse,

Created an extremely cold death zone!

Taoist priests began to pray for rain,

At the same time, let the space in front of you fold and weaken Yan Lang’s offensive!


“Poor monks are not good at rituals!”

The great monk can only inherit his usual fighting style,

A golden Buddha stands horizontally between heaven and earth,

Protect Earth!

“Liuye Qianren!”

Thousands of willow leaves flew out,

Liu Wanlou could only be anxious.

He can’t fly out,

Let’s stand side by side with the sun!

Countless ice crows took off,

Ten justice colossus appeared!

Su Bai uses skills crazily,

Contribute to the cause of cooling!

60 seconds,

The strongest Luo Cheng appeared!

He stood in front of all the invincible masters,

The huge shadow lamp emits a gloomy light,

King of Dilapidation: Don’t come over!


The ruined king became Luo Cheng’s shield and stood in front of him.

80 seconds,

The strongest Ye Su withdrew from the cave!

“The Wood Realm is here!”

In front of Luo Cheng,

Countless trees appeared out of thin air,

Constructed as the first line of defense!

They all know about the upcoming attack,

Although it is just the aftermath of the eclipse

Everyone is like a dying enemy!

Because when the dark field is transmitted,

Just a simple sentence,

“Try your best, or you will die.”

Here will die,

It does not mean that people on Earth will die.

It’s that they…may die!

Ye Su, Luo Cheng, the strongest constitute the first line of defense.

Su Bai, many invincibles, the second line of defense,

Grandmaster, the third and last line of defense!

All of this,

All just to deal with the aftermath of the eclipse!

that guy,

There is no way to control such a terrifying power!

Su Bai lost his skills madly,

While cursing,

“Pi broke his leg, you really found a great dad!”

Shen Huayun: …..

This father has a gloomy face,

He is thinking about another thing!

“The last time Yan Eclipse shot, Dark Domain stole the aftermath.

Why not steal this time? ”

Shen Huayun’s heart sank.

The dark space situation,

Is it already so bad?

do not care,

Hold it up first!

These 500 seconds,

It’s as long as a lifetime!

Everyone tried their best,

Just waiting for the final test!

They built a dam,

Vow to block this wave of flames!

A terrifying heat wave came,


Ye Su and Luo Cheng blocked most of the power!

Countless trees instantly turned to ashes,

Countless cracks appeared on the lamp of the shadow of the soul, as if to be melted into molten iron!

The ruined king wailed,

This is the pain he experienced back then!

Classic review!

the difference is,

The eclipse of the year,

A full blow made the ruined king blind.

The current eclipse,

Just the aftermath of the shot,

Let the ruined king be seriously wounded and dying!

Like a filter,

After passing by the two Xeons,

The power of Yanlang is inexhaustible,

Hit the line of defense formed by the Invincible Grandmaster!

Willow leaves burn, money melted, two guns exploded, Taoist vomits blood, and the law is broken!

Just the aftermath of the aftermath,

Five Terran invincible, seriously injured!

Su Bai stacked countless shields added by 693,

It was all crushed at this moment!

Sword of the emperor, launch! launch! launch!

Su Bai used the emperor sword three times in a row!

Power control drops by 15%!

In exchange for

It is that his body is not injured.

Because of the previous attack,

Every time is enough to kill him in seconds!

The invincible grandmaster’s serious injury,

In return, Yanlang weakened again!

He has reached the level of Grand Master, a level that can be tolerated!


The grand masters took action one after another,

While sustaining continuous damage,

Weaken Yanlang as much as possible!

Can’t let it fall on Earth!

Shou… guard it!

Yan Lang was blocked from Earth’s atmosphere!


The secondary disaster is also terrible,

Countless meteorites with terrifying heat fall!

These meteorites, if they fall in densely populated places,

Will cause terrible damage!

All the masters have taken full action,

However, there are still fish that slip through the net!

“Damn it! Damn it!”

They can only watch the meteorite fall down.


The meteorites exploded one after another, and there was no slag left!

It’s like setting off a firework.

“Who is making the shot?!”

The masters were surprised,


There is such a hidden master? !

They immediately rejoiced,

This is a good thing!

They concentrate on dealing with the subsequent scorching waves,

These meteorites, burning things,

Just leave it to an unknown powerhouse on Earth to solve it!

On Earth,

Watching countless fireworks explode,

The office worker’s face is solemn,

He is busy with another thing,

Write overtime application:

“Dear boss,

Your hardworking employee just took the initiative to work overtime once,

Working overtime for the company and guarding Earth’s peace is my blessing.

You don’t need to pay two hands for this,

One right hand is enough…”

The office workers considered the words,

“If you are willing to work overtime, you should also be paid for overtime, right?”

He took out Zhang San to talk about the law,

Study carefully the federal regulations related to labor.

Outer space,

Countless strong men are bruised all over,

Finally, Yan Lang was completely stopped!

All in tatters,

Luo Cheng was a little reluctant even to stand,

Suddenly burst into laughter,

“The strongest is eclipsed, but so!”

“Old and old, I can fight again!


You can make a face! !


(The picture is a question-and-answer theater.

The first thing is, rice, code, red! ).

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