Chapter 268

“Those who can’t hold on can stay here.”

The body of the first evil god,

It’s not so easy to face!

After the scarlet moon appeared,

The first evil god’s plan to destroy the world,

The veil was slowly lifted and unfolded in front of the world.

From the moon to affect the whole world,

have to say,

Su Bai feels a lot like the plot of a certain Martian ninja.

It is for this reason that

Dark Realm must hunt down the first evil god,

Never let Him succeed!

The plight in front of the human race,

More than half,

It’s all caused by the disappearance of the dark domain!

“We will stay here.”

There are four people who can’t hold it anymore.

In the end only four people moved forward,

Su Bai, Overlord, Broken Leg, Fire Bug.

Close to the body of the first evil god,

The authority of other evil gods slowly receded.

The fire worm who frantically complained about [my father of the strongest] before,

At this time, he seemed extremely silent.

The four moved slowly,

His lips quivered a few times, but he still couldn’t hold back, and said,

“Today’s matter…”

Connect the broken leg immediately,

“No ninth person will know what happened today!”

Firebug: “What I said…”

Pi broke his leg: “We didn’t even hear what you said!”

The fire worm has a complicated mood.

It’s great to have these brothers!

Thousands of words turned into one sentence:

“Thank you!”

Pi’s broken leg patted him on the shoulder,

“Yes, after all, you are my strongest son!”

Fire bug: ….

Fuck, it’s sloppy!

How could this guy let him go so easily!

Fire bug has realized that

This will be the black history he can’t erase in the future!

There were two gags,

The atmosphere of advancing is much lighter.

in fact,

Su Bai has come all the way in eternity,

The environment of playing BOSS has always been very happy.

The reason,

It’s very simple.

Dead, big deal, resurrection!

I still remember the first time I played a level 99 evil boss,

The scene began to line up to draw numbers!

The feeling of the whole wicked BOSS meeting and signing event!

Take back your thoughts,

The four Su Bai are getting closer to the body of the first evil god!

Of course they know,

Don’t look at God directly!

Before coming,

Each has special props,

Can offset the influence of god-level creatures on them!

Even so,

Cthulhu’s pollution to them is also speeding up frantically!

This is something that cannot be avoided.

On the countdown of the watch on the four hands,

The numbers in the minute column have been decreasing at the rate of seconds!

At this rate,

The weakest overlord can only hold on for 3 minutes!


Four people felt the acceleration of pollution,

Can only race against time.

in fact,

Each of them has his own hole cards.

The overlord holds a broken authority in his arms.

It should be able to cause a lot of damage to the first evil god!

The trump card of the broken leg is even stronger,

He has direct authority!

Power NO.1000+: Water droplets!


The wealth of the Shen family,

Beyond the imagination of other people.

The head of the Shen family, the father of Pi’s broken leg,

Knowing he was going to hit the moon,

He actually squeezed this authority to him!

“Anyway, it is waste authority,

Take it and listen to it,

Just set off firecrackers. ”

Use authority to blow things like evil gods,

To Shen Xiu’s father, it was like playing with gold leaves.

Not worth mentioning!

Fireworm’s trump card is not authority!

It’s an eclipsed clone!


Privately,(Read more @

Yan Eclipse has always been ridiculed as the weakest strongest.

Not because he is weak,

But the other two are too strong!

The SSS-level talent of Sundering Sky [Tear Wound],

How strong is it?

Terran announces the effect of “Tear the Wound” in the Grandmaster Circle!

Just so confident!


Come tear one?

In the battle of top combat power,

Information is an important factor in determining the outcome.

Talent and authority, you can hide it!

The talent of the eclipse [the fire to the sky],

Not many people know the effect,

It can only be understood in a literal sense, it should be a group attack damage.

It can be seen that

How powerful is the torn wound!

The dark field is even more powerful,

The talent of [Crossing the Sky], the effect is unknown!

Since the dark domain broke through to level 900,

No evil god or devil dared to act alone!

Because they are afraid of death!

They were afraid, they were sapped by the dark realm,

Then erase everything!

No one will even remember,

There used to be such an evil god/devil god!

The three strongest men have supported the heavens of the human race!

Yan Eclipse’s clone,

Even if there is no way to seriously hurt the First Cthulhu.

Can also create opportunities for others!

The three players’ hole cards,

If pieced together,

Any demi-god powerhouse will fall!

God-level powerhouse,

For example, garbage like the eleventh evil god,

Will be seriously injured too!

But the enemy is the first evil god!

It is said that he has been firmly in the position of the first evil god for thousands of years,

Unfathomable strength!

These three hole cards are played out,

It’s already pretty good to be able to delay for a while!


They also have the biggest hole card-Su Bai!

As long as Su Bai is there,

There is light in their hearts!

Even if it is a god, Su Bai can kill it for you!

This confidence may be unreasonable,


Everything I have experienced in the past,

Let them choose to believe in Su Bai!

Although they don’t know what Su Bai’s hole card is.

War authority?

Or something else?


A minute passed,

The four of them can already see the outline of the first evil god!

Was disturbed by them,

The first evil god in the sleeping place,

Waking up slowly.

“Four ants…”

“No, four stronger ants…”

The first evil god disdainfully said,

“You can’t figure out the power of God at all!”

He did not kill the four people in the first place…

Because you can’t kill.

At the moment when the first evil god awakened, the fire worm

Summoned his own father’s clone!

I always laughed at the broken leg of the fire worm before,

Realized at this moment,

There is a strong dad, it is so fragrant!

The foster father is here, and his son Shen Xiu pays respects!

The eclipse clone fought with the first evil god,

Immediately there were countless gunpowder smoke filling the battlefield.


The eclipse clone has been at a disadvantage!

Was broken,

Sooner or later!

“You are the first evil god?”

Su Bai didn’t help,

This level of battle is not something they can participate in.

“How dare you call the name of God!”

A thunder fell,

Smashed lonely.

Crimson Pool!

Su Bai dodges an attack,

I didn’t forget to continue to ridicule,

“I always have a question I want to ask you.”

“If God answers, there will be a price!”

The fire worm hurriedly stopped Su Bai,

“Don’t ask, it will be related to the first evil god…”

Su Bai still asked.

The prepared question,

“The first evil god, have you ever defeated?”

Snort disdainfully,

The first Cthulhu just wanted to say no.

Su Bai threw a mask out.


The mask fell on the body of the first evil god,

Broken into countless pieces!

“this is?!”

Mask of joy and anger!

Su Bai threw the mask of joy and anger? !

How could the mask of joy and anger be on him!

There are countless questions in everyone’s mind,

Want to get an answer.


Their attention,

Attracted to the past by the new changes!

In the mask of joy and anger in countless fragments of Suicheng,

A figure walked out of it,

He walked,

While answering Su Bai’s question.

“This guy has been in the past seventy-nine years,

A total of 3,600,1.7 and forty-two times have been defeated by me. ”

The figure is completely solidified,

Like a hurricane blew by,

The entire kingdom of the first evil god began to shake violently!

Just because of the arrival of the other party!

There are signs that the kingdom of God is about to collapse!

Who the hell is it!

There is such a terrifying power and strength!

Even the first evil god,

Have been defeated by him more than 3,000 times? !

The fire worm’s throat moved slightly,

Failed to call out that name.


Everyone present had an answer in their hearts:

The first owner of the mask of joy and anger,

The strongest of the human race,

Dark domain! !

The first evil god roared,

“Impossible! I am the number one evil god, how can the existence of fragments of the power to destroy the world be defeated in your hands!”

The dark field that appeared on the battlefield,

Showing two neat rows of white teeth,

With a cruel smile,

“Because you have forgotten.

It doesn’t matter, it will remind you immediately! ”

“The fear of being dominated by me!”


(Fifth sent, the next chapter reveals the secret of Elnor’s authority, rush!)

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