Chapter 335

“Slower this time.”

Deep breathing in the dark,

It was found that there was no air in outer space at all.

He took the time to steal an oxygen cylinder and a mask.


“Do you really need this thing?”

Yanzhe wanted to blow up the oxygen cylinder.

Strongly resisted the urge.

He is now like a nuclear bomb that starts the countdown to the explosion,

the difference is,

The eclipse will erupt in a battle with the Demon Emperor God.

No trace of strength can be wasted.

“This is a sense of ritual.”

The dark domain suddenly said,

“Sing a song.”

“Do not.”

“Take it as an elegy to the Demon Emperor God.”

“Do not.”

“Then sing to my grandest performance.”

In front of the dark domain,

Ownership emerges:

[Magician], [Priestess], [Theft], [Contract], [Broken Faith]… and [Miracle Master]!

What he will do next,

It’s a show planned for nearly a hundred years,

It is also his greatest miracle so far!

It’s worth singing a song!

Facing the requirements of the dark domain,

Yan Eclipse rarely fell silent for a while.


He spoke obscurely,

A word is not in the tune, and the singing is even worse than killing a pig.

“The sun shines in the sky, and the flowers smile at me…”

Dark Domain rolled his eyes,

He slowly raised his right hand, making the gesture of snapping his fingers.

Between thumb and middle finger,

It seems that there is the distance of the Milky Way, making the dark field’s movements extremely slow!

Authority NO.522 [Priestess], broken!

Just start,

The Dark Domain paid an unimaginable price!

Eyelids twitched.

He doesn’t like to use 697 brains, it doesn’t mean he has no brains!

Broken power,

The breath of the dark realm did not weaken at all.

It’s just that the body is slowly shrinking.

Even if Yan Eclipse is a little worried about the dark domain,

It made him helpless again.

How many secrets does this guy hide!


Ground battlefield.

“All the Eastern Martial Arts Corps follow orders.”

“Just go ahead!”

On the Eastern battlefield,

The crow swept the earth like a dark cloud,

The Colossus of Justice keeps falling!

“Death Scourge!”

“The Plague of Blood!”

“Walk in the void!”


Su Bai relies on super high mobility,

There are countless figures left on the battlefield!

He has only one person,

But it looks like a mighty army!

Countless monsters were killed by Su Bai!

His command is very simple,

“All Federation warriors,

Hurry to the outer Demon Cities at the fastest speed! ”

The monsters on this land,

Will be cleaned up!

What they need to do,

Is the city that occupies the outermost periphery,

Unite the city with the city!

Resist the threat of monsters from the grasslands and the sea!

Su Bai,

To build a great wall in the crypt!

Whether it is the invincible master,

Or a demigod strong,

They are not Su Bai’s one-in-one enemy!

His killing is still going on!

In the sea of ​​clouds,

Seventy-two huge gateposts exposed the tip of the iceberg.

Even if only showing one-thousandth of the body shape,

It also makes people feel extremely magnificent and spectacular!

Seventy-two pillars of the devil!

These pillars,

It is their kingdom of God!

It is also the place where they sleep and seal!

Luo Cheng, Ye Su, Split Kong.

The rest of the strongest humans gathered here!

A round of red moon showed his face.

Red Moon Demon God!(Read more @

A terrifying existence with two powerful powers: [Immortality] and [Scourge]!

His strength,

Don’t lose Luo Cheng!

Li Kong looked at the 72 Pillar Demon God who was slowly waking up,

He turned his head to look at the red moon,

Cold voice,

“Darkland asked me to talk to you.”

“what did he say?”

“I forgot.”

Red Moon Demon God: …..

It doesn’t matter if the crack is empty,

“Dare to help them, even kill you.”

This sentence is not said by the dark domain.

The threat from the rift,

The Red Moon Demon God is back!

He holds the authority of [immortality],

Even the dark domain,

After fighting for so many years,

There is no way to kill him completely!

Can face the threat of rift,

The Red Moon Demon God is unexpectedly panicked!

Is it true that he will die? !

Clouds drift by,

The red moon was partially obscured.

He did not stay away from this battlefield, but chose to continue to wait and see.

Who wins,

Who does he help!

The two outermost pillars,

Slowly uncover the seal,

The powerful Demon God is about to appear!

“Tear the wound!”

Small cracks spread from the very bottom,

Finally, the entire huge column was covered!


Just an instant,

The giant column turned into a fan!

The two great demon gods have fallen!

The Red Moon Demon God looked into Rikong’s gaze,

A little more fear and fear!

“You stand behind me.”

Splitting the air said as if he was treating a junior.

“You don’t need to act here.”

Luo Cheng and Ye Su looked at each other.

Needless to say, the relationship between Luo Cheng and Li Kong,

Like father and son, like enemies.

Ye Su grew up watching Split Kong.

The two honestly stepped back.

The two suddenly understood one thing,

They are not here to fight,

But to witness and learn.

This battle did not belong to them from the beginning!

They are just bystanders.

This is a chess game played by the three strongest men for a century!

When they began to show their edge,

Only with the momentum of thunderbolt,

Sweep away all opponents!

Throughout the plan,

There is no room for them to intervene!

Split the air shot again,

“Tear the wound!”

He didn’t take action on the Demon’s Pillar,

But to the seal!

“You are too slow to unlock the seal.”

Cracked empty brows said,

“Quickly wake up and die!”

Between talking and laughing,

Four more huge pillars were wiped out in ashes!

“The sun is in the sky, and the portrait smiles at me…”

Yanzhe doesn’t know how many times he has sung this song.

His power is on the verge of exploding!

The snap of the dark domain,

Haven’t played yet!

The talent that was once so easy,

This moment is extremely difficult!


The things to do in the dark,

It is a miracle in itself!

In front of the dark domain,

His authority was broken and only the last one was left: [Miracle Master]!

The ranking of Miracle Masters is not high,

Only 30.

But in the hands of the dark domain,

Has played a very terrifying combat power!

Because from entering eternity,

The dark domain is always creating miracles!

right now,

He is only one step away from his grand performance!


This snapping finger,

It started!

People who have been stolen from the sky,

The sound of finger snapping appeared in the ear at the same time,

And the familiar voice of the dark field,

“Stealing the sky for the day!”

Everyone was surprised,

Yan Eclipse is also, he is ready to shoot!

As a result… nothing happened?

The voice of the dark field continues,

“No, it should be said that this is the last stealth change.”

“It’s also a real steal…change the day!”


The crisp finger snap sounded again,

Space distortion,

A flower is in front of the eyes.

Appear in the depths of the sea of ​​clouds!

“Where is the Demon Emperor God?!”

Yan Eclipse looked at the god seat in front of him,

A burly figure wearing a crown, exuding terrifying power!

999-level powerhouse-Demon Emperor God!

The distance to 1000 level is full,

There is only a horror away from the last step!

The other party opened his eyes,

Looking at the eclipse, his eyes were full of shock and incredible.

how can that be? !

Yan Zhao laughed,

“The Devil God, Lord, give you a smile!”

Sun, laughed!


The entire ninety-nine heaven,

Under the full eruption of the flame eclipse, it ceased to exist!

The terrifying heat and light,

Completely submerged the figure of the Demon Emperor God!

Appeared in front of the Demon Emperor God,

It’s not an eclipse projection,

But from Earth, the real sun! !

The last stealing day in the dark domain,

Really changed the sun over! !

Earth’s sun,

The body of the eclipse,

He was sent to the front of the Demon Emperor God!


Are the three strongest humans,

The biggest ultimate move in a hundred years of layout!

Close the door and release the eclipse!

In the infinite power of the sun,

The arrogant voice of the eclipse continued,

“Master has already laughed.”

“Devil God, girl, give me a smile!”


(The third one is sent, rush rush!

Note: After this chapter, Dark Domain is still the strongest. ).

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