Chapter 262

“Su Bai, I’m looking for you!”

Ye Su’s invincible decisive battle,

Only a very small part of people will be affected.

Among them happened to be Gao Tian and Gao Ning two brothers.

“Su Bai, you just came out of the warrior cemetery?”

The two brothers are from the Separated Family,

Naturally understand Luo Cheng’s situation.

“Second Brother Luo fell asleep?”

Gao Ning said quickly,

“I know a master of the West~ Fang Jue Dian,

Master the power of dreams, maybe it can-help! ”

He left quickly after speaking.

Ye Su’s battle,

But it’s not just Su Bai-alone worrying about it!

Three strong families,

There is invincibility out of invincibility,

There is no invincible way to help!

Even consider,

Help Gao Ning forcibly integrate power!

Give birth to an invincible master!

This battle,

It was not the battle between Ye Su and Emperor Jiu.

After the top invincible battle between the two clans,

Will completely rewrite the balance of power between the two races!

in this process,

The human situation is extremely dangerous! !

If Ye Su wins,

Terran sits on four strongest people,

Advance can be attacked, retreat can be defended!

There are also backup forces such as Luo Cheng, Crow, Tyrant and so on!

This is of course the best situation!

Anyone with a discerning eye can see it,

Just give the Terran a few years,

Do not,

Even if you recuperate for half a year!

The crow can hold up the facade of the invincible master.

Ye Su can choose a more secure way to control authority.

The growth rate of Tyrant and Su Bai will not slow down.

Until then,

The demons of the catacombs are truly desperate!

It is precisely because of the great prosperity of the human race,

Too dazzling.

There are not many opportunities left for the demons!

The battle between Ye Su and Jiuhuang,

Even if Human Race doesn’t take the initiative to mention it,

They will also find ways to arrange!

Through the two invincible decisive battles at the same time,

The demons will definitely keep friction,

Little moves keep on!

Except for the Northern Caverns,

The remaining eight crypts,

Will face terrible pressure!

It’s okay to say that the human race occupies three places in the city.

There are five crypts left,

Most demons will have an invincible raiding array!

What about Terran?

Can you gather five invincibles?

Terran is full of calculations, invincible three and a half.

Three invincible masters,

Luo Cheng counts as half!

At the level of Master Invincible,

Human race suffers a lot!


There would not be an agreement back then:

[Invincible cannot enter the cave].

Restrict the invincible grandmaster’s shots,(Read more @

It is beneficial to the human race!


Seeing that the strength of both sides is about to break the balance.

This time,

If the crypt demons seize the opportunity,

Even if you bear the price of your real name backlash,

Let the Invincible Grandmaster take action!

They are betting!

The future star of the gamblers,

Tyrant, Su Bai, Bawang.

Will stand out when the building is about to fall!

They will resist the demonic wave,

Then someone will fall in the magic wave!

Fighting with the human race for nearly a hundred years,

The demons have a deep understanding of the human race!

How many human geniuses,

They all died when their strength was weak, not even the grandmaster,

Dare to stand up and face the demons!

Use the praying man’s arm as a car, hit the stone with the egg!

The demons know,

The genius of the human race always has blood,

They want to play a role called [hero]!

For the demons,

This word is the biggest derogatory term of Mozu!

The most hated sentence of the Mozu curse: You are a hero!

They will never understand the heavy meaning of these two words!


This does not prevent them from calculating the human race!

Tyrant, Su Bai, Bawang and others,

As long as you can kill one in this battle!

For the demons,

It’s all blood earned!

Great master, invincible master?

There are so many caves!

It can be said,

In order to interrupt the great prosperity of the human race,

Mozu bet on most of the chips in his hand!


The eternal evil god,

Also messing up at the same time!

The Scarlet Moon is still hanging in the sky!

Although I don’t know what the World Destruction Plan is,


The first evil god abolished such a big setback,

The last scarlet moon,

It’s definitely not that simple!

· · Ask for flowers · ·······

Under the two sides,

The strongest in human name,

The dark field is missing,

Inflamed, cracked and unable to move.

Yan Lu dared to leave, and Cthulhu immediately invaded the eternal continent!

Split the air and dare to leave,

Nine crypt defense lines fell apart in an instant!

The human race is like a giant with both hands and feet bound,

Now facing the enemy’s multi-faceted flanking attack,

Can only be beaten passively!

This feeling of sorrow,

All insiders felt the same way.

Sent away the two brothers Gao Tian and Gao Ning,

In front of Su Bai,

A group of students came over,

“Instructor Xiaosu, the summer camp has issued a martial law!”

“Did something happen?”

They knew nothing about Ye Su’s invincible battle.

…… ….. …….

This is the highest level of federal secrets,

normal person,

Even a general master has no authority to know.


They can still follow the clues,

Infer some things,

“It is said that all crypt defense lines have entered the highest level of preparation!”

“Prepare for the level of possible destruction of mankind!”

“My second uncle said that he is already recalling the martial artist!”

“This is the first time that the Ministry of Urban Defense has entered the crypt in a hundred years!”

“Instructor Xiaosu, is the situation so bad as this?”

In their view,

Before yesterday,

The Terran is still in a great situation!

How do you say that the sky changes when the sky changes?

“worry about what,

The sky fell and the strongest were against it. ”

Su Bai laughed and scolded.

“Summer camp is under martial law, you just obey the rules honestly.”

Anyway, Su Bai did not intend to obey.

The students are under martial law,

What does it have to do with his instructor?

A group of students were sent away.

Su Bai welcomed old acquaintances again,

Overlord and others gathered around,

There is also a raw face inside,

Overlord introduced,

“Su Bai, he is called Chuanbang!”

“He said he could help us hit the moon!”


(People have limits… Seventh, good night, brothers.

Eight changes will be made tomorrow.

Alas, try to adjust it tomorrow, and don’t owe it tomorrow. )a few.

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