Chapter 230

Legendary skills!

For Su Bai,

Skills below the legendary level,

You can use the skill book to learn.

At the legendary level and forbidden curse level skills,

It can only rely on comprehension and completion of special tasks.

Su Bai’s time is tight.

As a gold medalist,

He drove three numbers alone,

Even a master of time management,

Some are overwhelmed.

No time to study at all!

The appearance of the fire of wisdom,

Solved Su Bai’s problem.

For others,

The 7-day cooling time is a bit long.

Su Bai can shorten the cooling by 70%,

50.4 hours, early 2 days,

Can comprehend a legendary skill!

It is the best way for Su Bai to learn legendary skills!

It couldn’t be more cost-effective!

Su Bai directly filled the pool of blood red:

Skills: Crimson Pool (LV.50)

Description: Transformed into a blood pool that can last for 6 seconds, during which it cannot be selected, gaining a 65% declining movement speed bonus.

During the unselectable period, damage skills can be released.

Enemies hit by the blood pool cause (5 million + 50% * intelligence) true damage.

It also stacks a random debuff on the enemy, which lasts forever and can be dispelled.

It consumes 8 million Mana and has a cooling time of 30 seconds.

“It deserves to be a legendary skill!”

The effect of the Crimson Pool,

Far beyond Su Bai’s expectations!

Unselectable effect, up to 6 seconds!

Cooling time is 9 seconds.

Whether it is 1V1 or more than 1V,

With the Red Pool, Su Bai’s life is guaranteed to the greatest extent!

of course,

No choice is not a panacea,

You have Zhang Liangji,

He has had a wall ladder.

The Red Pool gave Su Bai an extra hole card against the enemy,

This is enough!

Near to the gods at dusk, headshot with strong hands and skulls!

Retreat to the pool of blood red, and the natural disasters of death wash the ground!

Su Bai finally looked like a mage.

After the fire of wisdom opened up,

Everyone’s gains exceeded expectations.

There are still a steady stream of NPCs and players,

Approach the world tree!

Ye Su took the initiative to approach,

This is his rare meeting with Tyrant himself.

On weekdays,

They are all going around in Tyrant.

“Tyrant, all the consumption of the fire of wisdom will be borne by the Federation!”

Of course Ye Su knows,

Let the fire of wisdom burn,

There is a lot of price to pay.

It’s just that at the moment,

Everything is worth it!

“Okay, just leave it to Shen Wansan to take care of it.”

Finalize this matter,

Ye Su took people away,

The vast secret world of the World Tree has landed,

Come to an end.

As for the full server announcement,

Instead, it became the least important thing.

That’s Tyrant,

Isn’t it a matter of course to make a World Announcement?

Su Bai did not set off directly,

Go to the kingdom of the sixth evil god.

The secret land has landed,

There are many things waiting for him to deal with.

“Master…that… Tyrant.¨々.”

Xiaoshu changed a few names, but they didn’t feel very good.

Just say directly,

“Hey, let me tell you!”

“First, I don’t call hello.”

Su Bai rewarded a little chestnut,

“Call me handsome.”

Little tree:…

I haven’t seen what you look like under your mask,

How do you know if you are handsome?

As the world tree wizard, the little tree

Have seen the birth of countless elves.

The elves are also famous for their beautiful men and women.

She has watched the handsome guy a long time ago, and there will be no more fluctuations in her heart…

The two are in the world tree secret territory at this time,

No one spied,

Su Bai took off the mask.

Xiaoshu: “Handsome guy, let me tell you a little bit”

“The World Tree Secret Realm has dropped to the next level,

But the foundation is not damaged,

Mainly, most of the energy is used to ignite the fire of wisdom.(Read more @

As long as you slowly cultivate, Rank will recover within a hundred years! ”

“A hundred years is too long,

Focus on restoring Rank. ”

Su Bai can’t wait that long,

First restore Rank,

The output will naturally be better!

Under Su Bai’s instructions,

All World Tree output is suspended,

Everything is based on restoring Rank!

“You make a list of what the fire of wisdom consumes,

Then make a list of the inventory needed for the restoration of the World Tree,

Give it to Pi Broken Leg, the guy whose ID is [You come to kill me]. ”

The little tree blinked,

“The burning of the fire of wisdom,

Do I need to report more materials? ”

She just heard it,

The quasi-elven emperor Ye Su himself said that all expenses are borne by the Federation!

If you make a false report, it will be regarded as interest!

“How can you have such an idea?”

Su Bai severely criticized Xiaoshu,

“This idea is great, keep it!”

Reimbursement for this kind of thing,

I understand everything I understand.

Su Bai turned around,

“But you don’t need to add a list, just write it truthfully.”

“Professional things,

Leave it to a professional person to do it.

Shen Wansan will do better! ”

Xiaoshu: Learned, learned!

I inspected my secret realm,

Su Bai made sure what was previously ‘stored’ in Xiaoshu,

No less.

He wants to take away the Cthulhu statue.


The world tree exists as a secret realm,

There is also Grand Master Ao Shi staring in Misty Town,

The Cthulhu running dog was also beheaded to death,

No one will come to pollute the secret realm.

The treasures of the Demon Emperor’s Garden, the four pieces of equipment of the ancient dragon…

Seeing that everything is there,

Su Bai is in a good mood.

“Okay, I’m going to go!”

Everything is ready,

Su Bai said goodbye to the little tree.

Come to the shore of the Forbidden Sea.

The number of people who set off this time,

There is not as much as before.

It’s a small but refined route,

“The broken kingdom of God can only accommodate players below level 500,

The level is too high in the past, it is easy to be polluted by the evil god and become a monster! ”

Ye Su introduced.

The Federation is on this trip,

It is also a great effort.

Send out in one breath: Tyrant, Crow, Su Bai,

Three gold medalists!

Federal expectations,

At least you have to get the Fa back with a power!

if possible,

It is best to bring back the power of war.

This is the most fancy of the Federation!

The 12 people in Dragon Canyon are all there,

There are 8 strong people at level 499 in the Federation,

A total of 21 people,

Obey Su Bai’s command unconditionally.

After everyone arrives,

Ye Su gave each person a watch and a leaf.

“There is a countdown on the watch,

If the countdown is over,

You will be polluted by the evil god, completely degenerate, and become weird.

When there are 15 minutes left in the countdown,

Crushing the leaves will bring you back! ”


The time that everyone can hold is different,

after all,

People and people cannot be generalized.

After ordering all precautions,

Ye Su added,

Ҭ` If possible,

Persevere in the kingdom of evil gods for as long as possible! ”

“In the broken kingdom of God,

The longer you persist,

After achieving invincibility, the greater your gains!

After entering the kingdom of Cthulhu,

There is no limit to the length of the game, so rest assured! ”

Ye Su didn’t elaborate.

Opportunities like the broken kingdom of God,

It’s hard to find.


When Ye Su was a rank 4 martial artist,

It happened that the strongest human race killed an evil god,

That is the time,

Ye Su spent a full 8 hours in the Broken Kingdom!

After Ye Su became invincible,

It is the most invincible human race that deserves to be!

of course,

At that time Luo Cheng was already crazy.

The two have never fought at the same time.

Everyone wears a watch,

Collect the leaves.

Under the leadership of Su Bai, he set foot on a burning cloud.


Countless sceneries were left behind by them,

It seems that the speed has increased to the extreme, the same as the speed of light!

With the help of Yan Eclipse of Xeon,

21 people,

Came to a savage ancient battlefield!

On the battlefield, the killing shouts shook the sky,

Countless creatures are at war!


Is the sixth evil god, the god of war and plague,

The broken kingdom of God!

“Everyone has it, beware!”

Almost at the same time,

Everyone’s watch lights up,

The countdown starts counting.

Most people’s time is 1 to 3 hours.

Overlord, Fire Worm, and Gao Tian’s time is just over 5 hours.

The countdown to Pi’s broken leg is 8 hours!

this means,

His potential is better than everyone else!

of course,

The countdown does not mean the length of time that can be maintained.

Ye Su’s countdown that year was 12 hours,

In the end, he could only hold on for 8 hours and was forced to leave.

Su Bai’s watch flashed.

No time is displayed.

His watch is specially made, and only he knows the time.

The most unexpected,

Gongsun Qi’s countdown,

The display is: 99:99:99

Not only that,

Everyone’s watch numbers are beating,

Gongsunqi’s countdown did not move.


As long as he wants,

You can stay here forever!


(Di Qi is more stuck in the toilet,

Brothers really don’t have to vote to remind you to change votes, I’m already full.

You can see the top post, the target of this month is 700,000 words.

Don’t talk nonsense, go for it! ).

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