Chapter 231

“Everyone is optimistic about your time!”

Su Bai ordered.

Gongsun’s anomaly,

There is no time to study for the time being.

Su Bai can only tell him,

As long as you feel any signs of contamination, leave immediately.


Gongsun Qi didn’t figure it out himself.

Su Bai’s countdown is 24 hours.


10 seconds of other people’s time

Su Bai only walks for 3 seconds here!

The talent still works,

Su Bai can stay in the broken kingdom of God,

Nearly 80 hours!

It took a minute,

Everyone has finished trimming,

Waiting for Su Bai’s next instructions,

“What do you do now?”

A crow took off from Su Bai,

Overlooking the entire battlefield.

They are on a piece of broken land at this time,

This land,

There are a total of fifteen different colors at war!

There are strong and weak among them, and they fight constantly.

“Since this is the broken kingdom of the gods of war and plague,

If you want to gain the power of war, you must at least win the war! ”

Su Bai decided immediately,

21 people chose the weakest party to join.

After contacting the black forces,

All their clothes turned black.

The monsters of the black forces will not attack them either.


Monsters, soldiers, warriors from other forces,

Started frantically attacking 21 people!

On this ancient battlefield,

No monster is weaker than Rank 6!

About every ten monsters,

867 There is a master!

A team of 21 people,

The offensive against these monsters is also a bit difficult.

Until… Su Bai shoots!

Purgatory Rakshasa gun in hand,

Wind slasher!

Crescent Guard!

With these two skills alone,

Gods Twilight!

Superimpose the Buff!

Su Bai directly resisted all the positive pressure.

Carrying 20 people is like a bulldozer,

Push forward!

Pressure on both sides,

Gao Tian, ​​Bawang and others will solve it.


Among the soldiers in charge of close combat,

A fire worm got mixed in.

Gao Tian was surprised to find that

Fireworm’s melee strength does not lose to himself!

The methods are even more outrageous!

After following Su Bai’s advice,

The fire worm embarked on a strange path.

I saw his right hand actively split into countless pieces,

The fragments floated forward and fell on each monster.



After a series of explosions,

While causing a lot of harm,

Also applied multiple debuffs!

This is the first time Gao Tian has seen anyone fight like this!

The pastor has long been surprised,

Directly help the fire bug milk full.

“Su Bai, seems to impose a debuff on the monster,

You can get it! ”

Fire bug discovers new effects.

In the broken kingdom,

Kill the monsters, win the war,

It should be a way to be recognized by the authority of war.

Where is the plague authority?

It depends on spreading the debuff!

“Priest, thieves, put more debuffs.”(Read more @

Su Bai did not intervene much in the fight.

The main purpose of this trip,

It is still dominated by the power of war.

A team of 21 people,

It is the best co-existence on the entire ancient battlefield.

Even if the black power is the weakest at first,

After they joined,

The black forces are beginning to gain the upper hand!

Less than half an hour,

Just emptied this broken land.

The entire battlefield was shaking slightly,

The ground turns black,

The surrounding space also turned black.

“We captured a piece of debris?”

Based on their own gaming experience, everyone

Judgment Road.


Three passages extend out of the ancient battlefield land,

Everyone walked to the passage,

The breath of the passage on the left is very violent,

It seems that the weakest enemy on the other end is the master!

The aisle in the middle is more mediocre.

In the passage on the right, all enemies on the opposite side are below the master.

“You go to the right, I’ll go to another space to see.”

Su Bai arranged like this.

With the strength of 20 people,

They can handle most situations without encountering a master.

And being with them,

Su Bai cared too much,

There is no way to combat all strength.

Separation is the best choice.

Everyone has no objection to this decision.

Gongsun Qi seems to want to act with Su Bai,

After hesitating, he still didn’t say anything.

After the troops were divided into two groups,

Su Bai chooses the strongest channel.

He descended on a new ancient battlefield,

The weakest monsters around are extraordinary masters!

The strongest,

There is even the prototype of the ultimate, half a step!


In front of Su Bai, who has 16 levels of God-killing effect,

They are all the same.

In order to reap the power of war,

Reap the plague authority,

Su Bai uses his various skills that can release debuffs!

Resume the monsoon!

The pool of blood red, the ravenous flock…

The entire ancient battlefield,

In less than 30 seconds before Su Bai arrived,

He was successfully emptied!

Next place!

“Since everyone is here, play fair!”

The consciousnesses of the evil gods converge with each other.

They all covet the authority of the sixth evil god,

Want to take a share in the broken kingdom of God.

One after another they sent clones into the broken kingdom of God.

These distractions,

Carrying part of the body,

Every combat power is not lost to Liu Wanlou!

crucial moment,

It can even burst out of half-step invincible strength!

In front of the nine evil gods,

The broken kingdom of the sixth evil god,

Like a bubble that has been punctured,

There are countless fragments of land battlefields inside.

Nearly 20 colors represent their respective forces!

Which force killed more,

The more initiative occupied in the Broken Kingdom!

At last,

It’s easier to get the approval of authority!

The nine evil gods have agreed,

Each god can only send one clone at a time,

Send up to three times!

As for the last two powers,

Then it depends on their respective abilities!

of course,

The evil gods would not be so honest.

Their cards have not been revealed yet,

Even on the brink of desperation,

There is also the possibility of a comeback!

In the eyes of the nine evil gods,

The ranking of the various forces is very obvious.

“Interesting, who joined the black?”

In the eyes of the evil god, black climbed quickly.

Already from the bottom,

Reached the top ten!

The gods shook their heads one after another, indicating that it was not themselves.

of course,

They did not believe what each other said.


The fourth evil god roared,

“Damn it!”

Then he quickly sent a second clone!

“Who was attacked by this?

Is it the second brother? ”

“What shit bowls are buckled on the second brother’s head?”

The evil gods are arguing,

Let’s taunt the fourth child,

The clone died so soon!


The shame of the evil god!

It’s time to kill him and share it with everyone!

The gods are chatting happily.


The second evil god snorted.

The evil gods noticed something was wrong.

The second Cthulhu immediately dispatched a new clone!


His clone is also dead!


They realized a serious matter,


The situation is developing out of control!

Who is it,

After two consecutive kills, their clones! !


(Eight more cards, it’s a bit late,

Good night, brothers. ).

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