Chapter 332

“The plan to assassinate Yan Eclipse is called Mie Ri!”

The demons gave the plan a domineering code name.

[Exit the sun] Action!

of course,

They didn’t really consider working on the sun.

Even if it is a god-level powerhouse,

When facing the sun, you will also remain in awe!

They are not in awe of this fireball that exudes terrifying heat.

It’s the fear of rules and authority!

Everything runs its own rules,

The legendary NO.3 authority [star]!

If you rashly attack stars like the sun and moon,

The backlash suffered is extremely terrifying!

It is equivalent to contending with the rules of the world!


There are exceptions to everything.

If you have the authority to [destroy the world],

In this kind of thing,

You can be willful.

God level demon god full of confidence

“Everyone, action to destroy the sun,

There are two parts! ”

He introduced,

“first part,

We go to the vicinity of the sun,

Cut the entire connection between the sun and Earth, weaken the eclipse!

the second part,

Summon the projection of His Majesty the great Demon King God,

Kill the eclipse in the air! ”

After all,

Even if it is the stigma of killing the strongest,

These demons also shake people when they start!

Crows in the world are generally black.

A strong man who can reach the strength of God level,

No one is an idiot!

Can shake people without shaking,

What do you have to do on your own?

Are you brave?

The god-level demon said proudly,

“This is also the best part of the whole operation!

We will not endanger our lives because of the failure of our actions! ”

They only need to exert their strength near the sun.

Maintain a good distance from the sun,

Make sure you won’t get hurt!

“Does the sun still kill the gods?”

A joke,

The demons roared with laughter,

Zhao Zizhen speaks to the insider.

Operation to destroy the sun, begin!

The first step of action,

The demons regain their strength,

Stable between level 900 and level 930!

This thing is very simple,

They were originally demon avatars.


Just need to merge with each other.

Two demigod clones,

It directly becomes a god-level demon body!


Nine powerful demons were born!

“I think even if I fight the eclipse,

I can’t let the wind go! ”

A 930-level demon said confidently.

If you can win heads-up, I don’t play, alas, just play!

“Don’t talk nonsense, I’m afraid of change!”

Nine God-level powerhouses above level 900,

Soaring into the sky by coincidence, and starting to day by day!

Staying in Earth this time,

They have been in fear.

The ‘tear wound’ who is afraid of rupture will come!

It’s like a sharp sword hanging high above the head,

Will take their lives at any time!

This fear,

Even if they return to level 900,

It cannot be dispelled either!

It can be seen that the crack is powerful!

It is for this reason that

They targeted the assassination target on Yan Eclipse!

Nine terrifying figures of demons appeared thousands of miles away from the sun,

“Do it!”

Under their full urging,

The rays of the sun,

It was absorbed all at once!

When the connection between the sun and Earth is completely interrupted,

It was when Yan eroded and died!


“You have a new unread message from [the strongest to the strongest].”

Luo Cheng’s strongest order moved,

He didn’t really want to deal with the dark domain.

I struggled for a while,

Luo Cheng still accepted the information.

“Isn’t this foolish?!”

Luo Cheng frowned.

Take the strongest order to find the eclipse.

“What does Darkfield want to do?

Let me sit in the kingdom of the first evil god for a while. ”

Even Luo Cheng,

I dare not go deep into the kingdom of the first evil god!

For a long time,

Maybe I will be contaminated,

Even fall!

The first evil god can even call the twelfth evil god together,

Siege Luo Cheng!

The opponent has absolute home court advantage!

The dark field command,

There is no beginning and no end,

It’s confusing.

Yan eclipse lay on the straw mat,

Like a salted fish.

The injury from his previous real name backlash hasn’t healed yet.

“The dark field lets you go, you go.”

Yanzhe said seriously,

“This is the past hundred years,

I summarized the truth. ”

Unexpectedly! The eclipse will also be summarized!

Luo Cheng despised the eclipse in his heart,

Asked slightly curiously,

“Why do you say that,

Because the dark field is right every time? ”


Yanzhe turned over,

With his back to Luo Cheng,

I don’t really want to answer this question.

Luo Cheng put on a posture of ‘if you don’t say I won’t go’!

Yanzhe finally threw out an answer, bored,

“Because I can’t beat him!”

Luo Cheng: …..

Isn’t this something that everyone knows? !

Who do you win against the shame of the strongest!

Luo Cheng had to set off.

Go to the kingdom of the first evil god.

On the Shadow Island,

Yan Eclipse sat up,

Gulugulu pouring wine,

Face full of helplessness.

“Before mastering authority NO.3 [Stars],

Laozi can’t beat you Ye Tian,

If you master it, you still can’t beat Ye Tian.

Doesn’t Laozi have this authority for nothing? ”


Yan eclipsed a mouthful,

The bitter wine enters my throat and my heart aches,

it is more than words!

Only good wine can solve this worry, and there is nowhere to disappear.

The crypt, the sea of ​​clouds.

Ye Su’s apostles are fusing the demon gods,

It’s almost over,

It will succeed soon.

It means that Ye Su towards the edge of the cliff,

Take a big step!

Split the air with her back to him,

Out of sight out of mind.

The dark field suddenly appeared,

Cracked empty openings,

“Are you going to start?”

Separation clearly knows more plans.

Among the oldest three cards,

Not so much to hide.

The dark realm’s plans will be told to Rift.

Yanzhe knows little,

It’s because he doesn’t bother to use his brain.

When you need him to take action,

The dark domain screamed.

Anyway, there are not many opportunities for Yan Eclipse to shoot.

It’s cracked empty,

More coordination with the dark space,

He is also the only one who knows all the plans.(Read more @

Darkfield nodded.

It’s going to start!

Even if it is him, he is not 100% sure!

Suddenly asked Suddenly,

“You come to me,

Are you worried that I will die? ”

Darkfield did not answer this question.

The answer is self-evident.

“Choose one of the three goals,

You don’t look for Yan Eclipse, but come to me.

Obviously think,

If the Demon Emperor God shot me,

I am in danger of falling and need your help. ”

Under long hair,

The split eyes narrowed,

There was a hint of danger in his voice,

“in fact,

I have been dissatisfied with the third ranking for a long time. ”

“You won’t be second to win the eclipse!”

Dark Domain chuckled and changed the subject.

“Are you a little angry today?”

“Well, after the demons are eliminated, they will be free again.

Some hands are itchy, and I want to ask Ye Tian for advice. ”


Li Kong looked back at Ye Su.

He is angry,

Obviously it’s not itchy hands.

But dissatisfied with the path that Ye Su chose!

Ye Su grew up when he watched,

Count yourself as half a son,

Now embark on this deviant road!

How could crack the sky not be angry!

The dark field said helplessly,

“The child’s own choice,

I can’t stop it, right? ”

“you can.”

Li Kong said seriously,

“You can steal ideas, and you can stuff them in.

how could I know,

Does Xiao Su’s decision have anything to do with your father? ”

Darkfield felt that he couldn’t explain it clearly.

This matter,

It’s Ye Su’s own thoughts!

It has nothing to do with Dark Domain.

Dark Domain even stole Ye Su’s thoughts once!

This idea is too dangerous,

Dark Domain will help him take care of it first.


Ye Su came up with this idea again,

The dark field cannot be forced.

Ye Su stopped at level 799 for so many years,

The picture is very big!

He wants to solve it in one fell swoop,

The death of the eternal thirteen evil gods!

Unclear explanation,

The dark field put on a posture of breaking the jar,

“Come on, you just tear me up.”

Dead pigs are not afraid of boiling water!

Dark Realm is not afraid of tearing wounds!

The cracked eyes penetrated the dark realm,

Looking at this 15-year-old face,

“I don’t even know,

Are you standing in front of my eyes. ”

“Ye Tian, ​​do it for yourself.”

“Don’t play yourself to death.”


Splitting air slowly closed his eyes,

Don’t look at this awful pair of father and son.

There was a cold snort from the bottom of my heart.

Is it hard to save the world,

Really think that only you can do it in Darkfield?

The ruler next to Split Kong,

Slowly fell on both knees, shaking gently.

Fits the owner’s mood at this time.

This blow,

Rift has been accumulating power for decades.

“How could it be wasted on this idiot, Yan Eclipse!”

The third is the third.

Is it important?

Yanzhe carries the name of the strongest shame,

Still happy?


Crack Kong continued to abide by the rules,

He is waiting,

Wait for the day when you don’t follow the rules!

“The first evil god, I’m here to call you to drop by.”

Luo Cheng carried the lamp and handed the door empty.

The first evil god really opened the kingdom of God!

After Luo Cheng entered,

The first evil god immediately closed the kingdom of God,

Hid in the deepest part of the kingdom of God,

Refusing to come out!

“Look at you!”

Luo Cheng put the lamp on the ground,

Chat with the ruined king,

“Little Po, let’s talk about something happy today.”

Luo Cheng asked,

“Why are you blind?”

The Dilapidated King:…

“I was blinded by the torn wound by the Dark Realm.”

“Do you think I’m stupid? It was Yan Eclipse who went to find you back then!”

The voice hasn’t fallen yet,

The two fell silent at the same time.

Compared with inflammation and erosion,

The IQs of the two of them really don’t seem to be enough.

Blind by the eclipse?

Luo Cheng doesn’t talk nonsense, just search for the soul!

The ruined king is the spirit body,

Feel free to look through the memory!


Luo Cheng saw a white light!

Even with guardianship,

Luo Cheng’s eyes also shed two lines of blood!

Almost blind!

His memory of being covered in the dust of the dark realm,

Unblock it completely!

Luo Cheng recalled,

That horrible scene in Slaughter City back then!

He said blankly,

“It turns out that this is the flames of flames…”

“Insert an emergency notice,

S-level disaster warning:

In the future, the temperature in the southern hemisphere will increase rapidly by 10-15 degrees Celsius…

Citizens, please look for shading places nearby! ”

Everyone in the southern hemisphere looked up,

The sky slowly dimmed,

Like a solar eclipse, where is the S-class disaster?



People still acted according to the warning,

Hide in the shade and cool yourself as much as possible.

Outside the sun,

The first part of the annihilation of the sun,

It’s almost over!

The connection between the sun and Earth,

Was completely cut off!

“Awaken your majesty projection, kill the eclipse!”

This is the most important step of the plan!

A tiger charm was crushed,

Nine demons chanted at the same time,

“The ninety-nine heaven of the crypt,

The supreme being who holds the top ten powers,

The Demon Emperor who sleeps in the river of years,

Your subjects call for your strength. ”

With three titles,

Only then completely locked the Demon Emperor God!

Next step,

It’s precision guidance to fight the eclipse!

“Please the power of His Majesty the Demon Emperor God,

Lay down the divine punishment,

Kill the drunks on the Shadow Island,

The 920-level weaker who holds the authority of [Beauty Wine],

Bear the eclipse in the name of the strongest shame! ”

There are three more attributives, 100% locked in the eclipse!


I only know the game ID of Yan Eclipse,

I don’t know his real name!

Even so,

From the ninety-nine heaven of the crypt,

An extremely terrifying force passed into the void!

Next second,

Above the shadow island,

A projection of a 10,000-meter-high Demon Emperor God appeared!


“I, bless you to die!”

Power down,

Shadow Island instantly turned into powder!

Everything on the Shadow Island is destroyed!

Yan Eclipse couldn’t even resist, and was directly torn into countless pieces!


Extinct! !

As if it had never existed before!

The whole forbidden sea,

Under the terrifying blow of the Demon Emperor God,

All the sea water has evaporated!

Even the kingdom of evil gods,

All shattered by the aftermath of the battle!

“Killed people, Dark Domain!”

After Luo Cheng recalled the effect of “Beacon Fire”,

The first thing to do,

Just flee to the depths of the kingdom of God!

He already guessed what would happen!

He even kicked the first evil god out,

“It’s full here!!”

next moment,

The kingdom of the first evil god began to shake violently!

The outermost defense fell apart!

Luo Cheng hiding in the deepest place,

Take a deep breath and calm your mood!

“Darkland… is for Laozi to take refuge!”

“Gan! Will you die after speaking?!”

The kingdom of the first evil god,

Become Luo Cheng’s shelter!

It may not be able to shelter Luo Cheng!


This terrifying blow,

How powerful is it!

If such a terrifying shot fell on Luo Cheng,

He must die!

So… what about Eclipse 1.7?

Even if he is the third best player,

Luo Cheng is also a little worried at this time!

Outside the sun,

The projection of the Devil God appeared and disappeared quickly!

The nine demon gods laughed incomparably triumphantly.

“I’m waiting!”

“The strongest of human race, but that’s it!”

“What a ridiculous SSS-level talent?”


The words of the demons,

Interrupted by an unfamiliar voice.

“What joke is so funny,

Can you talk to me? ”

Devil:? !

They looked around and found no enemies!

Who is speaking?

“Dark Field?!”

“Wrong answer.”

A flame rose out of thin air,

Burn the previously spoken Demon God to ashes instantly!

There is no scum left!

The figure of a burly man appeared in front of the demons!

He, walk out of the sun!

One of the three strongest humans-Yan Eclipse!

“You, why are you here?!”

The desperate cry of the demons,

Let Yan Eclipse feel a little noisy.

“You slept for too long, have your brains been funny?”

Yanzhe said impatiently,

“My talent is full of flames,

The answer is written literally. ”


The demons felt that they could not understand this sentence.

“Feng, Huo, Lian, Heaven.”

Yanzhe rolled his eyes,

“You look up at the sky,

What is the biggest fire? ”

It’s the sun!


This answer is known too late!

At the same moment,

Eight demon gods were killed in seconds!

The eclipse is independent of the void,


Fierce flames, research-level status.

He is the sun!


(This book is 900,000 words!

Will a million words be far away?

Good night, brothers.

The state is much better today, continue tomorrow! ).

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