Chapter 232

“The Cthulhu clone, that’s it?”

Su Bai walked out of the void.

The god-killing effect on him is superimposed to as many as 26 layers!

1350% extra damage!

Under the effect of many buffs,

A three-fold Void Walk can kill any Cthulhu creature!

Unless the opponent reaches the realm of the invincible master!


Broken God has certain restrictions,

After the invincible master entered,

The kingdom of God, which is already shattered, will be broken down immediately!

The two powers will also be lost-lost in the void,

Until a lucky person gains power again and achieves the position of God!

In order to ensure that the two powers are not missing,

Cthulhu can only send clones below invincible!

In front of Su Bai in full condition,

There is no difference between giving a head, stacking and killing the gods!

In just two hours, Su Bai

Encountered 4 Cthulhu clones one after another,

Cleared hundreds of battlefield fragments!

As more and more pieces of the battlefield are emptied,

Su Bai’s control ability in the Broken Kingdom is getting stronger and stronger,

It’s like playing a game to unlock the GM function slowly.

He can now clearly perceive,

There are 3,000 battlefield fragments in the entire Broken Kingdom!

Want to win the power of war,

You need your power to win more than 1,000 battlefield fragments.

Now the black forces: 138 battlefield fragments.

Ranked in the top three among all forces.

If a certain force is completely eliminated,

Can seize all the opponent’s battlefield fragments!

In the broken kingdom,

Su Bai can hold on for 80 hours.

If nothing happens,

The power of war can definitely be brought out!

The method of gaining the authority of the plague is unique.

Use the debuff to affect the most powerful force,

Can obtain plague authority.

The impact here,

Comprehensive consideration of debuff duration, damage, effect, etc.

In the struggle for the authority of the plague,

The black forces ranked ninth.

in fact,

These two rules of power contention,

There is another shortcut:

Wipe out all other forces,

The only thing left,

It is the gainer of authority!

Kill them all,

No one will grab it with yourself!

Su Bai also planned it!

“There are three channels again, which one to choose?”

The federal team separated from Su Bai,

Difficult to empty a battlefield debris.

Within 2.5 hours of entering the broken kingdom of God,

They emptied 4 battlefield fragments!

“My time is almost up, I’m leaving!”


Several people crushed the leaves and were forced to leave the broken kingdom of God.

The previous team of 20 people,

Now there are only 10 people left:

Overlord 7-member team, Gao Tian, ​​Gongsun Qi, Ye Yi.

“Choose the weakest channel.”

Although the number has been reduced by half,

Those who remain are the elites,

The strength of everyone is not decreasing but increasing!


To be cautious, they still choose the weakest channel possible.

Gongsun Qi frowned slightly.

From now on,

He has a bad feeling.

It seems that secretly there are always eyes peeping at everyone.

This snoop,

It’s disturbing.

“Everyone, be careful!

I don’t feel right. ”

Gongsun Qi didn’t need to hide anything,


“Understand, let’s go!”

10 people disappeared in the weakest passage.

When they landed,

Surprised to find,

Most of this fragmented battlefield has been emptied.

There are only a few figures left,

Suspended in the air.

Seems to have been waiting for them.

“It’s a trap!”

10 people quickly put on a defensive posture,

The enemy’s strength is above the master!

Overlord made a decisive decision,


One person crushed the leaves,(Read more @

“Can’t leave!”

Everyone felt a chill,

I’m afraid things are not that simple.

There are nine figures in total,

Looking at everyone with cold eyes, his eyes are cold and cruel!

“Kill a few human geniuses,

It was good as interest. ”

When they spoke,

Everyone knows who they are!

Cthulhu clone!

Every Dao is comparable to the Great Master!

Without Su Bai,

There is absolutely no possibility for them to compete!

Why does the Cthulhu clone ambush itself here?

Countless questions are swirling in everyone’s minds.

at the moment,

In addition to their own safety,

Worry more about another thing:

Don’t be fooled by Su Bai!

This trap,

Not necessarily for 10 of them!

More likely…for Su Bai!

In an instant,

Everyone’s mind is full of thoughts,

The evil gods didn’t think so much.

“Willing to be my servant,

I will bestow a new life! ”

Hearing the words of Cthulhu’s solicitation,

Overlord responded immediately,

“Give us time to think about it and see who we should follow!”

“Want to procrastinate?”

The evil gods have lived for so many years,

What scene hasn’t been seen?

None of these human geniuses planned to surrender.

“It’s okay, the corpse of you,

Will also follow my glory! ”

An evil god figure outrageously shot.

Facing these juniors,

There is no need for the nine evil gods to act together!

“The iron cable connects the boat!”

“Lord Buff!”

No need for reminders at all,

The 10-man team instantly entered the strongest fighting state.

No reservations!


Fire bug was surprised to find,

When trying to link Gongsun Qi’s talent,


Gongsun Qi still didn’t understand what happened.

Waving the sickle in his hand,

Resist the evil spirit’s offensive as much as possible.

“The ridiculous ant, use your life to offer sacrifices for me!”

Out of 10 people,

The only Gongsun who is not linked,

Naturally became the primary goal of Cthulhu!

No matter how the Bawang and others support,

Gongsun Qi’s blood line is rapidly declining!

At stake!

“I said, why can’t I find the Cthulhu clone!”

After emptying a fragmented battlefield,

Su Bai immediately noticed,

·· 0 Seeking flowers·····

A battle broke out on the battlefield somewhere!

Immediately call the channel,

Go to that battlefield!

“hold onto!”

Su Bai didn’t know,

How many Cthulhu clones participated in the Siege of Overlord Squad.

If there are casualties here,

It’s something Su Bai can’t accept!

A beam of light lit up,

Su Bai’s figure walked out of the beam of light.

He did not see the miserable scene as expected.

The 9 members of the Overlord Team are intact,

There were also 8 Cthulhu clones facing away from afar, and they didn’t make a move.


Su Bai’s gaze,

Attracted by a huge sickle!

“That’s… Gongsun Qi?”

In front of everyone,

Gongsun started holding a huge sickle!

On the sickle,

The black and red pattern is mixed,

There is constant light flowing, and it is breathtaking.

The sickle kept waving,

The evil god avatar who fought with Gongsun,

He was defeated by him!

“How is this going?”

…….. …… …….

Su Bai never dreamed of it,

As soon as I entered the door, I saw Gongsun Qi beating the evil god clone!

The Bawang people quickly explained to Su Bai,

Everything that just happened.

“Tie Suo can’t link Gongsun Qi?”

“He was fatally wounded by the Cthulhu, and as a result, he lost his mind and ran away?”

From entering the broken kingdom of God,

Gongsun started to be wrong.

Su Bai didn’t know for a while,

Is this change good or bad?

at least,

Gongsun Qi is still alive right now.

“Mortal, you are just a mortal after all!”

Even the assaulted ashes,

The Cthulhu clone is also clamoring.

Stubbornness is their last stubbornness.

This Su Bai knows too well.

Every Cthulhu clone that is dying,

They all only talk about hi.


Su Bai can see it too.

Although Gongsun Qi had the upper hand, he was still far from killing the Cthulhu clone!

“You said, who is a mortal?”

Gongsunqi’s indifferent voice suddenly sounded,

He raised the sickle high,

This time,

The entire debris battlefield trembles violently!

From the endless void,

A sickle phantom flew out and appeared behind Gongsun Qi!


Cut it off!

The Cthulhu clone is as silky as Dove Chocolate,

Divided into two!

Gongsun, kill the gods!

Everyone was shocked before it was too late,

Gongsun kicked his foot on the heretic god,

Coldly snorted,


At this moment, he is more like Invincible than Invincible Grandmaster!

And the eight Cthulhu clones around,

Shout out the fear in my heart in horror,

“You! Why can you hold the authority to kill?!”

“The power to kill has been lost for thousands of years, who are you!”

Their questions have not been answered yet,

A clone was suddenly crushed,

Su Bai walked out of the void,

Easily kill a Cthulhu clone in seconds!

“Did you forget something?”

“You are surrounded by me!”


(Check in to work, rush!) Again.

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