Chapter 246

“The cornucopia is here!”

Shen Bailu took four masters,

The imposing manner slammed to the door.

The secretary reminded me cautiously,

“Owner, I heard that the owner behind the cornucopia is Tyrant…”

“Hehe, what happened to Tyrant?”

Shen Bailu is plausible,

“He made it clear that he was trading on inside information!

And, did Tyrant say something more!

The Shen family is still behind me! ”

The Shen family these years,

Relying on money to open the way,

Has a decent influence in the entire Confederation.

There are 18 branches in Shenjiaxia,

During the assessment cycle of each branch,

Allocate resources based on performance.

If Shen Bailu loses more than one billion yuan,

The next assessment,

He might not be able to continue to be the branch boss!

The competition within the Shen family is also extremely cruel!

“Go, let’s see if we can talk,

If you don’t give any face, don’t blame me for being rude! ”

Shen Bailu led people into the Cornucopia Company.

The weird thing is,

There is no one in the company.

“anyone there?”

A few minutes later,

From a place like a warehouse,

A man with pale skin came out.

“It’s a blood elf.”

An Ao Shi Grandmaster whispered.

Shen Bailu snorted coldly.

Can use blood elves to be a company with 647 employees,

Presumably it’s not much stronger.

When Shen Bailu explained his intentions,

Shen Wansan, who called the name and surname to see the principal!

Office workers have been working for so many years,

It’s the first thing I saw someone brought to my door!

He felt that he had decided to change jobs,

Very wise!


He interrupted and asked,

“You are here to find something, right?”

Shen Bailu’s temper came up,

“Yes, so what!”

“I have to give me an explanation today.”

The office worker gave him an explanation.

A group of seven people,

Five extraordinary masters, one proud master,

Was thrown out of the Cornucopia Company.

Before throwing it out,

The hands of seven people began to disintegrate from their wrists, exploding!


Shen Bailu wanted to have an attack,

However, considering the opponent’s terrifying strength.

I can only put cruel words in my heart.

“Cure first!”

For high-grade warriors,

Broken hands and feet are minor injuries!

The accompanying archbishop tried to treat,

I was surprised to find that

No matter how many times the hand is restored.

Will explode in the first time!

They missed it! !

“The Martial Arts Corps has a quota of 15,000,

Each warrior federation subsidizes 6000 contribution points every quarter,

Choose one of Zhilan City or Illusory City,

Guarded by my warrior legion?”

Su Bai looked at the conditions in front of him.

have to say,

The conditions offered by the Federation are very generous.

15,000 warriors, 6,000 allowances,

That’s 90 million contribution points!

The Federation considered that Su Bai might not have much money in his hands,(Read more @

Directly gave him 2 quarters of contribution points in advance!

That is 180 million contribution points!


The Federation did not expect,

Su Bai can pull up a powerful army of warriors in a short time.

Stationed in the city,

There will be no soldiers in the last ten years,

It is equivalent to these places only need to recruit some low-grade warriors,

Responsible for the development of specialty products in the city!

The federal rule has always been,

Who is stationed in the crypt, whose output belongs to!

It is equivalent to giving away a large sum of money to Su Bai.


Su Bai’s ideas are different from the federal plan.

The formation of a warrior army,

He is very serious!

Since you can’t shoot below Jue Dian,

Form an iron army yourself and crush it!

Is it okay?

Su Bai is just a group in the summer camp,

An announcement was made to recruit martial artists.


All the talented students of the summer camp have signed up!

Nearly 200 people.

Not only that,

They did not join the military army by themselves.

Together with the high-grade warriors in the family responsible for protecting them,

Join together!

It’s just less than ten minutes,

Su Bai recruited nearly two thousand warriors!

Either a high-grade elite,

Or a genius with endless potential!

Got 2,000 places,

Su Bai has 13,000 vacancies left.

Pi Broken Leg reserved 100 places in advance,

He is responsible for the logistics of the military army,

The whole army of warriors is running,

It’s not a kid playing house.

The logistical candidates are extremely important.

There is a broken leg guard,

Su Bai is more at ease.

Overlord soon also found Su Bai,

Express your thoughts,

“I want to go back to my hometown to recruit a group of people.”

Overlord explained,

“Our hometown has a strong style of martial arts,

Many people are good at riding and shooting,

I think we can make a cavalry battalion…”

Bawang briefly explained his thoughts to Su Bai.

Su Bai not only expressed encouragement,

Let him do it.

“Money is not a problem, and equipment is not a problem.”

“The light cavalry is too shabby,

If we want to raise, we raise heavy cavalry! ”

The heavy cavalry in the crypt,

Not a cavalry on a horse or Harley!

The so-called heavy cavalry,

The weakest mounts are all earth travel dragons!

Yalong type creatures!

After adulthood, the fighting power is not lost to the third rank martial artist!

The price of each head is above 5000 contribution points!

Not only that,

Their daily food consumption is a sky-high price!

The whole federation,

There are only six battalions of heavy cavalry!

Su Bai allocated the quota of 3000 Bawang in one go.

If it is not enough,

You can add it!

Overlord immediately went back to his hometown and tried a way to pull enough 3,000 people.

He just walked on the front foot,

Gongsun Qi came again,

“Do you want to recruit 3000 people too?”

Su Bai does not doubt Gongsun Qi’s ability.

The issue is,

Where do people come from?

You know, there are so many high-grade warriors in the entire Federation.

Xiang’s home where Overlord is,

There is no small force in the local area.

He wanted to pull up 3,000 heavy cavalry,

It is also quite difficult.

The family of Gongsun Qi is unknown,

His temperament is even more arrogant,

Don’t like to deal with others.

“It’s easy.”

Gongsun got up early and thought,

“Just pull people from the death row camp in the crypt.”

Since Gongsunqi said so,

Su Bai doesn’t mind giving him a chance.

“As long as you make sure you can control them.”

Going beyond Gongsun Qi’s expectations,

Su Bai directly allocated 5000 places to him.


The Warrior Legion has a scale of 10,000!

The whole army of warriors,

It’s impossible to be all combat systems,

The remaining 5000 gaps,

Su Bai plans to let Pi Broken Leg recruit some artisan warriors.

He intends to be stationed in the City of Souls.

Many outputs in the City of Souls,

Can’t waste it!

Even so,

1:2 warrior support ratio,

It is also quite exaggerated.

Once the Warrior Corps is formally established,

The savings in Su Bai’s hands will be consumed quickly!

As for the final profit or loss,

Even a business genius like Pi Broken Leg can’t tell!

Su Bai doesn’t mind.

He has a hunch,

When embroidered with the flag of Su,

The day he appeared in the crypt,

It will surprise everyone!


(The seventh more, so sleepy…there is one more.).

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