Chapter 261

“Old man Luo, come out quickly!”

Outside the warrior cemetery,

4 o’clock in the morning.

Su Bai pulled an office worker,

Stand 40 meters outside the cemetery.

Ji Liangying yawned,


We can talk about it,

This is overtime! ”

“As overtime pay,

Give me the hand bones of the former Demon King! ”

Office workers are very concerned about the hand bones.

Su Bai told him clearly in advance,

This trip may be life-threatening,

Under the temptation of hand bones,

The office worker agreed without hesitation.

Su Bai directly stuffed his hand bones to each other,

“no problem!”

Want to help Ye Su,

Su Bai alone is not enough!

The decisive battle of the invincible master,

Demigod-level and god-level powerhouses cannot make moves.

Luo Cheng, who was once the invincible human race,

I have a chance to help!

Ordinary invincible,

Su Bai didn’t know him and couldn’t make friendship at all.

Even if the strongest order,

The invincible master of the human race is also powerless!

This is a battle between the top powerhouses of the two races,

Only the invincible standing at the top,

There is only a place!

They got mixed in, maybe they didn’t help,

Instead, he got himself in!

Luo Cheng is the only candidate.

Su Bai yelled,

“This is the blood of the Demon King,

The old man comes out to get revenge! ”


Su Bai also explained to the office worker in a low voice,

“I lied to the old man, don’t mind.”

657   “It’s okay, it’s okay!”

The office worker hugged his hand bones and looked drunk.

Such a good hand bone,

From now on it will be his own.

Even if it’s dead, what’s to be afraid of?

Luo Cheng carried his own silver gun,

Angrily came to the gate of the cemetery!

“Why, brat, don’t sleep most of the night!”

He is sharpening his gun!

This Zhangbagun silver gun was taken out of the tomb by him again!

The grave of the original cross,

Now I changed to a trendy skin.

Qin Lin was not idle either.

The kerosene lamp is being wiped.

The rust on it was carefully wiped off by him.

at the same time,

Luo Cheng’s guardianship is becoming more and more condensed!


Even if there is no such trouble as Su Bai.

Luo Cheng also intends to shoot in his own way!

It’s just…. Whether he can get out of the cemetery is still unknown!

At least right now,

Luo Cheng has no plans to leave the cemetery!

He yelled,

“Not going to bed most of the night,

What is going on with a vampire in front of me?

I don’t know that the elderly are prone to insomnia! ”

Seeing that Luo Cheng had no desire to make a move,

Su Bai is very sorry,

Patted Kirakage on the shoulder,

“Go home, I’ll give you a hand.”

“Tomorrow I will give you a day off,

Forget it, take three days off. ”

The office worker suddenly became energetic.

“This hand.. really belongs to me?!”

Unbelievable was written on his face.

Su Bai waved his hand.

“You risked your life,(Read more @

This is what you deserve. ”

The office workers left happily,

Su Bai murmured,

The footsteps stopped on the spot.

“The former Demon Sovereign had two hands.”

Office workers: ….

Hands in arms,

It suddenly no longer fragrant!

“Boss, I can go on a business trip at any time!”

“Well, there will be that day, go back and rest quickly.”

Sent away office workers,

Su Bai walked into the cemetery alone.

Luo Cheng returned to the faucet and continued to sharpen his gun.

“Smelly boy,

Think you can handle everything with a little cleverness? ”

Su Bai’s plan,

Luo Cheng knew everything in his heart.

Within 39 meters,

Luo Cheng can take action against that guy.

Over 39 meters,

Luo Cheng can only hurt the opponent seriously!

“I have been in prison for so many years,

Really thought you would go out if you said it ”

The more Luo Cheng thinks, the hotter he gets,

Just throw the gun to Su Bai,

“Your tuition has been collected, sharpen your gun!”

Su Bai didn’t mind,

Start to work.

He and Qin Lin,

One left and one right, Luo Cheng sat in the middle,

The three were sitting on a long bench.

After a long silence,

Luo Cheng suddenly spoke.

“Boy, I’m 30% sure.”

“You are 30% sure to beat the air?”

Ignore Su Bai’s words,

Luo Cheng said to himself,

“I’m 30% sure,

From here, I rushed to the extreme north cave in one breath,

Even in a half-crazy state, it can help Ye Su kill an enemy.

The strength is not higher than the three powers Cthulhu! ”

Qin Lin was dumbfounded.

He simply couldn’t understand the meaning behind these words.

Super class.


Su Bai took a breath.

The old man is so fierce?

“Hmph, have you heard of a legend,

Split the air with a move to punish the evil god. ”

Su Bai nodded.

This is all written into the textbook, who doesn’t know.

“Old man, don’t you want to say such shameless words as [You and Split Sky Slash the Cthulhu]!”

Staying with Pi’s broken leg for a long time,

Su Bai is too familiar with this routine!

Ah Dou and Zhao Zilong went in and out of Changbanpo seven times!

“You know what a shit!”

Luo Cheng disdainfully said,

“The old man was half crazy back then,

To enter the kingdom of the eighth evil god,

Want to die with Him. ”

Luo Cheng’s face was full of regret,

It seems to regret that he did not die in that battle.

“Darkland rescued the old man,

Cracking Kong followed the old man,

Picked up a godhead! ”

Su Bai: Have you always been so brave?

No wonder it was the man who was in the middle of nowhere!

Once the most invincible human race,

Even more domineering than Ye Su that Su Bai saw!

With invincible strength,

Doing things that kill God!

Still in the other side’s kingdom of God!

If Luo Cheng breaks through to level 800,

The strongest man!

“The spring of life can cure the old man’s dark diseases,

The injury here is difficult. ”


Luo Cheng simply turned around and went back to sleep.

He made two-handed preparations,

Or, take a gamble,

If you rush out and you are not crazy, you will earn blood!

If you’re crazy, kill all the way to the Northern Caverns,

If you want to make trouble, you will also make trouble in the Demon Race’s territory!

There is also a plan,

Luo Cheng has the authority of the martial art of the gun,

You can incorporate authority into the silver gun,

Hit a blow comparable to the Xeon!

The price is to permanently lose the authority to cultivate for many years!

No matter what kind,

Luo Chengdu made up his mind.

Ye Su’s invincible battle, he must be one hand short!

In the hut,

Luo Cheng, who was covered with a thin quilt, turned over.

“In front of Laozi, dare to claim that the human race is the most invincible?”

“Tomorrow I will let you see and see, what is the first invincibility of the three clans!”

He was muttering.

Qin Lin crept in,

“Master is really not particular about it, the quilt is so thin!”


Qin Lin spread a thick quilt on it.

Luo Cheng arranged clearly.

He left contentedly.


“It’s almost May in particular,

Guy so much wants to suffocate the old man? ! ”

Under two quilts,

Luo Cheng, who was originally insomnia, fell asleep.

Jin Ge iron horse dreams!

When waking up from a dream,

Raise your gun to kill the enemy!

In the warrior cemetery,

The morning sun slowly rises,

Su Bai glanced at the time:

6 o’clock in the morning.

There are still 30 hours before Ye Su’s decisive battle!


(Sixth, the code word, red red!).

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