Chapter 269

“Play in another place!”

Dark Domain raised his right hand and snapped his fingers.

He, the first evil god,

At the same time disappear from the same place!

The entire kingdom of God was also removed.

The changes in the Scarlet Moon,

Fading slowly!

Dark Domain shot,

The first Cthulhu’s plan to destroy the world halfway through,

Stop here!

There are gains and losses in everything.

The deadly threat of the first evil god is gone,

The crisis of extinction is temporarily lifted.

Su Bai and others have fallen into a new killing game!

The ten powers of the Cthulhu,

There is no way to continue to exile the dark domain.

They automatically lock the new target:

All humans on the moon!

at this time,

The moon is also affected by the kingdom of the first evil god.

If you are killed here,

Can not be resurrected!

Will die in reality!

Ten powers fly out,

The nightcap locks the leather broken leg,

Black shadows wrapped in fire worms…

There are three powers to rush towards Su Bai!

There are two more powers,

Go straight to the four left behind!


Pi’s broken leg reminded,

The strength of those four is not as good as them,

If you are overtaken by authority, you will die!

The fire worm roared,


Pi’s broken leg received it subconsciously,

“When are you calling daddy why!”(Read more @

A figure wrapped in flame fell in midair,

Yan Eclipse: “Are you also his father?”

Broken leg: …..

Forget that they have a strong father!

It’s really useful to call Daddy at this time!

The situation is critical,

Fire worms don’t have to worry about so much,

“Send the four of them away, how many people can you take with you!”

Yan eclipse clone did not say a word,

Flames burned around the four people,

Brought them back to the ground in an instant!

This is his limit.

If you didn’t fight the first evil god,

He can easily take away eight people.

And above the moon,

The four remaining people have to face the ten powers of the Cthulhu!

Taboo sea,

Yan Eclipse felt the message sent back by the clone,

Naturally, I also know my son’s choice.

Rescue teammates,

Stay for yourself to face powerful enemies!

The situation of nine deaths!

Between heaven and earth,

With hearty laughter,

“My son, Fireworm, really looks like a strong one!”

“It’s a big deal!”

Taboo in the depths of the sea.

The kingdom of many evil gods.

The moment the dark realm broke through the void,

They are aware of it!

The ten evil gods control the authority above the moon in the air.

Some evil gods choose to retreat,

Let your authority return!

This time,

There is no chance to destroy the world.

Let’s talk about making up for your loss!

Some evil gods are willing to give it a try!

Use authority to kill human geniuses,

A great opportunity of a lifetime! !

At last,

The four Su Bai faced the siege of the three major powers!

Even so,

They are also struggling and retreating!

Has the authority of the evil god to command,

And the authority of autonomous attack,

It’s completely two concepts!

Just like a glass of water, it doesn’t hurt or itchy to splash on people.

If the heating becomes boiling water,

Frozen into ice skates,

Take it and throw it on people,

The damage caused will be doubled, tens of times!

Cthulhu’s remote control,

Let the power of authority have undergone a qualitative change!

“The iron cable connects the boat!”

“The immortal body!”

“Overlord, unyielding!”

Just a face-to-face,

The trio of Overlords were forced out of their own pressure box!

Su Bai was the least stressed,

Fighting with two powers alone,

Even vaguely can press the opponent to fight!

“hold onto!”

The immortal body effect is activated,

Pei’s broken leg came back to life,

With the blessing of the iron cable,

The combat power of the three broke out to the peak, barely maintaining the situation!


The balance of victory and defeat,

Still leaning a little bit to the opposite side!

Once the immortal body enters a period of weakness,

Three people must die!

“The red moon is gone!”

The fierce battle on the moon is unknown.

The entire eternal continent,

All found changes in the moon!

“The pollution has stopped!”

“It’s saved!”

Countless people shed tears of joy for the rest of their lives!

Misty Town, Wangu City,

In this red moon pollution,

The least damage!

Because a huge black dragon flicked above,

Inhale all pollution into your own authority to destroy the world!

The mayor of Misty Town restored as usual,

Of course I know that this is all Tyrant’s credit!

“However, Ernault is also indispensable!”

Everyone talked a lot.

“Indeed, he was not contaminated!”

“Seriously, I was taken aback, Elno was so strong?!”

“He was Gandalf’s apprentice back then!”


Everyone sighed,

Also looking for Elno’s figure.

With this guy’s character,

This time he made such a great contribution,

It must be stinky!


“Elno, come out, the red moon pollution is over!”

do not know why,

Just now Elno was on a whim,

Have to let the little tree close itself in a leaf space.

Also asked everyone not to disturb him.

Now the red moon is over.

Zhao Zizhen and Xiaohu came to inform him of the good news,

But he was closed by the other party.

What the hell are you doing?

660  …

In the leaf space,

A prototype of authority hovered in front of Elno.

Very perfect,

Can be accommodated at any time.

He was hesitant to do it.

This is the power that Elno dreams of!

How long he ever wanted,

I can hold authority,

Become a genuine proud master.

When authority really appeared before Elno,

He hesitated.

Elno originally thought,

If you want to wear a crown, you must bear its weight.

I don’t have the authority to talk about the top 100,

At least the top five hundred!

The rudiment of authority in front of us,

A smiling face of a clown floats in the air,

Authority NO.999: The clown!

Elno: The clown is really me…

This authority,

Don’t worry about it! !

But if you miss this opportunity, you don’t know when the next time you will realize the authority…

Elno fell into an endless entanglement.

A few minutes later,

Elno, who was cut to Yongzhi, walked out of the leaf space.

Zhao Zi asked strangely.

“Elno, why is your nose red?”

“No, nothing!”

Elno looked flustered,

“Don’t frame me, my nose is not red at all!”

Two sentences of effort,

Elno felt that he was a step closer to the authority of [Joker].


Elno, who has always enjoyed the improvement of strength,

Never thought about it,

One day I will be so painful and my strength will improve!

As long as he behaves more and more like a clown,

The mastery of the clown’s authority will be stronger!

Elno ran away like an escape.

Zhao Zizhen looked at his back,


“I have a hunch,

Elno must have realized extremely powerful authority!

It must be in the top fifty to resist the pollution of the red moon. ”

“Right, that is it!”


(There are two more updates, in the code word,

Don’t wait, just come back tomorrow morning. ).

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