Chapter 264

“After going back,

Catch the skewer,

He should have received a lot of benefits from Cthulhu. ”

On the Scarlet Moon,

Eight pillars of blood light up!

The eight people walked out one after another, guarding for four weeks.

After hearing Su Bai’s words,

Overlord nodded in response.

No need to think about it.

String explosion,

It’s just a genius in the summer camp.

He doesn’t even know the eternal movement of the moon.


Come out when everyone needs it most.

It is said that his talent can be sent to the moon.

The restriction is so coincidental,

Again, Su Bai and others are the most suitable.

Doesn’t it make sense to have a ghost?

The overlord dared to take the head with a broken leg to assure,

There must be a big problem with string explosion!

This exploration of Scarlet Moon,

Can’t get rid of the Cthulhu!

Knowing it is a trap,

Su Bai and others still go to Scarlet Moon.

Because besides coming here,

No choice!

Waiting to die?

That’s not Su Bai’s style!

Even if other people don’t come,

Su Bai would take this trip alone.

Upon landing,

Everyone immediately felt it!

“This is… the kingdom of evil gods!”

All eight people have been to the Divine Kingdom Fragment of the Sixth Evil God.

He is no stranger to the kingdom of evil gods.

“Come on! It must be the kingdom of the first evil god!”

This time they are well prepared,

11 The watch on everyone’s wrist lights up,

The countdown begins!

As long as the countdown is over,

They will be contaminated by the evil gods,

Become weird,

Stay in the kingdom of evil gods forever!

It’s just that this time is different from last time.

this time,

No one answered them!

If you can’t find a way to break the game,

When the countdown is over,

It’s the moment when they completely lose their minds!

Just a landing,

Everyone is in a situation of nine deaths!


The pollution rate here is faster than the broken kingdom of God!

People who could last a few hours before,

Now it can only last for 60 minutes!

The longest Su Bai,

The watch countdown is only 8 hours!

Eight hours is meaningless to Su Bai.

Because they have eight people,

Just like a bucket of water,

The shortest board,

Determine how much water they can hold!

“The shortest time: 58 minutes and 16 seconds!”

Everyone has less than an hour.

“Beware, figure out the rules here first!”

The first evil god has a lot of authority,

Everyone is not familiar with the rules of the Kingdom of God.

Can only move forward cautiously,

Slowly explore this kingdom of God!

“Don’t fight, don’t fight!”

Zhao Zizhen has a blue nose and a swollen face.

Xiaohu’s expression was still unfinished.

“I read it, can’t I read it!”

Zhao Zizhen has endless anger in his chest,

“Xiaohu, you will regret it!”

Zhao Zizhen was forced to bow to the evil forces,

He didn’t understand,

Dignified and proud of the world’s master, the federation’s first forge,

Why are you so superstitious!

Xiaohu smiled,

Passed the draft that had been prepared a long time ago.

Zhao Zizhen read every word,(Read more @

“Emperor Dove can definitely fight against Xia Ye Su!”

“Luo Cheng definitely can’t get through the demons!”

“My humans suffered heavy casualties in this battle…”

Thinking and thinking,

Zhao Zi really cried,

What the hell is this! !

Others are cheering for their own people,

What about yourself?

Put this reverse tainted milk?

With this skill, let yourself go to the battlefield to help!

Niederhogg, who was watching the heat, didn’t understand.

“Fight, why didn’t you fight?”

I played well just now,

Why did it stop?

“Old Zhao, it’s not that I want to hit you.”

Xiaohu looked innocent,

“You know him, the Dragon of Destruction,

What if Mishishi really succeeds in case of a bad service? ”


He raised the hammer.

Zhao Zi was really dumbfounded.

Laozi doesn’t think, you hammer me.

Laozi read, you still hammer me.

Then Laozi didn’t read it for nothing?

In the storm-like hammering method,

Zhao Zizhen issued the most sincere curse,

“Destroy the world, hurry and start! Destroy it, you’re tired! It won’t be saved!”

Xiaohu became more excited as he fought.

“Lao Zhao, on the road, he will make up his own words!”

“Talk more, hurry up!”

At the same moment when Zhao Zizhen yelled out the phrase “destroy the world, hurry up and start”,

The entire eternal continent,


Whether it is a player or an NPC,

At the same time, he looked up to the sky.

The sun is obscured by dark clouds,

It’s clearly daytime,

A red moon appeared in the sky!


Everyone feels that the negative emotions in their hearts are amplified! !

Irritable, bored, bored, angry…

This is just the feeling of ordinary people.

All those in authority,

At this moment, I feel that my authority is beginning to be polluted!

“What happened outside?”

Elno, who had no authority, escaped.

He has no authority,

How is it contaminated?

It’s like a man cannot be castrated twice.

What you don’t have can’t be cut off.

“Elno Saint,

The major event is not good, the mayor ran away! ”


Elno rose into the sky, overlooking the town.

It turns out that the second master in the town,

Mayor of Misty Town,

The former lord of Wangu City,

A 731-level master proud of the world,

At this time, half of the body grew wildly uncontrollably!

Exudes an evil atmosphere!

Continue like this,

He is about to degenerate into an evil spirit creature!

The other half can barely maintain,

Seeing Elno intact,

The mayor was shocked,


Your understanding of authority is so strong? ”

It didn’t take long for him to be in power,

The red moon pollutes everyone indiscriminately!

According to the mayor’s estimate,

At least the existence of the ultimate master level,

In order to control one’s own authority from being polluted!

Elno… before everyone knew it,

Is it so strong already?

They always thought Elno was a joke,

It turned out to have been left behind by Erno!

He was still the genius boy back then,

Always surprise everyone inadvertently!

Elno pretended to be calm with a dumbfounded look.

Defaulted to the mayor’s statement.

What can he say?

Tell the mayor:

“Actually, I am too rubbish and have no authority.

So 657 did not run away? ”

if that happened,

Elno has become a joke in all foggy towns!

Do not,

It will be a joke for the entire eternal continent!

Such a strong saint has not even touched the threshold of authority.

The shame was thrown at grandma’s house!

Before Elno’s eyes,

The entire master of Misty Town is contaminated!

Able to control myself not to run wild,

Is their limit!

“They all have authority…”

Elno felt sour,

Can’t say it.

Elno, unaffected by pollution,

Become the only hope in the town!

The mayor yelled that sentence,

“Quickly please Tyrant!”

If it’s Tyrant,

There should be a way to solve these problems!

The mayor’s words gave Elno an idea.

He yelled,

“I will definitely be back,

Hold on! ”


Elno turned into a streamer,

Fly to the direction of the World Tree.


Can you really save the contaminated NPC?

Elno felt nothing in his heart!

Treat a dead horse as a living horse doctor.

Above the moon,

In the kingdom of the first evil god,

Eight people encountered the first wave of attacks!

From…their shadows!

Under the dark night,

The shadow turned into a monster and began to attack everyone! !


(The first one, eight shifts should be finished today.

Interactive answering question: After the red moon pollution is over, Elno will be given an authority. Guess what authority it is. ).

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