Chapter 267

“Big brother, my own! My own!”

On the roof,

The three bald masters were frightened to the ground.

They are the evil gods ~ the masters of running dogs in name,


Has been brainwashed by Schmidt a long time ago,

Follow the thirteenth evil god!

This time,

The Mozu plans to surprise the genius summer camp,

They revealed it to the Federation.

The news reached Su Bai,

Finally arranged for Ji Liangying to shoot.

“It seems to have been instructed, not to kill the bald head.”

Office workers are now recovering from their anger,

He didn’t even mess with his hair.

There is not even ash on the roof!

He destroyed all the blood of the Demon Emperor by himself,

And the three masters,

Didn’t even understand how he made it!

It seems just a blink of an eye,

It started to explode, disintegrate, and cool!

You don’t even have to raise,

Because there is no ash at all!

The office workers really want to get rid of the three people in front of them.

He can feel,

The invincible grandmaster who had been paying attention to him had left.

The ugly old man in Baichuan City has no time to take care of himself!

Now just a touch,

Can kill three people!

At last,

Office workers still stick to the word ‘rules’.

People are doing, the strongest are watching.

He dare not!

Just when the office worker was about to leave,

The courage of a bald master who didn’t know where came from,


“Big, big, the hermit understand?”


The office worker stopped.

The three bald heads exchanged their eyes,

Such a strong combat power,

If you can develop into a believer!

God will give rewards!

They boldly said,

“He is a hermit, an unsolvable one, and the thirteenth evil god!”

The three of them bowed their heads and read the name of the Lord in their hearts.


Office workers have only one problem,

“The hand of the hermit, do you look good?”

“Su Bai, do you want to move forward?”

The eight-man squad was a little overwhelming.

They have figured it out now,

Shadow is not the authority of the first evil god!

It is the shadow authority of the Eleventh Cthulhu!

From second to twelfth,

There are still ten evil gods alive!

Shadows, plagues, laziness, extreme cold, depravity…

They have encountered a full eight kinds of authority!

Every authority,

All from Cthulhu!

The only good thing is that

These powers can only exert one percent of their power!

If you face these powers,

The scum of the eight-man team has long since died.

Su Bai still has the means to escape.

Not necessarily for others.

After learning this information,

Su Bai made a bold move,

Crush all shadow monsters!

Thus,(Read more @

The pressure on the remaining seven people plummeted.

Only need to resist the influence of other authority.

among them,

The one that has the greatest impact on everyone,

Still lazy authority!

Pi’s broken leg is too lazy to think about how to crack it.

The fire bug suddenly said to the side,

“In fact, there is a strong pressure to be a father.”

Everyone:? ? ?

When is this,

You have left Versailles here!


Everyone knows that Yan Eclipse is your father.

I don’t bother to talk to you.

Su Bai also took a surprised look at the fire worm.

Fire worms usually don’t bother to say these things.

If you are unfamiliar,

Fire bugs cherish words like gold.

Fireworm who is too lazy to talk, why would…

Su Bai seemed to realize something.

The authority of laziness,

It seems to be the most useless authority!

Su Bai immediately shared his findings with everyone,


Reverse your inner attitude,

You can overcome the authority of laziness! ”

Overlord didn’t understand it for the first time.

The inner attitude is reversed?

what is that.

There was a flash of inspiration in Pi Broken Leg’s brain.

For example, right now,

Everyone tried very hard to move forward,

Keep up with Su Bai’s pace.

The authority of laziness is dragging everyone down,

Let them bother to do this.

What if everyone’s attitude changes 180 degrees?

I don’t want to keep up with Su Bai, I want to stay in place and rest.

Lazy authority: No, you want to keep up with Su Bai!

Use poison to fight poison, negative negative makes positive!

After understanding this,

Pi’s broken leg is light all over!

He immediately caught up with Su Bai in a stride!

I have to tell everyone.

This idea just emerged in Pi’s broken leg,

He didn’t want to say it anymore.

So he forced himself to change his mind:

I want to keep it secret, and I can’t tell anyone this secret!

The authority of laziness is in effect!

He was too lazy to keep it secret,

I told everyone carelessly,

“The authority of laziness is equivalent to a reactionary force.

· · Ask for flowers · ·······

The more you want to run towards the goal, the greater the resistance!

The more you want to escape from the target, it will push you back! ”

When he said so,

Everyone: I understand!

They began to try to change their attitude.

“I especially want to stay where I am.”

Originally heavy feet,

Lost the shackles in an instant, and walked like someone was pushing!

Cracked the effect of the authority of laziness,

Everyone is moving forward ten times faster!


The side effects of this are also obvious.

For example, a broken leg that has been chattering,

At this time, he was extremely silent.

The fire worm that has been silent,

Like playing a truth or dare,

Crazy spit.

The core of Tucao: [The little thing about me having a Xeon Dad]

…… …… 0

“That guy pretends to be drunk every time,

Curse the dark domain, curse the crack empty. ”

“He is not drunk at all,

How can a person who holds the authority of fine wine get drunk? ”

“He just wants to scold someone! He can’t win a fight, so he can only pretend to be drunk and scold someone!”

“It’s all right now. Everyone tells me that I have a strong posture. It’s a shame!”


Su Bai has a sullen expression on his face,

Try not to make yourself laugh.

He is not sure,

Can Yan Eclipse pay attention to this?

Su Bai is very sure,

After today,

The image of Yansha completely collapsed in everyone’s hearts.


Fire worms died together!

He usually doesn’t bother to say these things,

Keeping these secrets is very hard.


Under the blessing of the authority of laziness,

Fire worms are all done!

It’s too awful…

Su Bai sympathized with the fire bug,

While writing down all the gossip.

Maybe it will be useful someday!

of course,

Su Bai did not forget to remind everyone,

“This method is very tricky,

It’s also that the authority of laziness is very weak,

It gave us the opportunity to drill loopholes!

If next time I really confront the authority of laziness,

Don’t take it lightly! ”

Everyone took notes in their hearts and nodded one after another.

They have mastered the reverse laziness method.

Going less than a hundred miles away,

Su Bai took the lead and stopped.


It is the body of the first evil god!


(Fourth watch, there are four more watch, rush rush!) What.

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