Chapter 310

“Even if Shen Huayun is here today,

I can’t take this batch of goods! ”

In front of the warehouse,

Two groups of people are facing each other,

For the equipment of a group of heavy cavalry!

2000 sets,

The total value is more than 500 million contribution points!

Among the Xeon playing cards that have become popular recently,

It’s not just that the gameplay of Fighting Evil God is so simple.

It also involves the ranking of strengths,

such as:

The dark domain deserves the first place.

Tyrant is ranked in Xiao Wang,

This is a compromise.

Among the remaining four strongest,

Everyone can find the last one,


It’s hard to tell who is second.

Rift? Luo Cheng? Ye Su?

Each has its own reason,

They can’t really fight to determine the ranking.

Finally, simply put Tyrant,

The new star with the strongest potential was carried to Xiao Wang.

Everyone believes,

Once Tyrant breaks through level 799,

He is a veritable little king!

The A of the playing cards represents the four invincible masters:

Shen Huayun, a traveling master, a monk, and a Taoist priest.

The latter two are all idle clouds and wild cranes,

Not competing for fame and fortune.

These two outsiders are really indisputable.

Shen Huayun was listed as the first invincible.

A travel master selected by the Western Heavens,

Ranked second.

Since the Tianxuan faction dared to clamor,

Even if Shen Huayun came, he couldn’t take this batch of equipment.

It shows that they are emboldened!


The brigade mage is nearby!

Su Bai and Liu Wanlou are lurking among the people eating melons.

With their current strength,

Want to hide identity,

It couldn’t be easier.

Fire worms lead people to stop the other side,

The two sides were in a stalemate, and no one was willing to accept 683.

“Boy, do you know why the Xeon does not care about these things?”

“do not know.”

Su Bai said frankly.

To tell the truth,

With the mindsets of the three strongest old men,

Su Bai thinks that the probability is too lazy to manage.

Just fighting against the evil god,

Calculate those ancient existences.

I’m tired enough.

Remaining time,

For entertainment,

Laugh at the eclipse,

Isn’t it fragrant?

The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility,

The greater the responsibility, the more tired you live.

In order to maintain humanity,

Fight against the pollution of the divine as much as possible.

This is the boring life of the strongest.

Before the rise of Tyrant,

The devil and evil gods have always mocked the strongest,

Live like a prisoner, paint the ground as a prison, and hold the sky alone!


The two strongest in the dark space and the rift,

Has burst out amazing combat power,

Sweep the evil gods and devil gods.

At this point,

They suddenly found out,

The strongest have never made them their enemies!

They are just a bunch of clowns!

In order to maintain humanity,

The strongest will only determine the general direction of federal development,

Instead of interfering in such trivial matters as Tianxuanpai.

If they are really capable,

Cultivate the strongest of your own power!

The three veteran strong players will pay more attention to one or two.

As for the newly promoted to the strongest,

Ye Su, Luo Cheng,

The previous one is incompetent,

It’s basically carved out of the same mold as the third brand.

Also on the guardian path of some geniuses,

Ye Su will be more concerned.

Tyrant: I understand this too well.

Luo Cheng?

Federal development is a matter of his ass.

This old man can maintain his humanity from being polluted,

Let the demons never relapse,

Thank God already!

Liu Wanlou and Su Bai introduced,

“Between Human Race and Demon Race,

It’s an endless situation!

You also know that total war is not far away,(Read more @

What is war?

Even if you use the most despicable way to win, it is a victory!

No thorny flowers can grow in the greenhouse. ”

The meaning of Liu Wanlou is very simple,

The threat of the demons is not eliminated for a day,

The unity within the human race is beyond doubt.

Under unity, it is not a stagnant pool,

Everyone constrains each other and competes with each other!

not to mention,

Although the opinion of the Chosen faction is extreme,


In the matter of guarding the crypt,

They have been doing well.

Tianxuan faction advocates that ordinary people should not awaken their talents, let alone log in to eternity.

Deprived ordinary people of the right to develop,


It also prevents ordinary people from becoming stronger and stepping onto the battlefield!

Casualties in three crypts,

It has always been borne by the people sent by Heaven!

“So there is no eternal right and wrong,

Only fit or not fit. ”

After Liu Wanlou finished speaking,

Su Bai nodded slowly.

Although what Liu Wanlou said is very reasonable,


Su Bai still feels,

The strongest are just lazy.

After all, the strongest people he came into contact with were all mensao monsters and white prostitutes.

“Shen Xiu is here.”

Between the two people’s words,

Pi Broken Leg has rushed to preside over the overall situation.

To tell the truth,

When it comes to swearing, Su Bai has never seen anyone stronger than Pi’s broken leg.

He slapped his head and covered his face as a curse.

The dog scolded by the other party went bloody.

The opponent who was slashed by the sword lost his helmet and armor, and was defeated by the army!

Even the onlookers eating melons,

Cheers from time to time.

Especially a humble fat man,

Keep shouting,

“Son scolds well!”

“This bunch of cheap bones is just cursing!”

Around the fat man,

A blonde man with a bowler hat smiled.

“Xiaoyun, it’s almost done.”

“Who is Xiaoyun, who are you scolding!”

Fatty is disgusted by others saying that he is small.

I can’t wait to go to WC right away and have a try.

“Juniors are fooling around, what are you doing with you?”

“Also mention that the ego turned my face and didn’t recognize people!”

“Small things, calm down, calm down.”

Shen Huayun: …

Every sentence of the other party,

Can accurately step on the minefield.

The two watched the disputes and changes between the courts,

But there is no intention to intervene.

Arguing, making trouble.

Whoever wins should eat more meat!

This is similar to Su Bai’s previous mentality,

Now powerful enemies are ring-fed,

The strong will always be strong, and the weak will always be weak!

There are not so many restrictions on courtesy, justice and shame,

How come everyone’s stigmatization, touch it!

Whoever has a big fist, who is strong, who has the final say!

after all,

Really on the battlefield,

As long as it can kill the enemy, it is a good knife!

Shen Huayun suddenly smiled.

“Mark, someone is looking for you.”

Marco’s eyes turned at the same time,

Just hit another gaze.

“Liu Wanlou!”

The new invincible master!

Ma Ke, the brigade mage, said calmly,

“It’s ok,

As long as Xiaoyun, you don’t remove the cover of authority,

There is no need for Liu Wanlou and I…”

I haven’t finished speaking yet,

Shen Huayun disappeared directly from the place!

The masking effect of his authority,

Naturally follow along and leave!

It’s like breaking the seal,

Liu Wanlou’s body soared,

A willow leaf is floating in front of you!

Budo is invincible!

Travel Master Marco has double sleeves and no wind automatically,

Two large-caliber pistols appeared in his hands,

One is called ‘Gasl’,

One is called ‘Jackal’!

Under these two pistols,

More than one demons have died!

The moment the two invincible masters met,

A fierce battle is inevitable!

Invincible is not visible invincible!

It’s still such a close distance!

The authority of each other will definitely be eager to fight!

If Shen Huayun helped to cover up,

Can also be fooled.

Liu Wanlou’s fighting spirit was high,

He is here for the Master Traveler!

The brigade master did not escape,

If the other party finds the door, call it back!

“Group Teleport!”

next moment,

Everyone present was teleported away.

Only a few people who can protect themselves are left,

Stay in place to watch the battle.

Su Bai, fire worm, skin broken leg.

Liu Wanlou said loudly,

“Today defeated the second invincible human race,

Good to teach you what is the first invincible! ”

Ma Ke, the brigade mage, is not tepid,

Double shots fired directly!

Willow leaves kept shaking, flying all the bullets!

Su Bai has sharp eyes,

Where is this bullet!

There is no more forbidden curse on every bullet!

Once hit by a bullet,

Ordinary extreme injury directly!

Two invincible masters fought against each other,

A rare opportunity,

The few people with Broken Leg looked intently, for fear of missing any details.

A fat man doesn’t know when,

After touching Su Bai and others, Yoyo said,

“Lao Liu hasn’t seen each other for so many years,

The level of education is still low! ”

Su Bai automatically enters the support role,

“Why see?”

This support made Shen Huayun feel very comfortable.

Shen Huayun smiled,

“He won the second invincible or the second invincible?

What’s the matter with me first invincible? ”

Everyone was taken aback,

This is the truth!

Running at the sports meet, you surpassed the second place, you are only the second place!

Hearing this heart-wrenching sentence,

Liu Wanlou’s burly body shook for a while,

Holding a lancet,

Regardless of Marco’s attack, he insisted on the Forbidden Curse and killed him.

“Fatty, look at the knife!”

Today, we must let Shen Huayun see and see,

What is a willow leaf cutting all enemies!

The cut is invincible!


(Secondly, Chong Chong Chong!

The 51 code word is like a weak buff, Kavin…).

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