Chapter 245

“Does the company have an employee code?”

Office workers, that is, Jiliangying,

Asked seriously.

“Have a copy…”

Pi Broken leg looked strange.

In fact, it didn’t.

There are three shareholders in the entire company,

A hit worker,

Plus the new bodyguard,

There are not as many employees as the boss.

Want a hammered employee code?


Just this morning,

One of the company’s shareholders,

Ye Su sent a copy of the staff code.

Pi’s broken leg glanced roughly.

All for P1 employees,

And mark,

The company’s newly recruited employees are graded as P1.

This is all made for Kirakage personally!

Although I don’t know why,

The broken leg did so.

But he was a little worried,

Such harsh terms,

Will Kirakage really agree?

who knows,

After seeing the employee code, Ji Liangying

Surprised and said,

“It’s exactly the same as the employee code of my last company!”

“Familiar rules, it will be easier to adapt.”

Broken leg:…

In other words,

This guy in front of me,

In the past thirty-three years, have you been living with harsh to abnormal rules?

Pi broke his leg and mourned for him for three seconds.

Some things still need to be clear to the other party in advance,

Skin Broken Leg introduced,

“Our company’s business,

Sometimes I have trouble in the crypt,

Is it convenient for you to go to the catacombs? ”


Ji Liangying refused decisively,

“I won’t go to the catacombs, even if I add money.”

This will affect his peaceful life.


Pi broke his leg and gave up the idea,

“Take you a look at the company’s warehouse,

You are usually responsible for guarding the warehouse,

If someone makes trouble,

You can do it, but you can’t kill.

All the results of hands-on,

The company will settle for you. “.”

“Understand, the last company is like that too!”

Pi broke his leg and led him into the warehouse,

in fact,

There is nothing good in the warehouse,

The most valuable is half a skeleton.

It was taken down by Su Bai from the former Demon Emperor.

Most of the ribs were used up.

But the bones of the hands are intact,

Put it in the warehouse,

Use it later when you need it someday.

who knows,

Office workers stood in front of golden hand bones, unable to move.

“This, what is this?”

He was intoxicated.(Read more @

Never seen such a perfect hand,

Even if it’s just bones!

“Oh, just the hand bones of the former Demon Emperor.”

Peel the broken leg as far as Versailles.

In the most plain tone, say the most cup-filled words.

“Sure enough, he didn’t lie to me.”

A fanatical expression flashed across the office worker’s face,

He looked at Pi’s broken leg, his new supervisor.

“Supervisor, when shall we go to the crypt?”

“I can’t wait!”


People who couldn’t say to go before,

Suddenly can’t wait to go to the crypt.

She didn’t understand her broken leg,

What exactly changed the other party.

After visiting the warehouse,

Pi Broken leg ordered,

“I did some business recently,

Let others lose… probably more than one billion.

Maybe someone will come to you and remember what I said to you. ”

“No problem, just hands-on!”

The office worker said that he knew it well.

There is no doubt that there is him in the broken leg,

Left the company.

Before leaving,

Leave the key to the warehouse to the other party.

To treat such a strong person,

Still need to have a foundation of trust.

He…should not mess around in the warehouse, right?

Su Bai can’t log in Eternal,

Only in leisure time,

Take a look around the forum.

Tyrant and Crow have been doing things in the crypt recently.

There is never a shortage of hot spots in the forum.

Many people are mentioning,

The eternal moon seems more charming than before.

Someone also launched a moon watching contest,

The strongest person,

Watched the moon for six hours in one breath!

“It’s so leisurely.”

After reading the post,

Su Bai didn’t care.

Just the moon,

What bad thoughts can the moon have?


He received news of Pi’s broken leg.

“This guy is shorting the magic crystal,

Earned more than one billion contribution points? ”

Even if Su Bai had expectations,

Did not expect,

A broken leg can earn so much!


There is no reason to spit out the money earned by ability.

Liu Wanlou spoke to Su Bai before.

After this big victory,

The federation estimates that Su Bai’s military quota is 10,000 to 12,000!

Everyone spends 10,000 contribution points armed,

It’s all 100 million expenses!

Those who really spend and earn money,

It’s all war!

I want to raise a 10,000-level warrior army,

Su Bai must have enough wealth!


One thing makes Su Bai more concerned.

Pi’s broken leg is doing a short operation this time,

Earned more than one billion from others,

This other person is not an outsider,

But… from the Shen family!

In fact, just think about it,

Doing business in the Federation,

In the end, they all did business with the Shen family!

“… Shen Wansan has a sense of measure,

Just let him do it. ”

Su Bai put more energy,

Put yourself at level 499 and transfer to level 500!

Imperial capital,

Shen’s 13th Branch,

Shen Bailu, the branch controller,

Because of a huge loss, almost the entire office building was demolished!

“Rice bucket! Waste! Fool!”

After venting his anger,

He still couldn’t understand his hatred,

“I’d like to see,

Who is so bold and dare to do the right thing with my Shen family! ”

“Check it out for me! The Shen family’s money is not so easy to earn!”


The secretary handed over a copy of the information.

“Shen Wansan?”

“The Cornucopia Company, Baichuan City?”

Shen Bailu snorted coldly.

“Bring a few worship masters from the branch,

Let’s meet this Shen Wansan report! ”

“How much I want him to eat,

Just spit it out! ”


(There are two more updates, I will definitely finish it tonight, rush!).

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