Chapter 266

“Su Bai, what if eternity changes?”

A group of eight people moved forward under the provocation of the shadow.

Pastor [Meet in Another World] As the only person who can talk to Su Bai,

He must keep looking for words without words.

He was afraid that he would be lazy,

In the end, I didn’t even bother to speak,

Completely reduced to waste.

“I have arrangements.”

Su Bai always takes one step and three steps in his work.

In fact, the situation has developed to this point,

The general trend is already very clear:

The battlefield is divided into five pieces!

Red Moon Battlefield, Eternal Continent Battlefield, Martial Artist Cemetery, Northern Caverns, and all other cave defense lines!

among them,

The most important thing is the Far North Caverns,

The decisive battle between Ye Su and Emperor Jiu!

Even if the human race loses on the other four battlefields,

As long as Ye Su can win and become the strongest,

The final victory belongs to the human race!


The process may be extremely heroic!

The two battlefields of the red moon and eternity,

It is the battlefield of the Cthulhu.

The first evil god’s plan to destroy the world,

If you let the red moon continue to last.

I am afraid that not only the master will be contaminated!

NPCs and players in the entire Eternal Continent,

Will be contaminated into Cthulhu monsters! !

For the human race,

It is an unbearable loss!

This is the foundation of the planing human race!

Once eternity is completely polluted, it becomes a paradise of evil gods.

All the warriors of the human race,

Strength can not be improved, stop!

The 18-year-old senior high school student in the future,

Can’t awaken talent!

This is the whole picture of the First Evil God’s plan to destroy the world!

Through the red moon,

Affect the entire eternal continent!

Until then,

Even if there are four strongest humans in the human race?

Waves of attacks from the crypt monsters,

It is entirely possible for people to take care of one another and lose another.

Cthulhu can also be concretized to Earth continuously!

And the warriors of the human race,

Turned into 660 rootless water, never replenished!

There is no bright future!

Just look at the demons.

Just over a thousand 699-level quasi-grandmasters were slaughtered by Tyrant.

Let the master of the crypt demon clan appear to be out of talent.

This time,

The reason why the catacombs are desperate.

A large part of the reason,

It was the previous battle in the Demon Imperial City,

The demons have lost too much!

I don’t want to come back again,

I really can only wash my neck and wait for death!

Except for the two battlefields of eternity,

Warrior cemetery,

Under the light of the light,

It is also one of the keys!

If he can regain his strength and break through the demons,

With him,

Ye Su will definitely be rescued!

Many people think,

Luo Cheng, the first invincible human race back then,

Rush into the battle with a pistol, the unparalleled fierce man in the world!


Only the old people who have experienced the dark for ten years understand it.

Under the light of the light,

Defense is better than offense!

Splitting the sky is under the guard of the dark lantern,

Only step by step alive to become the strongest!

There was no Xeon in the human race back then!

In order to destroy the sky,

The demons and the evil gods all come out together.

What an invincible grandmaster, a demigod powerhouse, or even the deity of the evil god!

Tried it all!

Under the joint hands of Luocheng and Likong,

All go down!


They are not for nothing.

At least the design made Luo Cheng fall into the demon,

Luo Cheng was completely abolished!

After many years,

Luo Cheng actually showed signs of breaking and standing.

The demon gods and evil gods of the year,

More than anyone else understands the horror of Underworld Deng Luocheng!

That is still the invincible master,

Just dare to enter the kingdom of God alone!

This time,

How important is Ye Su’s decisive battle,

Su Bai can think of asking Luo Cheng to come out and help.

Can the enemy think of it?

Su Bai worried that someone would plan for Luo Cheng,

Especially the demon of the year.

Luo Cheng told Su Bai today,

“The sky is falling and there is a tall man against it.”

Last time,

Luo Cheng said this,

It was Su Bai who led the team to the Demon Imperial City!

The crypt that was noisy at that time was restless,(Read more @

Also let go of the former demon emperor.

Finally ended,

It is also from the strongest to come forward to slash the evil gods and retreat the tide of demons!

Since Luo Cheng himself has confidence,

The strongest also have a back hand,

Su Bai won’t worry about it!

He has to concentrate now,

Solve the problem of Scarlet Moon.

If you can make the power of salvation stronger,

Ye Su’s probability of winning will be infinitely magnified!

Su Bai explained these analyses to everyone.

Overlord insists on laziness,

Write down every word.

He and Su Bai are the same age,

Overlord also showed leadership qualities since he was a child.


I won’t take a trip to Jiangdong,

Can pull four thousand people out of the battle!


Su Bai’s ability to view the overall situation,

Too much beyond the overlord!

This is where Bawang must learn!

Five battlefields,

Su Bai and others are on the red moon,

Niederhogg is the back of the Eternal Continent,

Gongsun Qi will definitely mess up in the crypt defense line,

Invincible Ye Su, Underworld Light Luocheng the dilemma of these two people,

Leave it to the strongest to worry about.

Meeting in another world asks everyone’s questions,

“What about Baichuan City?”

strictly speaking,

Baichuan City is everyone’s nest.

The genius summer camp is there,

Su Bai, the backbone of the future warrior army,

Basically all in Baichuan City!

In the past, Luo Cheng was guarded by the underworld lamp,

Naturally, everything is worry-free.

Now it’s hard to protect the underworld,

Who will guard Baichuan City?

Su Bai will never kill his relatives righteously,

In order to save the overall situation,

Sell ​​your own home, right?

Su Bai smiled.

He is good at stealing homes,

Change house? No doors!

I can steal, you can’t change it!

The safety of Baichuan City,

Su Bai entrusted to a trustworthy strong man.

Su Bai sold it off,

“Do not worry,

No matter how many people are sent by the demons or evil gods to Baichuan City.

They will miss it! ”

Baichuan City,

On the top of a tall building,

Dozens of figures gathered together,

The strength of the people present is very terrifying,

The weakest one is an extraordinary master!

Most people have very white skin,

It seems to be sub-health for many years.

The leader sneered slightly,

“You evil god running dogs, are you pulling like this now?”

After several consecutive rounds of blows,

Cthulhu’s running dog has long been dead and wounded.

Only three masters were out this time to participate in the action!

These masters in front of me,

It’s all the remnants of the Demon Emperor’s blood in Earth!

For nearly a hundred years,

All the blood of the Demon King lurking in Earth,

It’s all here!

This time the Mozu and Cthulhu both joined forces to make trouble.

Naturally, it is an all-round blow that spares no effort!

Surprised Baichuan City Genius Summer Camp,

It is also a very important part of the plan!

The blood of the Devil Emperor is divided into many branches,

The weakest one is the former Demon Emperor Dove Emperor.

There is only one person!

The leader of the Great Master was unhappy,

“Aren’t the people from the Haohuang line come yet?”

Just before everyone can’t wait,

When you want to do it.

A yawning office worker hurried to the rooftop.

He still came up by elevator!

The attitude of office workers is very correct,

Apologize as soon as we meet,

“Sorry, I was on vacation today,

The boss suddenly asked me to work overtime, alas. ”

Office workers are preparing for a wedding,

No matter how you plan,

He felt unsatisfied.

Just at this moment,

The boss sent a message,

Said to let him do it once.

After success, give him double salary-the two hands of the Demon King!

No one can refuse such a bargaining chip!

Those are two hands!

Happiness came too suddenly,

The office worker immediately cancelled the wedding with the skeleton hand.

tui, scumbag!

“Now that everyone is here, I will briefly talk about the situation.”

The leader didn’t care,

This office worker is nothing more than a trash that doesn’t reach level 730.

It’s purely to make up the number of people.

Although Emperor Dove won the decisive battle of the Demon Emperor,


Can you survive from Ye Su’s hands,

Still unknown.

The blood of these Demon Kings,

Behind it is the background of the devil!

There is no need to fawn with each other specifically,

Even if he is the grandson of Emperor Dove!

“The precautions of the summer camp are very weak now.

Only three masters guarded it.

After the action starts, kill people when you see them, do you understand? ! ”

The plan is simple,

Kill all the people in front of you!

Everyone nodded,


The office worker raised his hand,

Asked a question that everyone was trapped,

“If you are on paid vacation,

The boss asks you to work overtime.

Should you get triple your salary or double your salary? ”

The style of this question is too serious.

Everyone was taken aback,

Action is imminent, do you leave legal advice here?

They felt instantly,

Yuhuang, his grandson, should be a comedian.

It’s funny.

Everyone said in a rush,

“You should kill the boss!”

“This is your blessing, you shouldn’t be paid.”

“At the legal level, it should be three times the salary.”


The office worker responded sincerely,

“Thank you for a great help!”


He took out his cell phone and began to edit text messages to his boss.

“Boss, the lawyer said it should be three times the salary. Can you pay one more hand of the Demon Emperor? If you don’t reply within 1 minute, I will treat it as your consent.”

The office worker is preparing to send the text message,

Suddenly a hand stretched out and held his mobile phone.

“Boy, do you understand the rules, want to inform the outside world?!”

Everyone was on guard and looked at the office workers,

under these circumstances,

I took out my phone to send a text message,

It is indeed not a wise move.

No matter how you look at it, it’s not right!

The office worker’s face is gloomy,

This phone was chosen by ‘it’ for myself! !

How dare, dare to defile…

The pupils of the office workers were erected instantly,

Two sharp fangs glowed with cold,

Coldly said,

“Take your dirty hands away!”


(The third watch is sent, and there are five watch, rushing!).

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