Chapter 247

5:30 p.m.

After checking in with Supervisor Shen Wansan,

The office worker is off work.

He has never been so happy.

Although the current company,

It is exactly the same as the previous company’s employees.


The company he was in before,

No one ever comes to make trouble.

As if the whole world is-good people.

it’s good now,

On the first day of work,

Just met the troublemaker!

And when I’m free,

He can admire the hand bones of the former Demon Sovereign.

The hand bones are so beautiful,

Even if there is a crack in the crypt,

Office workers also want to see it.

Have the opportunity to cut off the opponent’s hand,

That would be even better.

Eternal continent,

Taboo sea.

The Second Cthulhu held a rare meeting.

Even the ninth evil god, the eleventh evil god, who was in retreat,

All showed up.

Since the Ninth Cthulhu was seriously injured by the Eclipse,

Block yourself in the kingdom of God,

It’s been a long time since I asked about the world.

As soon as it appeared this time,

He was dumbfounded.

“Where are I believers?”

“Where is the sixth brother?”


It’s just less than half a month to recuperate,

So many things happened!

The ninth evil god suddenly felt,

There is nothing wrong with hiding in your own kingdom of God.

He has two great powers,

Shadow authority, strategic authority.

They are all irrelevant authority.

In other words,

Such rubbish authority,

The strongest of the human race can’t wait for the evil god to look like the ninth evil god.

The eclipse will only severely injure the ninth evil god,

Will never kill him.

Keep him,

It is the greatest help to the human race!

“Summon you this time,

Just for one thing…”

The second evil god has no nonsense.

What is his own reputation,

I still have a B number in my heart.

The evil gods are willing to gather together,

Has given him a lot of face,

“Earth’s tribe’s prosperity has come,

We continue to sit and wait for death,

It’s better to fight to the death! ”

“Okay, second brother took the lead and fought Yanzhe.”

The evil god yin and yang said strangely.

Who can’t tell the truth?

When it comes to exerting strength,

The second brother hides faster than anyone else!

“I know you won’t accept it,

After listening to me, judge for yourself! “(Read more @

The second evil god spoke out his plan.

They now have only one way out:

Put hope on the plan of destroying the world of the first evil god!

No one knows what the plan of the first evil god is.

Only the three strongest humans knew about the human race.


Cthulhus are pretty sure.

This plan,

The threat to the human race is great!

The dark domain is the strongest human being.

These years have been hunting down the first evil god!

The second evil god places his hopes on his eldest brother,

Sounds like,

It’s so reliable.

“How to do it?”

Even if the evil gods want to help,

I don’t know the plan of the first evil god,

There is no way to start!

“Take out the power you have!”

The second evil god said seriously,

“Go up to the sacrifice and exchange time for your eldest brother!”

When I heard the word sacrifice,

All the evil gods hesitated.

This is not a good suggestion.


It’s a matter of authority, so they cannot be careless.

To show your attitude,

The second Cthulhu was the first to do it!

When the other evil gods did not move,

He took the initiative to strip off a share of authority,

Sacrifice out,

The momentum is weakened visible to the naked eye!

“Don’t worry about the weakening of strength.”

The second evil god said seriously,

“We just need to block the kingdom of God,

There will be no danger. ”

“The second authority,

It is not our foundation,

It only takes ten years to master another authority easily! ”

Seems to be moved by His words,

The twelfth evil god also took the initiative to step forward,

Sacrifice a share of your own authority!

After these authority sacrifices,

Eventually according to their wishes,

· · Ask for flowers · ·······

Turned into a force that plagues the dark domain

Help the First Cthulhu advance the plan of destroying the world!

Two evil gods take the lead,

The remaining evil gods, even if they don’t want to sacrifice, have to sacrifice!

They are very clear,

The Second Cthulhu will not let them go easily.

Even if it loses one authority,

The strength of the second evil god is also stronger than them!

more importantly,

What the second brother said really makes sense.

After blocking the kingdom of God,

It is protected by a contract signed with Terran Xeon.

Cthulhu’s safety is guaranteed.

Lost authority,

It is easy to master it again.

As a Cthulhu,

They can easily accommodate the second authority!

…… ….. 0

Under coercion and temptation,

All evil gods have given a share of authority.

Return to each other’s kingdom of God,

Waiting for the good news of extinction.

A total of ten powers were sacrificed to a wall.


Is chasing down the dark realm of the first evil god,

Suddenly exiled by a mysterious force!

“this is?”

Even with the strength of the dark domain,

It takes a lot of time to go back!

During this time,

His talent can’t lock the first evil god!

The first evil god whose body resides on the moon,

Slowly regained consciousness.

All his previous thoughts,

All stolen by the dark domain!

Every day is spent in deep sleep!

right now,

The talent of the dark domain suddenly expired.

He naturally cannot miss this opportunity,

Crazy recommend your own plan to destroy the world!

Eternal continent,

Misty Town,

A couple is shopping,

They suddenly looked up,

“Look, the moon is so beautiful!”

“Yes, there is still a little red halo, why haven’t you seen it before?”

The moon of the eternal continent,

It is turning red a little….


(The eighth update is over, please ask for a fresh flower monthly evaluation ticket.

Good night, brothers.

It’s more than two o’clock now, and it is estimated that we will get up late tomorrow morning. )a few.

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