Chapter 330

“Under the crown of the Pope, please here.”

A huge pit with a depth of one thousand meters,

Appeared in front of everyone.

There is a wolf around the pit,

Scattered with fragments of robes, black feathers,

“What exactly is going on….”

Everyone looked at the pope,

Schmidt looked down with deep and wise eyes,

It seems to be interpreting the Lord’s will!

The picture is like freeze frame,

Everyone is full of fear, anxiety and confusion.


Someone began to pray in a low voice.

“O Almighty and Almighty Lord,

Your humble servant prays to you.

The Lord is the hermit, the unsolvable, and the thirteen evil gods. ”

Everyone chanted the real name of the Lord in their hearts,


Waiting for the Lord’s enlightenment!

“Master, are you okay?”

Xiaohu looked at the big monk with blood spilling from the corner of his mouth.

Asked worriedly.

Just before,

The trapped demon avatar,

Relying on each other to fight and swallow,

Let a demon god clone possess the strength comparable to a god-level powerhouse!

The opponent forcibly broke the robes and fleeed away.

Watching the light going away,

Zhao Zi really shook his head helplessly.

With emotion from the bottom of my heart,

“Unfortunately, let him escape alive!”

Then, Zhao Zizhen retracted his gaze,

Don’t think about it anymore.

That’s a god-level powerhouse,

Even if Zhao Zizhen did not practice the closed mantra,

It is impossible to poison the other party to death!

As the robes shattered,

The great monk also vomited a mouthful of blood!

Xiaohu was particularly worried.

To know,

“No, no harm”

The great monk wrote heartache all over his face,

I kept talking,

693 “Poor monk is a monk, a monk…”

Xuanzang is not surprised,

“My master was not injured,

He just felt distressed that his robes were broken. ”

Xiaohu: …..

The breakthrough of a god-level powerhouse can’t hurt the great monk,

Can a broken robes cause such a big impact?

“Xuan Zang, stop talking nonsense!”

The great monk argued hard,

“That’s a limited edition of 82 years,

The Bodhisattva of the Great Merciful Dark Territory has opened the robes of light!

I only collected 12 pieces for my teacher! ”

The great monk took a deep breath.

Calmed down and introduced,

“The mystery of these 12 robes is that,

In different seasons, wear different styles…”

The great monk talked endlessly about the benefits of consecrating robes.

Xiaohu accidentally saw that,

On the production label of the robes,

Awesomely written in a small print: Shen!

“That fellow Shen Huayun is damned!”

Xiaohu thinks of his own tragic experience,

“Even the monks’ money is cheated!”

Zhao Zizhen was on the sidelines,

I was also angry at the experience of the great monk.

Shen Huayun is taking consumerism,

Brainwashed the invincible monk!


Zhao Zizhen comforted himself from the bottom of his heart,

Anyway, the great monk doesn’t look like rich.

Even if Shen Huayun’s heart is dark, he won’t earn much!

Zhao Zizhen stiffened.

Although he did not speak,

But just now,

[Poison Tongue] The mastery of authority has improved again!

Zhao Zi is really crazy,

How is this going?

It happened that Xiaohu also asked this question.

“Master, how much does a robes cost you?”

“The monks do not touch yellow and white things.”

The great monk said,

Let them breathe a sigh of relief.

Just don’t spend money!

“Each limited edition robe has 9.88 million contribution points.

The poor monks also had the candles burned by the Burning Heavenly King,

After being ignited, it can illuminate the surrounding environment. ”

Xiaohu: …..

It seems…a candle can do this kind of thing, right? !

Are you really sure that you are not deceived? !

“This is the Vajra and Devil Pestle that opens up in the sky,

As soon as the demonic pestle comes out, the demons disperse! ”

The monk is still introducing his collection.

Xiaohu issued a soul torture,

“Master, have you used it?”

“This… Poor monks are not good at fighting!”

The great monk was crying,

I haven’t used it!(Read more @

The conversation between the two continues,

Zhao Zizhen was thinking about another thing,

His closed mantra,

Was it done for nothing?

Even if you think about things in your heart, you will do the opposite.

“I want to suppress authority,

Don’t be self-defeating,

Finally, 【Poison Tongue】is advanced! ”

Zhao Zizhen just came up with this idea,

He felt a shock of his authority,

There are faint signs of advancement!

The little tiger and the great monk noticed that Zhao Zizhen had changed.


The great monk said with relief,

“Donor Zhao really has a root of wisdom,

It didn’t take long to practice the closed mantra,

Can break through, good, good! ”

“Old Zhao, it’s okay, make a fortune in silence!”

In their congratulations,

Zhao Zizhen squeezed out a smile that was uglier than crying.

“No more accidents today!”

“I can’t hold it!”

In front of the huge pit in the grassland,

“Under the Pope, what should we do next?”

The believers of the thirteenth evil god,

Waiting for Schmidt’s instructions.

There are three options before Schmidt’s eyes,

1. Take someone away and pretend that nothing happened.

This one can basically pass off.

The surrounding monsters gather more and more,

This demon god descended from the red moon again,

The red moon is the kingdom of God of the Lord!

At least it has something to do with the Lord!

So the demon god in front of you is also related to the Lord,

Schmidt took the believers away,

It is tantamount to betraying the Lord directly!

Option 2. Offering sacrifices to the devil,

Help the other party to restore strength!


Schmidt knew that

He is okay when dealing with the Great Master!

I really met a god-level powerhouse,

His lies, the bubble of faith he blew up, a huge believer who finally built it up!

It will become nothingness in an instant!

No, it can’t be allowed!

Schmidt looks back on everything from this period of time.

Dangerous situation one after another, nine deaths for a lifetime!

In order for the people who have been abandoned by God to report to the group

Schmidt found the ancient demon god named 【Amon】 from the book.

In order to avoid Tyrant’s chase,

Schmidt commanded his men,

Pursue the running dog of Cthulhu!

In order to have a foothold,

Schmidt resolutely took all the believers into the cave!

Earth really can’t stay!


When the red moon comes,

Schmidt disregarded his own safety,

Use the red moon as a pretext to recruit believers!

all of these,

All for gaining authority 89. [Fraud]!

As long as there are more targets of fraud,

The more true the lie,

Schmidt’s strength grows faster!

Devil lives,

Even if Schmidt survived,

I can only be a dog for each other!

in case….

Analyze from any angle,

Schmidt has only one choice left!

“Kill him! Kill him!”

Did not experience complicated ideological struggles,

Schmidt wants to keep his lie alive!

If there really is Amon,

This must be the will of the Lord!

This is what Schmidt told himself!

The authority【fraud】is effective!

Schmidt…choose to use [fraud] authority on himself!

Let yourself believe unconditionally,

The thirteenth evil god who is omniscient and omnipotent, responsible for destroying the world, really exists!


The shepherd of the Lord!


According to the oracle in my mind,

He wants to kill God!

Schmidt took a step forward,

The eyes of all believers are focused on him!

Waiting for the Pope,

Interpret the Lord’s will for them!

“The Lord said…”

All the believers held their breath and did not dare to miss a word.

“This is a test.”

Schmidt looked holy and said very firmly,

“This is the demon god who betrayed the Lord,

He was punished and seriously injured by the Lord God! ”

Someone tremblingly asked,

“Then, what is the test?”

“Complete the unfinished business for the Lord!

Prove to the Lord your loyalty! ”


The ancient books in Schmidt’s hands were flipped frantically,

He wants to attack the bottom of the pit!

His look, his actions, every decision,

They all look like fanatics!

More like it than usual!



Attack the gods with the body of a mortal! !

A fanatical look appeared on everyone’s face,

This emotion is contagious.

One pass ten, ten pass a hundred!

All the guru believers,

Choose to follow Pope Schmidt!

They accept the Lord’s test,


Dedication of loyalty! !

On the huge pit,

Countless attacks are like spilling water from a silver bottle,

Instantly drown the seriously injured Demon God!

After a few breaths,

The attack stopped,

The demon god has no breath anymore, and the fragments of authority float upward!

A group of ants killed the dragon!

All the believers fell on their knees,

Keep reciting the name of the Lord in your mouth!

In front of Schmidt,

A rudimentary authority is solidified,

Successfully accommodated by him!

Authority NO.467: [Shepherd]!

Just when Schmidt brought many believers,

The moment to kill the devil!

Zhao Zizhen kept trembling,

[Poison Tongue] Authority is going to be advanced!

Authority NO.333: [Curse]

Effect: One thought of life and death…

Zhao Zi’s face is like ashes, like mourning.

In the past, the authority of the poisonous tongue was launched,

Still need to speak.

Zhao Zizhen simply cultivated a closed mantra,

I want to avoid the [Poison Tongue] authority being unintentionally cultivated to get out of control!

This is just great,

Don’t speak,

Changed to curse the poisonous milk!

Zhao Zizhen thought in despair,

“I can’t become a fool one day, right?!”

The great monk on the side,

Feeling that Zhao Zi really changed.

Sincerely sighed,

“Donor Zhao has a destiny for my Buddha with one thought of one world!”

“Good, good!”


(Fourth update, Chong Chong Chong Chong!

Once again, this book is 100% pure and cool, and it doesn’t make any cuts. ).

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