Chapter 265

“Don’t use light skills on the shadow!”

Su Bai reminded loudly.

The skills of the light department,

Can cause high damage to shadows and evil spirit creatures.


The disadvantages are also obvious,

Will create more shadows!

In the kingdom of God,

All shadows will become enemies!

“The first evil god has the power of shadow!”

This information,

Everyone keeps it in mind.

If they can return to the ground alive.

The value of information about the power of the evil god is infinite!


They are dealing with the offensive of the shadow creatures at this time,

It’s already a little strenuous.

Su Bai’s shadow creatures are the most difficult to deal with,

It seemed to match his match.

Others can only deal with their own shadows.

The pastor of the team [Meet in Another World] is the most embarrassing.

All his skills are of the light department,

I can’t use it without saying,

You also need the Overlord to help him stop the shadow.

“Damn it! The pastor of the Light Department really has a limit…”

Su Bai did not rush to kill the shadow creature in front of him.

In the kingdom of evil gods,

Before clarifying the authority of the other party, before all the rules of the kingdom of God,

Don’t act rashly.

Maybe this second killed the shadow creature,

In the next second, it splits into ten, one hundred!

A group of people fight and move forward.


Some thoughts arose from everyone’s heart at the same time:

“I’m so tired, why do I have to do these things.”

“If you keep this skill, it doesn’t matter.”

“I really want to drink Happy Fat House Water.”


“It’s the authority of laziness!”

Su Bai said,

Let everyone seem to be struggling out of the swamp!

“No, isn’t the authority of laziness belonging to the twelfth evil god?”

The fire bug quickly discovered the blind spot,

“This is the kingdom of the first evil god,

Why is there the authority of the twelfth evil god? ”

Bawang feels that he is too lazy to think about this question…

“Resume the monsoon!”

Diamond-level healing skills,

It can’t dispel the laziness in everyone’s hearts!

“Twilight of the gods!”

Su Bai opened the dusk of the gods,

My laziness was suppressed.

“Things may not be as simple as we thought,

Maybe there will be other evil gods’ authority! ”

Su Bai reminded everyone.

They are too lazy to respond.

To some extent,

The authority of laziness has a miraculous effect in battle.

“I have an extra negative buff!”

The fire worm yelled.

Overlord disdainfully said,

“I had it a minute ago, I don’t bother to say it.”

Pi’s broken leg gave a cold snort.

He was too lazy to disdain.

Plague authority!

Su Bai felt the rules around him.

He used to fuse fragments of plague authority,

I couldn’t be more familiar with the authority of the plague,

It took less than five minutes for everyone to enter the kingdom of God,

Encountered the three powers of shadow, laziness, and plague!

The plague authority originally belonged to the sixth evil god,

It should be in the hands of the Eleventh Cthulhu now.

Why is it here?

Pi Broken Leg has an idea in his heart,

He was too lazy to say.

I forcibly overcome the laziness in my heart,

Pi broke his leg and said,

“Maybe every Cthulhu… all… “.”

Su Bai finished speaking for him,

“Perhaps every evil god has provided a power,

Only then will we face the immediate predicament! ”

Pi’s broken leg was sweating profusely, and he was relieved a lot.

in fact,

Pure laziness authority,

Doesn’t make them lazy like this.

It’s just that everyone is now engaged in high-intensity battles!

Must overcome laziness in combat,

In other respects, laziness is not easy to control.


The most leisurely pastor before [Meet in Another World],(Read more @

Become the only person who can have a normal conversation with Su Bai!

Because he doesn’t need to be distracted and fight!


Waste can also play its own light!

Meeting in another world is too lazy to be proud of myself.

“Su Bai, look at the shadow!”

Under the reminder of meeting in another world,

Su Bai found that

A shadow provocation generally turns into an arrow.

Seems to provoke everyone,

“Come here!”

Meet in Another World wants to remind Su Bai not to be fooled.


Su Bai went up without surprise.

“Keep up!”

The overlord roared,

Everyone was too lazy to respond, but their pace did not stop at all.

“Elno, are you okay?”

Zhao Zizhen, the 1500+ ranked healer,

Looking at Elno intact,

Very surprised.

Elno was also surprised to see him.

“Your pollution is all on your face,

Why is it like being hit by a hammer? ”

Zhao Zizhen’s face was completely different from being hammered.

“Ahem, let’s not talk about it today.”

Xiaohu walked out from behind, his breath a little weak.

But fortunately, it was not contaminated!

“None of you are contaminated?”

Xiaohu is the grandmaster of the proud world,

Merging part of the furnace authority,

It stands to reason that it is hard to maintain a sense of reason.

“Our pollution has been absorbed by the authority to destroy the world.”

Xiaohu introduced to Erno.


The moment the red moon appeared,

Xiaohu ran away!

He was really hitting Zhao Zi at the time.

Zhao Zi is really tough,


“Xiaohu, if you have the ability to hammer me to death today!”

Zhao Zizhen, died.

Zhao Zizhen after the resurrection,

Looking at the little tiger with a goat’s head emerging behind him,

I don’t know what’s going on for a while!

It was Niederhogger who made the shot.

Directly tore the phantom shadow on Xiaohu’s body,

Tear it and eat it.

Xiaohu regained his sanity!

“He actually has the authority to destroy the world?!”

Elno was shocked.

That’s the top ten authority!

Erno so far,

I have only observed the rudimentary form of the crow’s authority.

Distance to condense one’s own authority,

I’m afraid there is still a thousand miles to go!

I’m jealous.

I am envious,

Elno found hope of saving people,

“Allow Niederhogger to take action,

Suppress the NPCs in Misty Town? ! ”

He has not forgotten the purpose of his trip!

NPCs that let go of the Grandmaster level continue to be contaminated,

They will become monsters of the Cthulhu system forever.

Not only Misty Town,

There are other cities in the Eternal City and the Eternal Continent!

if possible,

It’s best to let Niederhogger!

Zhao Zizhen and Xiaohu are helpless,

“We’ve been invited, he doesn’t want to.”

“He said his authority to destroy the world is getting stronger…”

Although the fragments of world-destroying authority are held by many people,


At the same time when one party initiates the destruction of the world.

The rest will become stronger!

The power of salvation will also be weakened!


How to convince Niederhogg to do it,

Become a big mountain in front of the three!

“… Are you going to let that little stupid dragon take action?”

The little tree appeared in front of the three,

She heard all the conversation just now.

Before Su Bai left,

I once gave her a brochure:

“One Hundred Ways of Communication with Niederhorn”.

Just follow the words in the booklet,

It should be able to get Niederhogg in the middle.

“Do you have a way?!”

The three are overjoyed, this is great!


They saw the little tree raise his right hand,

Rub your thumb, middle finger, and index finger together.

International custom gestures: add money.


What kind of host,

What kind of Secret Realm Elf,

Add money to this

The little tree has everything to learn.

“The highest bargaining chip the Federation (Wangucheng) can give under the rules!”

Both sides are not stingy,

Anyway, it’s not to spend your own money!


Xiaoshu suddenly felt,

Adding money is a very happy thing.

She carries the authority of war,

Walked to Niederhogg’s side.

“Why are you holding a toothpick again, pick your teeth?”

Niederhogg defied.

Xiaoshu ignored his provocation,

Begin to recite the first sentence of Huashu,

“The great Niederhogger, surely you know that you actually have to pay for this trivial thing in prison, right?”

Niederhogg looked dazed.


Going to jail…was the money to be paid?

It seems to be true. He eats for nothing and raises so many subordinates.

You should indeed give money!

Niederhogg fell into the next trouble:

He has no money!

Niederhogger pretended to be calm and did not show any panic.

Nodded, indicating that he knew.

The little tree speaks according to the language,

“The great Lord Niederhorne must also know…”

Even if Su Bai is on the moon,

Can also eat Niederhogg to death!

Under the “Flicker” of the little tree,

Niederhogg volunteered and took the initiative to strike!

“Clean up these little guys, it doesn’t take a minute!”

“You don’t believe it? Humph! I will let you see the power of destroying the world today!”

After talking about stretching,

A huge black dragon appeared above Misty Town,

All the masters polluted by the red moon,

Feel a repression from instinct…


(Secondly, no one has guessed the card correctly. The answer will be announced today.

Chong Chong Chong! ).

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