Chapter 308

“In general, this trip has been quite rewarding.”

Yan Zhao concluded for Su Bai,

“Although the ruined king was taken away,

The effect of the ruined blade is weakened a lot,

It is still stronger than the general legendary equipment. ”

Su Bai glanced at the introduction:

Equipment: Ruined Blade without Soul

Level: Below 800, it grows with the user’s Level.

Effect: After three consecutive slashes, it causes 15% of the true damage of the upper limit of life, and cools down for 30 seconds.


[The king’s fate has been determined]: The soul of the enemy killed by the ruined blade will be absorbed.

Souls can be summoned to fight within 15 days, and soul power depends on the user’s authority.

[Destroyed Legion]: Summon the dead unit to fight. This unit can be a friendly unit or an enemy unit.

The description of the ruined legion is very vague.


Without the ruined blade of the soul,

Not as powerful as Su Bai imagined.

Su Bai, with endless means nowadays,

On the contrary, it is not needed so much.

“By the way, you two are also considered to be the new strongest.

I forgot to tell you some secrets. ”

Yanzhe mentioned this incident suddenly.

Su Bai and Luo Cheng pricked their ears and listened.

He stopped and coughed slightly.

Luo Cheng, who understands his heart,

Immediately laughed and scolded,

“Young people nowadays don’t know anything about politeness!”

“Su Bai, hurry up and bring Yansha a glass of water!”

Su Bai: (╯‵□)╯︵┻━┻

I can’t live this day!

Su Bai took out three bottles of coconut milk,

Love to drink, don’t drink it!

The macho should drink this!

Yansha combined with coconut milk and said with a smile.

“First, remember,

Whenever you need to swear by your real name,

Let the other party agree to swear by the real name of Dark Domain! ”

“Why? 11”

Su Bai is very cooperative.

He really didn’t understand why he wanted to do this.

Go to death to pit the dark realm?

“In fact, it’s nothing big.”

Yanzhe blinked,

“Darkland holds the authority of [contract].”

“So, the effect of his backlash will be weaker?”

At this moment,

Su Bai suddenly felt that the image of the dark space became taller!

Darkfield is no longer the strong one who stole his 1 copper coin,

It is the strongest one who silently bears everything!

Dark field,

Worthy of being the strongest of the human race!

Just a few seconds of effort,

The image of Dark Field in Su Bai’s heart has undergone an earth-shaking change.

The Terran has a dark field, great fortune!

Just listen to Yan Eclipse continue to say,

“Darkland also holds the authority of [distrust],

Obtain special effects: say nothing.

strictly speaking,

The stronger the contract backlash, the greater the benefit of the dark domain.

There is a good saying in Likong,

The paper signed by Darkfield is not as good as waste paper! ”

Su Bai, Luo Cheng:…

The image of the dark domain that has just grown tall,

It collapsed in an instant!

Su Bai didn’t even know what to say.

The strongest in the dark,

You think this is his bottom line,

He can always break through your imagination again!

This person has no bottom line at all!

It’s like a ghost.

Is it the luck of the human race to own the dark domain,

Su Bai was not sure.

And the dark field as an opponent,

It is really the ancestors’ grave that has been in the black smoke for eight lifetimes before encountering such a supreme wicked strongman…

Su Bai counted from the bottom of his heart.

[Theft], [Priestess], [Contract], [Broken Faith], [Magician]

Among the six powers in the dark domain,

Five have appeared!

There is one authority left, and one companion authority is unknown.

There are also fragments of [Glory] authority.

From the perspective of the attributes of authority alone,

The combat effectiveness of the dark realm is really not strong,

Frontal combat capability,

It can even be called ‘garbage’!


Cooperate with the SSS-level talent that does not know the effect [Stealing the Sky and Changing the Day],

These messy powers of the Dark Realm,

Outbreak of amazing combat power!

Even the first evil god,

Have been hunted down by the Dark Realm for many years!

There is nothing to fight back!

Su Bai is now at level 699,

I have a deeper understanding of the game,

He can feel the power of SSS-level talent more and more!

The firepower of the fourth stage is fully on,

Just let Su Bai offensive and defensively,

It can also resist the pollution of authority!

Among the remaining three known SSS-level talents,

There are many torn wounds heaven-defying needless to say.

It is said that no woman is the enemy of Rift!

Separation is also known as the Friends of Women.

Steal the day and change the day,(Read more @

Has shown his weirdness and strength several times in a row!

Whether it’s an opponent or one’s own person,

All suffer from it.

The last SSS talent… the flames of fire!

It seems unremarkable,

What if it’s really unremarkable?

Ah this…

Su Bai resisted the urge to ask.

He believes,

At a critical juncture,

Yan Eclipse can definitely stand up!

The withered god seat,

Su Bai gave it to Luo Cheng and Yanzhe,

Please send the two to the depths of the trading secret.


There is a god seat that belongs to Baichuan Crow!

Yanzhe added,

“And one more thing,

You will find the equipment very tasteless in your future battles.

Authority seems to be a better weapon.

This is wrong! ”

The eclipse is very serious,

“For things that can be solved with equipment and talent, don’t use authority!

The more power is used, the greater the pollution! ”


SSS-level talent is so easy to use, why not use it? ”

Luo Cheng (SS-level talent): Thank you, I was offended.

Luo Cheng’s talent,

Su Bai has always been curious.

To know,

In the situation where Rift Sky does not use talents and both parties do not use authority,

Luo Chengneng and Rikong are 50-50!

It can be seen that

Luo Cheng’s talent is still relatively powerful!


I heard Yanzhe personally say that the SSS-level talent is easy to use,

Su Bai always feels weird.

Just like the young lady in the palace, the director of the omnipotent appraisal of the clubhouse, is very moist.

People don’t run well,

I can’t help you!

Su Bai put aside his contempt for “Fighting Flames”,

Say goodbye to the two,

Su Bai returns to Earth.

Get out of the hut.

“So fast?”

It didn’t take long for it to get dark,

Liu Wanlou still sat cross-legged outside the hut.

An invincible master defends the way like this,

Su Bai’s treatment can be said to be unique.

“Well, it’s done.”

Liu Wanlou did not leave immediately,

It’s behind Su Bai, just like the class.

He took the initiative to speak,

“Baiziying, it’s interesting.”

The movement of the warrior cemetery,

Of course, I can’t hide it from Liu Wanlou.

Can be evaluated as ‘interesting’ by an invincible master.

It is already a very high evaluation!

Su Bai walked out,

For Gongsun, he is naturally 10,000 at ease.

Su Bai saw an unexpected scene:

The cemetery became a bonfire party,

The one who is dancing… is Qin Lin!

This guy,

Why did you get mixed up with the people from Baiziying?

Su Bai found a weird thing.

Don’t look at Qin Lin’s intelligence as only 6 points,

This guy can mingle with anyone!

Beside so many big guys,

Qin Lin, who was just 100th level, can live well till now,

It’s not easy…


Lively bonfire dance,

It was aborted by a simple instruction.

Nearly 5,000 people instantly entered a state of battle, and the array was over!

The persecutor took out a three-meter-high flag from his pocket,

Resistance on the shoulders!

Only Qin Lin with a dumb face,

I don’t know what happened.

Assemble in stride,

A breath of killing fell upon his face,

Liu Wanlou narrowed his eyes!


My own evaluation of Baiziying,

Still a bit lower!

Gongsun stood at the front of the array,

Take the lead and kneel down on one knee,

“The white character camp owner will raise Gongsun, see the group leader!”

“There are 4,812 people in the Baiziying camp, see the group leader!”

The neat voice is not loud,

But the murderousness in it,

Can make children cry all night!

Su Bai stepped forward,

Holding a long sword in his hand,

The light from the campfire shone on his face,

Let everyone in Baiziying see Su Bai’s expression clearly.

“Death row camp,

The battle in the City of Souls killed nearly 70,000 monsters!

More than 3,600 people were slightly injured, more than 1,200 seriously injured, and nearly 200 killed! ”

Su Bai said word by word.

This terrifying battle loss ratio can already explain everything!

What’s more terrifying is that

Five thousand people were seriously injured up to 1,200 people!

Their morale did not collapse!

683   shows Gongsunqi’s strong control over Baiziying!

Su Bai’s gaze,

Sweep everyone present,

Announce the reward for this battle,

“Gifanhao Baiziying!”

“All death row inmates are exempted and changed to life imprisonment!”

“The treatment of the white camp is the same as the treatment of the federal S-class warrior legion, and the wounded must be cured.

The deceased’s pension is three times the same size, and the remains enter the Wuzhe Cemetery in Baichuan City! ”

These are small things.

Su Bai did not discuss with Gongsun,

Take the initiative to fight for them.

The so-called rewards and punishments are clear,

If you want people to die, you can rely on Gongsun Qi’s personal charm.

But if money and status are in place, it can also be in place.

That’s the icing on the cake!

At last,

Su Bai raised the long sword in his hand,

“Gongsun stepped forward.”

“The end will be!”

“This sword is called the Blade of Ruin,

Originated from the ruined king of the slaughter city lord. ”

When I heard the words of the King of Dilapidation,

Gongsun Qi’s expression showed a rare change.

The ruined king is dead?

The only existence that might threaten Gongsun Qi,

Was it solved by Su Bai?


Su Bai will ruin the blade,

Without hesitation, hand it over to Gongsun Qi.

The more tasteless weapon for Su Bai,

Most suitable for corps-level combat!

Su Bai is not like before, one person is full and the whole family is not hungry.

right now,

He has his own power!

If you eat meat yourself, the people under your hand must eat meat too!

Took over the ruined blade,

After Gongsun got up,

Nearly five thousand people who stood up originally,

Kneel down on one knee again,

“Wish to die for Baiziying!”

Liu Wanlou on the side,

Slowly nodded,

He knew that this iron army was finished!

from now on,

They only obey the orders of two people.

From Gongsun, Su Bai!

Even at the moment Liu Wanlou,

All are a little jealous.

“Would you like to send the disciples of the clan to the Baizi Camp?”

He was thinking hard.


(Click to view picture, summary for April.

Good night, brothers! ).

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