Chapter 311

“Ei, can’t hit!”

Shen Huayun slipped like a loach.

He is fat, but extremely flexible.

Su Bai looked surprised.

Pi’s broken leg looked strange,

“My second dad taught me the first lesson,

The secret of fighting is to escape! ”

Yes, this is very Shen Huayun.

“Your second dad?”

The fire worm was surprised,

“Who is your daddy?”

“You guy, why don’t you even forget us ~ father?”

Pi Broken leg said confidently.


He shouldn’t ask this question too much!

Shen Huayun ran away,

The battle between the brigade mage Marco and Liu Wanlou is not over yet!

The two fought again.

Su Bai and others had to back-back again.


Asked Pi Broken leg,

“Why are they fighting?”

The two human races are invincible and have no grudges or hatreds. Why are they facing each other?

Fireworm knew the answer, he didn’t say it.

Su Bai explained,

“Just after breaking through, Mr. Liu must figure out his position in invincibility.”

Any kind of creature,

After breaking into a new environment,

You must quickly find yourself at the level of the food chain.

There are only four invincible grandmasters out of the human race,

Two of them could not be found,

Shen Huayun didn’t fight Liu Wanlou at all.

Marco, the brigade mage, is almost the only choice.

Liu Wanlou must fight with the invincible master with all his strength,

To determine how many catties you are!

To know,

Invincibility is also divided into strengths and weaknesses.

Invincible like Ye Su,

Cthulhu will always give away the head of God.

Another example is the invincible master of Buddhism who can’t come out of the world.

Su Bai checked the other party’s profile,

Not good at fighting all his life.

Buddhism is more like an attempt,

He walked all the way,

Relying on the accumulating experience of deputy occupations to upgrade.

Taking authority is a matter of course,

Only the last step!

According to the introduction of Xeon,

If the Buddhist invincible can become a demigod,

His resistance to the pollution of authority is the highest!


You can also blaze a new trail!

Taoist invincibility also leads to the same goal by different routes,

It’s okay to let them put on a scene of invincibility,

It’s not profitable to really start.


Limit the strength of the strongest,

It is the consequence of divine pollution.

Especially the dark space,

He uses talent and authority too often,

The whole person showed signs of rejuvenation.

Obviously there is a problem.

To leave time for the rest of the human race to grow up,

Running out.

Su Bai’s talent is full of firepower,

Can offset 40% of authority pollution,

It is destined that once he becomes the strongest,

Strength will increase rapidly!

Become the strongest combat power of the human race,

It is not impossible!

The invincibility of Buddhism is not present in this world,

Taoism is invincible without entering the world,

Liu Wanlou had only this option left.

The full-scale war between the human race and the demons is imminent,

Liu Wanlou must be on the battlefield.

Before departure,

Have to figure it out,

His rank among invincible masters.

So this battle in front of us,

Must fight!

In other words,

Even if there is no conflict between Tianxuanpai and Su Bai,

Traveling mage will also take the initiative to come to the door,

Fight with Liu Wanlou!

Invincible decisive battle, even if it is not a life and death battle,

There will also be countless powers to appear,

There may be gains to each other!

Even the spectators,

There are also no small benefits.


The broken leg and the fire worm are too weak,

Su Bai couldn’t take them closer.

“It’s such a coincidence, you guys also come to watch the battle.”

A young man in black walked out from behind the three,

“Just get closer if you want to see it.”

Dark Domain took three people,

Came to the nearest place on the battlefield instantly!

There is dark space,

Don’t worry about the aftermath of any battle.

Su Bai’s pupils shrank,

Before, he couldn’t understand the dark field’s shots, only thought that the big brother 666.

Now he is in charge of [Tyrant],

Level has also reached 699, the quasi-grand master’s strength.

What I didn’t understand before, now I can see some clues.

Dark Domain just shot,

It is clearly using the authority of “theft”,(Read more @

Steal the [distance] between the four people and the target directly!

This? !

Su Bai didn’t expect that authority could still be used like this!

What he didn’t expect was,

Is the use of power in the dark domain so arbitrary?

Is he not afraid of divine pollution?

Su Bai suddenly had a bold conjecture in his heart,

Will it,

The old coin in the dark field,

Found your own way to resist pollution?

The three veteran Xeons,

Really all the old coins?

Su Bai suddenly felt so tired.

Why do you fight to protect the human race?

Don’t hug ready-made thighs?

Lie down to win the game, but not to lie down, then it is called lying down to win the game!

These three Xeons are clearly too strong but too cautious!

Su Bai decided not to worry about the old coins anymore.

These guys,

Even if you die in front of you, you die into ashes, there is no scum left!

Maybe it will come out from any corner,

Give you a big surprise!

Gather the clutter,

Su Bai looked at the battlefield.

The dark field vision is much higher than the three,

Easily commented,

“This guy Marco Polo, even though he is a mage.

But the way of fighting is very weird, known as the Little Dark Zone…”

Su Bai:…

Are you explaining the battle,

Or praise yourself?

“Liu Wan is downstairs, but it’s weird.”

The dark field is not broken.

In his opinion,

Marco Polo used eight points of strength,

Liu Wanlou is less than 60%.

Liu Wanlou didn’t even urge the authority!

What is he waiting for?


What does he want to do?

In the battlefield,

Liu Wanlou smashed the bullet with a single blow,

Swipe back several tens of meters to open the distance between the two sides.

In the battle with the wizard,

This is obviously not a wise choice!

The Master Traveler did not stop at all,

A twelve consecutive shots!

Bang bang bang ——

Liu Wanlou split several bullets one after another,

When the last bullet was received,

Lancet, broken? !


Everyone present was shocked!

Even the shots of the Master Traveler have a slight stasis!

Is Liu Wanlou so weak?

Only Su Bai seems to have guessed the truth.

He held his forehead with one hand,

With a pained expression,

It seems to be tortured by men and women.

These old guys,

What kind of obsession do you have for cups?

Su Bai left the battlefield silently.

I found a corner with no one,

Changed clothes and put on a mask of joy and anger,

He knew he had to cooperate with Liu Wanlou.

If you cooperate with Su Bai’s identity,

What a shame!

Su Bai decided to shame Baichuan Crow.

On the battlefield,

Fragments of the lancet hovered around Liu Wanlou.

His hair was messy, and some blood was deliberately smeared on his face, creating a miserable look.

· · Ask for flowers · ·······

Screaming to the sky,

“Sure enough, there are limits to using a knife!”

Everyone was dumbfounded.

If you can’t win, you can’t win.

What’s the matter?

Just listen,

Liu Wanlou roared,

“Today, Liu abandoned his sword and used his sword.

Don’t cut the invincible, no more knife! ”

The voice is extremely loud,

It can be heard in half of Baichuan City!


Countless lancet fragments regroup in the air,

Turned into a willow sword,

Liu Wanlou’s martial arts authority was also urged for the first time.

He is holding a long sword,

Said to use the sword, but the sword is still in his bones.


Facing the brigade mage, slashed with a sword!

Fire worms, skin-broken legs and close their eyes at the same time!

This trick made the two of them overwhelmed by the momentum alone!

Even if there is dark space to help bear most of the coercion!


Is it the strength of the invincible master!

They were obviously playing around before!

There was a great fear in Pi’s broken leg,

This sword, even if he has an immortal body,

Will be completely killed!

Feeling this terrifying power,

Marco Polo also showed excitement in his eyes,

…… …….. …

The two pistols began to change forms,

It seems that I want to go head-to-head with the other party!

Take this trick,

One must be seriously injured,

Another person can enter Xeon!

The strongest temptation is in front of us,

Few people can refuse!

Shen Huayun’s jumping feet watching the battle in the distance,

“I knew that Lao Liu was such a tiger.

I fight him! ”

“It’s not rare for me to be the first invincible of the human race, I want to be the strongest bastard!”

Shen Huayun regretted it.

Marco Polo’s blood boiled!


A black figure appeared in front of Marco Polo,

An extremely terrifying sword,

After receiving it, it is possible to enter the Xeon’s sword!

He gently raised his hand and took it with two fingers!

It’s as easy as holding a dandelion!


A violent wind blows around,

The aftermath of horror swept the earth!

All the buildings in a radius of ten miles are turned into powder!

The dark field lifts weights lightly,

Nodded in praise,

“This sword is invincible!”

Liu Wanlou held the sword in both hands, his face flushed, and he held on without stopping.

The dark field is a bit surprised,

I gave each other a chance to make a cup,

Don’t stop?

What are you waiting for?

At this time,

A hoarse voice broke the silence,

“What a Jianzong Liu Wanlou!”

Everyone looked sideways and saw one person wearing black clothes, holding a sharp blade, and a crow on his shoulder.

Baichuan Crow!

Why is he here?

Just listen to the world,

Baichuan Crow left a very proud word, and then went away invisible.

“Sword Qi is 30,000 miles across, and a sword shines on nineteen continents!”

This? !

Good poem!

So awesome!

The people present have no cultural understanding,

I also feel that this sentence is awesome!

Only one sentence can be sent!

The dark domain was shocked by the two men’s show operations!

Put a cup into a new realm!

I saw Liu Wanlou floating and collecting his sword.

Extremely cultivated as a master,

Laugh loudly,

“Baichuan crows are absurd! I am so ashamed that I dare not be it!”

Over the entire Baichuan City,

Both reverberated with those two sentences of Baichuan Crow.

“What a Jianzong Liu Wanlou!”

“Sword Qi is 30,000 miles across, and a sword shines on nineteen continents!”

Can’t calm down for a long time.


(The third one will be sent, rushing!) A few.

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