Chapter 263

“Hit the moon?”

Su Bai quickly reacted,

“You mean, the crimson moon in eternity, right?”


Want to solve the problem of Scarlet Moon,

Maybe going directly to the moon is a good choice!

The moon of the eternal continent can go up.

After the Scarlet Moon,

Ye Su also tried, but failed.

Is string explosion okay?

“Get ready now, see you forever in half an hour.”

Su Bai doesn’t have any ink,

Time is precious right now,

It was less than 30 hours before Ye Su decisive battle,

Can solve the Scarlet Moon earlier,

Ye Su’s [salvation] authority will be stronger!

Destroy the world, save the world,

These two powers are like sitting on a seesaw,

One is strong, the other is weak!

Hearing Su Bai’s instructions,

Everyone else is going to prepare,

The string explosion is puzzled,

“But it’s daytime, how do you land on the moon?”

Everyone: …..

Pi broke his leg and patted him on the shoulder.

“Read more eternal strategy, string explosion.”

“The eternal moon hangs in the sky forever,

It’s just that the sun has come out, and the moon’s light is dimmed. ”

Overlord and others go back to prepare,

Gongsun Qi was not in the team.

Su Bai received the message long ago.

“Gongsun Qi brought a five-thousand death row camp stationed at the City of Souls.”

strictly speaking,

In this storm, City of Souls,

On the contrary, the most stable.

Five thousand troops from Gongsun were stationed,

The rest of the troops were all withdrawn to support other lines of defense!

The strongest have a contract with the devil,

There is no need to worry about the three cities.

As long as Gongsun does not die,

The City of Souls is foolproof.

“Submit urgently to Earth Su Bai.”

Inside the City of Souls,

Gongsun Qi wrote down his plan briefly,

Send someone back to Earth immediately.

There are some things in the plan,

Su Bai must nod,

Gongsun can do it!

Su Bai is the big boss of Gongsun Qi and his immediate boss.

Just like Jiang He Shuai,

Gongsun is a general and Su Bai is handsome.

The City of Souls at this time,

There is no defense at all!

Except for some investigating wizards on the four walls.

All the remaining troops,

All concentrated in the magic crystal vein!

They are not holding weapons,

There is no preparation for war.

It’s mining in full swing!


Some people even organized a chant,

Let everyone’s enthusiasm for mining rise again.

Just two days of getting along,

The fear of Gongsun from these five thousand condemned prisoners went deep into their bones!

This guy,

Born to be a cold-blooded animal!

Even if Gongsun Qi asked them to mine,

They used to be aloof,

Work obediently like a chicken.

As a mage, the slayer

Not only does it summon elemental creatures to mine,

I have to go to battle myself.

My hands are soaking up that I dare not rest.

I knew that going to jail was so hard,

Might as well follow the bald heads.

In leisure time,

They will also take the time to chat,

“Why are you digging in such a hurry, the magic crystal has no legs!”

“It’s going to fight a big battle!”

“I heard that the masters have led people to dig to the core of the mineral vein!”

“Hey, the core of the vein is easy to blow up…”



Gongsun Qi didn’t wait too long,

Su Bai’s reply came down.

“Yes, there is no gain or loss in one city or one place, just let it go.”

it is good!

Gongsun Qi didn’t expect,

Su Bai would actually agree to this crazy plan!

Change to someone else,

Even if it recognizes Gongsun Qi’s idea,

I will also weigh the gains and losses, and settle the accounts.

According to this plan,

Even the best result,

It will also destroy half of the City of Souls!

When I arrived at Su Bai,

Unconditionally support Gongsun Qi,

It is already a great trust!

A series of military orders came from Gongsun,

“The progress of mining the core of the vein has accelerated!”(Read more @

“The magic crystals dug out are buried in the ground!”


Baichuan City,

Warrior Cemetery.

Gao Ning brought a middle-aged man in a black robe and slowly approached.

Under the black robe,

The middle-aged man was blue-eyed and blond, with a hooked nose and thin lips.

“I will activate dream authority,

There is no guarantee of success. ”

“It’s okay, you just do yours.”

With Gao Ning’s consent,

The blonde middle-aged man started to do it,

A green light spreads around,

Wrap the entire cemetery.

In the cemetery,

The green light swept across,

Qin Lin suddenly felt very sleepy.

Fell straight down,

Enter the dreamland.

“Fuck, this dream is too real!”

A thick black cloud cover Qin Lin’s head,

He who has watched the documentary knows that

This is the battlefield of the Catacombs!


It seems to be the battlefield of the catacombs decades ago!

Around the battlefield where Qin Lin is,

The killing shouts were shaking, and the scene was very chaotic.

But everyone ignored him,

Even if an attack falls,

It would also pass through Qin Lin’s body, unable to cause harm.

He is like a ghost,

Wandering aimlessly on the battlefield.

Until… he met another ghost.

“Master, why are you in my dream?!”

Qin Lin was very happy to see Luo Cheng.

“It seems I still miss you.

Dreaming can dream of you! ”

Luo Cheng rolled his eyes.


“This is Laozi’s dream!”


His face darkened and his thoughts were serious.

Everything in front of me,

It was the battle that drove mad Luo Cheng back then!

Who on earth did it,

Let yourself relive the demons of the year!

Do you think you are too awake and want to make yourself crazy again?

Cthulhu? Devil?

No matter who it is, Luo Cheng is sure!

The other party is definitely not at ease!

It’s just that no one can think of it,

There is another variable in this dream…

Qin Lin suddenly shouted,

“Fuck, Master,

That fierce looks like you.

Could it be your illegitimate child? ”

Luo Cheng followed Qin Lin’s gaze,

A young talent holding a silver gun,

Are killing the Quartet on the battlefield!

There is a small green light pinned around his waist,

Exactly…. Myself back then!

Luo Cheng’s body trembled slightly,

He seems to have seen it,

History will repeat itself before my eyes! !

The demon knocks off!

Can you survive it yourself? !

Outside the warrior cemetery,

There was no abnormality after the opponent shot,

But Gao Ning’s heart couldn’t calm down at all…

On the contrary, the irritability is getting worse.

“There shouldn’t be any accidents…”

“Bah, baah, crow’s mouth!”

“Lao Zhao, now is a good time for your mouth to do something good!”

In the world tree,

Xiaohu persuaded Zhao Zizhen with all his heart.

“Little Tiger, I have endured you for a long time!”

Zhao Zi was really furious,

“How can life and death be a trifling matter?!”

“Do you know what the outside is saying about me now?

Master of Poisonous Milk! ”


My name is Zhao Zizhen’s life!

It’s all ruined in your hands! ”

“Little tiger, don’t deceive people too much!”

Zhao Zizhen, who believes in science,

This time I will never accept it!

He wants to stand on the high ground of science,

Teach Xiaohu how to be a man!

Ye Su is so strong, how could he lose?

As long as there is no god-level powerhouse with double authority or higher,

Ye Su is foolproof, absolutely not dangerous!

Luo Cheng is recovering well,

The demons are 60% sure that they can be broken!

As long as no one deliberately set up a situation

Calculate Luo Cheng with the devil!

Luo Cheng is also steady!

of course,

Zhao Zizhen just thought about these words in his heart.

Did not say it.

He was also a little afraid of his own mouth,

But can’t show it anymore,

Especially you can’t bow to the evil forces like Xiaohu!

Seeing Zhao Zizhen’s expression that he would rather die,

Xiaohu smiled sadly and raised his hammer.

“Old Zhao, don’t blame brother.”

“I want to beat you so long!”

In the world tree,

A tragedy in which Grand Master Ao Shi beat Grand Master Poisoned Milk,

Is being staged.


While eating popcorn,

Have fun while screaming!

“Beat him! Beat him!”

“Everyone is here!”

In front of Su Bai, the Seven Overlord Team set 1.7.

For their actions,

The Federation also provided the greatest degree of support,

A special item was extracted from the Federal Collection,

After use,

In the next 24 hours,

Everyone is not limited by the eternal game time!

The price is that you can’t log in for eternity within 4 days.

A total of eight people landed on the moon,

Everyone is ready!

The string explosion introduced,

“My talent can only help people below level 500 land on the moon.

There is a maximum of eight people at a time, and there is only one chance. ”

Below 500 level,

The eight people in front of us are definitely the strongest group in the Federation!

If they can’t figure it out,

No one can handle it.

“Are you ready?”


Su Bai said seriously to the string,

“Listen to my countdown, you use talent.”


“10,9,1 launch!”

String explosion:? ? ?

He was stunned for a second before launching his talent!

Eight huge red beams of light,

Shrouded the eight people and teleported to the Scarlet Moon!

This time,

The battlefield is the moon!


(Supplement Chapter 8, Go to Work.JPG.).

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