Chapter 309

“Continue to play music, continue to dance!”

The only player in the audience-Qin Lin.

Although I don’t know what happened,


It looks amazing.

Everyone in Baiziying returned to the bonfire party,

I have wine now and I am drunk now.

Su Bai took Gongsun Qi to the corner,

The story of the entire Slaughter City was explained in detail.

Regarding how the eclipse flickers the broken king,

As a result, Gongsun contained fragments of killing authority right after he was born,

this matter,

Su Bai didn’t hide it either.

Anyway, it is the black history of the eclipse,

The more people know the better.

Su Bai suspected in private,

The eclipse contains [shame] authority,

The stronger the humiliation, the stronger the strength!

Otherwise it cannot be explained,

Why Yan Eclipse has always been the shame of the Xeon.

of course,

This is just Su Bai’s guess.

“That’s it.”

After listening,

Gongsun nodded and said,

“In other words, the ruined king is locked in the shadow island,

Can’t leave in this life? ”

“Luo Cheng can let him go.”

Su Bai smiled.

“But by then,

He is not anxious. ”

Gongsun started.

The growth rate of their generation,

It is not an exaggeration to describe it as a rocket lift-off!

After accommodating the authority to kill,

Gongsun raised to level 660 in one breath!

The master is within reach,

Even if you become a demigod powerhouse,

It’s also a matter of a few years!

Pi Broken Leg, Overlord, Fire Worm and others,

It is also near level 600.

In a blink of an eye,

They all have the combat power of a quasi-master and a grandmaster!

After explaining the business,

Su Bai secretly took out a note.

“This is my request to an old gentleman named Xin Qiji,

I made a word, wait for your next big victory, cough cough. ”

Su Bai didn’t say too much,

Gongsun understood at first.

“Okay, let Mr. Xin’s words become famous!”

Under the moonlight,

He only saw the first sentence of the word,

“Drunk in the light and watch the sword…” (Note)

“good words!”

Simply six words,

A breath of battlefield is oncoming.

it is good!

These majestic words,

It must be a shocking victory!

The matter of Baiziying came to an end.

Su Bai and Liu Wanlou rushed to the cornucopia,

That is the main target of this enemy’s attack!

Su Bai knew clearly,

The Chosen faction just wanted to destroy its own heavy cavalry establishment.


It’s all blindfold.

On the way,

Liu Wanlou coughed slightly.

Su Bai pretended not to understand what he meant,

“Lao Liu, I have a cold. “?”

The invincible master of martial arts,

How can it be possible to catch a cold?

Liu Wanlou vaguely said,

“Instructor Xiaosu, that… Mr. Xin… I am also a great name for a long time…”

You have been looking up grandma’s legs for a long time.

Su Bai rolled his eyes at the bottom of his heart.

Do you know how to write the three characters Xin Qiji!

The meaning of Liu Wanlou is very simple:

Give me the whole one too!

Su Bai is strange,

Why are these old guys so fond of fame?

Can’t be like myself,

Low-key, humble, indifferent to fame and fortune?

Su Bai thinks that maybe he has done less by example.

After he became the strongest,

You must publicize your indifferent fame and fortune.

Let everyone study hard.

Facing the requirements of Liu Wanlou,

Su Bai said angrily.

“No of Xin Qiji,

Would you like Gulong? ”

“Bone Dragon?”(Read more @

Liu Wanlou was surprised.

Does this thing write poetry?

Necro creatures that don’t even have a brain,

Are better than yourself?

Su Bai

“Sword Qi is 30,000 miles across, and one sword shines on 19 continents!” (Note)


He said with a slight regret,

“It’s a pity, you always use swords. This poem is praised for using swords.”

Liu Wanlou’s face was full of disappointment.

Su Bai couldn’t help it, the ancients made heavy swords and light swords.

I can only blame Liu Wanlou for the narrow road at first.

“Stop talking about this.”

Liu Wanlou seemed to let go of the matter.

Isn’t it just a fake name

They are all people who have become invincible masters,

Who cares about this?

The two came quietly to the cornucopia,

Appeared in the office with a broken leg.

Even if it’s time for get off work,

Cornucopia is still full of voices.

“still busy?”

Skin broke his leg and nodded,

“Things are almost settled,

Unfreezing funds, order claims and replacement,

The equipment of the Baiziying camp was also distributed on time.

Just the equipment of the heavy cavalry…”

No need to break your leg and say,

Su Bai also knows,

The selected faction will not let them get the equipment so smoothly.

Heavy cavalry,

People, mounts and equipment are indispensable!

There is no customized ultra-high defense heavy armor,

The heavy cavalry charged up and gave the head away?

Before that,

Only Tianxuan sends heavy cavalry,


The industrial chain of heavy cavalry equipment is also in the hands of Tianxuanpai.

When Su Bai wanted to develop heavy cavalry,

The other party is logical,

Will get stuck in this regard.

Pi Broken Leg has been so busy now that he is worrying about this matter.

The establishment of the Overlord’s four thousand heavy cavalry,

Only 500 sets of equipment have been equipped so far!

Su Bai said seriously,

“Even if this crisis is over,

Nor can it be taken lightly, and must develop its own industrial chain.

Otherwise, next time, the other party stuck his neck at a critical moment, wouldn’t we stare at us? ”

“Stuck your neck?”

Skin broke his leg and nodded,

Use the word well!

Su Bai hit the nail on the head and uttered the core issue.

It’s better to buy than to make!

I have it in my hands, better than anything else!

“I have contacted Master Xiaohu,

His newly built super furnace,

We are making every effort to build heavy cavalry standard equipment! ”

Pi’s broken leg also thought of this.

When the first batch of equipment is released,

As long as it can meet Bawang’s needs,

All future orders,

Will transfer to Xiaohu’s side!

Now I am most worried about the broken leg,

It’s a batch of equipment that has already been paid for,

It was forcibly detained by the opponent!

“Go, let’s go and see with you.”

Su Bai, Liu Wanlou,

Like Ban, accompanied Pi Broken leg to the suburban warehouse.

Get their equipment back!

Inside the warrior cemetery,

A whistle cut through the night.

“…Night prohibition!”

The military regulations of the Baizi Camp are extremely cumbersome.

Violation of any one is severe punishment.

After hearing the whistle,

Everyone gathered automatically, ready to return to the prison to rest.

Gongsun Qi said,

“Overnight here.”

Since it is not on the battlefield, there is no need to be on guard for rest.

When they were about to sleep on the floor,

Gongsun Qi spoke again,

“In the first sequence, line up!”

More than four thousand people are rarely confused.

The first sequence,

That is the sequence of their first array.

Now there are nearly two hundred brothers missing,

Isn’t it two hundred more vacancies?

The confusion was quickly eliminated,

Gongsun Qi’s words are too big for them.

Everyone realigned.

Gongsun Qi grasped the ruined blade,

First use of rundown Skills:

Ruined Legion!

Glowing with light blue light,

Nearly two hundred spirit bodies crawled out of the cemetery!

These ones,

All the people who died in the Baizi camp!

Their faces are full of numbness and confusion.

I mean? where am I? What am i doing?

Gongsun’s voice rang,

“Those who don’t enter the battle on time, whip fifty!”

All the spirits shook their spirits at the same time,

It seemed to be a little awake,

Crawling and rolling into the formation,

Find your place.

“Those who enter the battle and look around, whip thirty!”

All spirit bodies looked straight ahead.


In Baiziying,

When do I go to bed according to the order!

“Those who don’t sleep at night, whip two hundred!”

A total of five thousand people lay down straight.

Gongsun Qi is no exception.

in the corner,

Qin Lin looked at this scene before him,

Dumbfounded, is this okay?

He looked back at the remaining tombstone,

Those strange things that were repaired by him,

A tombstone belonging to Master Luo Cheng’s comrade-in-arms.

Qin Lin stretched out his hand and pressed it.


“Everyone, wait a minute, it’s not yet time.”

He laughed himself after speaking.

Other people’s new graves are haunted,

It’s normal.

My own graves of nearly a hundred years,

Even if it’s haunted, it’s long ago.

Qin Lin turned and left,

Naturally, I didn’t see nearly ten thousand faint rays of light,

They are dotted like fireflies.

Seems to be nodding,

Since Luo Cheng’s apprentice said so,

Then we’ll just wait.


(Overslept, clocked in late.

Rice, code, rush!

Note 1: Xin Qiji’s “Poor Neighbors”

Note 2: Gu Long “The Sword of the Three Young Masters”).

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