Chapter 331

Calm Earth.

The warriors who stayed behind Earth,

Watching more than a dozen streamers across the sky.

Then disappear!

“Sixth rank martial artist? Grandmaster?”

After watching the excitement,

They lowered their heads and continued to busy themselves with their work.

The full-scale war in the crypt continues,

The war is fighting people, money~, and logistics!

As for your own life safety?

They never worried.

There are the strongest!

All demon avatars,

The moment through the bronze door,

A sound-tone rang in their ears!

“Murder, die.”

Authority [Rules], launch!

All avatars of the demon gods have been split-suppressed!

One of the demon avatars,

I’m already wretched,

Now he fled to Earth, which is full of weak people.

The instinct to destroy can no longer be contained!

He roared about to shoot,

This blow goes on,

At least millions of casualties!

Then…. He didn’t then.

In the presence of all the demon gods,

This impulsive demon received impulsive punishment.

On his body,

Numerous wounds emerged!

All the injuries suffered in this life,

It broke out at this moment!

Demon God clone, fall!


The rest of the demons are on the human textbook,

Found relevant information,

This is the SSS-level talent of Rip Kong [Tear the Wound]!

“Why would anyone make their talents public?!”

The demons can’t understand,

The hiding of talent,

It is a very important thing in the battle!

Split air does this,

Equivalent to a first-hand disadvantage!

A demon said with disdain,

“If my talent is so terrifying,

I can’t wait to write it on my face! ”

The demons:…

They are lurking in Earth!

After Su Bai returned from the crypt,

I went back to my company first.

In the company,

Only one employee is at work.

“Boss! Are you here to pay?”

Office workers saw Su Bai appear,

In a great mood!

The boss owes him four hands of the Demon King!

That is the most beautiful hand he has ever seen,

A partner who decides to accompany for life!

Such a partner,

If there are more, wives and concubines are in groups.

That’s even better!

Su Bai did not answer the question from the office worker.

Asked rhetorically,

“Anything that needs attention lately?”

Office workers consider every word,

Replied to,

“I don’t think so.”

Very rigorous and very regular!

Didn’t it just take in two demon avatars?

This kind of trivial matter does not require the boss to pay attention!

Because office workers used to be of the blood of the Demon King,

Also blood relationship with Demon God!

The demon clone who broke into Earth,

Naturally, he came to the door and was temporarily taken in by office workers.

The office worker originally intended to refuse.

But… their hands are so beautiful!

Su Bai is not surprised.

Take out a pair of dark red arms from the ring,

Just appear in the company,

The surrounding space began to shatter slightly, and the pollution involuntarily spread!

The hand of the first demon god, the red moon demon god!

In the previous battle,

Dozens of hands were severed by the dark domain!

These hands are useless to keep in the dark.

Simply gave it to Su Bai,

Let him take it to pay his salary.

Su Bai took the hand of the devil and asked again,

“Think about it carefully, did you forget something?”

From the moment these hands appeared,

Office workers can’t control their bodies,

He wants to possess each other!

The hand of the Demon Emperor?(Read more @

What kind of rubbish is that!

He Ji Liangying never cared,

His heart has always belonged to the hands in front of him!

After hearing Su Bai’s words,

Office workers understand it,

Surely Dao,

“Boss, I just want to report to you!”

“I report two demon spies,

Attempt to mix into human society and undermine social stability! ”

When these words are said,

The office worker gritted his teeth,

“Boss, one hand, I…”

“Can you still kill the two Demon God clones?”

Su Bai stuffed both hands to the office worker,

The hand slapped his shoulder emptyly twice,

“Take me over, the water of the Demon God clone is very deep!”


The office worker took Su Bai,

Hurry to the place where the Demon God clone is hidden.

After ten minutes,

The two left,

Two demon gods are clones, and the dead can’t die again!

“I really admire myself.”

Su Bai nodded with emotion.

“You are so hardworking when you fish!”

Kill 2 avatars of demon gods,

The remaining demon avatars,

There should be a sense of crisis!

Su Bai bid farewell to the office workers and went their separate ways.

The office worker took out the hand of the first demon,


He found a desperate thing,

Su Bai gave him two left hands!


It will be two left hands! !

“Do not–”

Over Baichuan City,

Echoing the desperate and painful cry of office workers!

“Everyone, this Earth race looks extremely weak!

Under the calm surface,

There is a danger that even a god-level strong will fall! ”

Chat rooms woven with authority,

The demon avatars are surfing the Internet.

They share the human knowledge they have just learned!

At the same time we have to face a cruel fact,

“In less than half a day, five have fallen!”

Who broke into Earth before and after,

There are a total of twenty-four demon avatars!

Five died, nineteen left!

They feel that they have entered the Longtan Tiger Den!

“The human race is the most dangerous,

Still the three strongest! ”

All the demons nodded,

Dark space, cracked air, scorching eclipse.

It is said that there are three strong men with SSS-level talents.

They are all god-level powerhouses who hold dual authority.

The dark realm is weird and unpredictable, splitting the air to attack Wushuang,

Eclipse? Ahem… also a terrifying powerhouse with SSS-level talent!

A demon with god-level strength said,

“Everyone, go back to the crypt, we are dead!”

They fled from the first demon god,

Run to Earth in one breath.

· · Ask for flowers · ·······

Just dare to go back,

The ninety-nine demon god after awakening,

Will not let them go!

Going back like this is a dead end!

They must take credit,

To return to the catacombs!

“Don’t even think about the dark field,

The Red Moon Demon God is not an opponent of Dark Domain! ”

Eliminate one of the strongest enemies first.

The rift was quickly ruled out.

Tear the wound,

Is that an SSS talent?

and so,

They want to perform meritorious service,

Of course there is only one goal left: Yan Eclipse!

“How about Luo Shixin?”

A Demon God suggested.

“No, you must choose among the three old strongest!”

This proposal was denied.

Of course they also want to pinch the soft persimmon.


The third card has the most human anchors!

Killing them will bring the greatest credit!

Yan Eclipse is the shame of the strongest,

Even if you don’t need to deliberately inquire about this, you can know!

“It’s him!”

Many demon gods began to study,

They want to find the weakness of the eclipse,

Then find a way to completely kill the opponent!

“I found it!”

A demon suddenly shouted,

Attract the attention of all the demon gods,

“I know the secret of the flames!”

What he holds in his hand is an astronomical document.

It’s as thick as a brick, and it records a huge amount of astronomical observation data!

“What’s the secret?”

“The flames continue to sky, and you can draw on the power of the sun!”

The devil pointed at the book,


“I looked at nearly 200 years of data,

Found a very strange thing! ”


“Earth over the past two hundred years,

There is no record of a solar eclipse! ”

“This is impossible!”

Earth, moon, sun.

Three rotate according to the law,

A solar eclipse will definitely happen!


“Darkland stole this history with talent!”

“In order to cover up the secret of the eclipse! He would do this!”

Regarding the talent of the dark realm, ‘Stealing the Sky’,

They even heard about it!

Based on this alone,

It can be concluded: Human race has traitors!

Or an invincible traitor,

To leak secrets to the devil,

The talents of the dark domain!

Master Traveler Marco: Just report my ID number.


After discovering this secret,

The demon gods know how to deal with the eclipse!

“Block the connection between the sun and Earth,

Cut off the power source of the eclipse! ”


Aiming at Yan Eclipse’s talent and strength,

They made a perfect assassination plan!

“Let us, help the human race eliminate the shame of the strong!”

They are incredibly confident,

A 920-level god-level powerhouse,

It also contains the right to rubbish [good wine].

Let 19 demon gods deliberately assassinate,

Does the eclipse not die, is there still heaven?

Is that still the shame of the strong!

“It’s not too late, do it tonight!”


(In the evening of the next chapter, I’ll do it soon, don’t wait.

The holiday is almost over.

Have a good rest everyone! )a few.

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