Chapter 229

“Little tree, come to the bowl!”

Su Bai really held a bowl in his hand.

In order to receive a copy of the world tree,

He did a lot of homework in advance.

The world tree is transformed from a copy to a secret realm,

Rank will drop slightly.

Su Bai holds this sea bowl,

It is an advanced legendary item of the Federation.

It can ensure that the rank of the small tree is maintained as much as possible during the conversion process.

“You just have to go to the bowl!”

Over the foggy forest,

The huge world tree appeared,

Xiaoshu said no,

The body is very honest,

Appears in the bowl.

Su Bai took a chopstick and tapped her little head lightly.

“I can’t be so skinny in the future.”

“It hurts!”

“It’s called drunk, it will help you relieve your pain.”

Su Bai is serious nonsense.

The top of the head,

The World Tree is still falling slowly.

In this process,

The treasure of the World Tree will keep dropping,

These treasures turned into streamers and flew towards the sky.

Since the World Tree is a very large copy,

The eternal rule does not allow all to be taken away by the Lord of the Secret Realm.


There are rules,

There are countermeasures.

“Do it!”

Ye Su stood in the clouds, with Master Xiaohu standing beside him.

“Get the quasi-emperor’s order!”

Under the clouds, the grandmaster of thousands of elves knelt down on one knee and bowed his head!

For the elves,

The World Tree is a sacred object and the most familiar tree.

Before the small world of the elves matured,

They are all hanging on the world tree.

They shot,

To intercept the collection of the World Tree, the effect is best!

And Ye Su,

The first invincible human race, as the quasi emperor

He has an unimaginable power in the elves!

Ye Su’s exclusive secret outside,

Every year, dozens of elven elders kneel down and bow their heads.

They are begging Ye Su to become the elf emperor,

It is the so-called Xeon of the Human Race.

These requirements,

Ye Su Tongtong ignored it.

Does the human race lack the strongest?


Three strong,

Efforts to support the current situation.

Once there is power to break the balance,

Terran will be extremely dangerous!


Terran does not lack a strongest rookie!

If Ye Su is the strongest and invincible from the human race,

Has become the strongest of the three races,

In terms of the overall strength of mankind,

Do not increase but decrease!

He has greater ambitions!


If the human race really comes to life and death,

A new Xeon is needed to support the situation.

Even the weakest strongest,

Ye Su will gladly accept it!

He has absolute confidence,

That state,

For Ye Su, within reach!

Thousands of elven masters took action,

Just to help Tyrant keep as many World Tree collections as possible,

This huge battle,

The 10 million contribution points that Tyrant spent before,

No loss!

It’s not over yet!

Just when the world tree is about to fall,

Ye Su moved!

Crown coronation,

Ye Su appeared right in front of the World Tree,

Drag with one hand!

The World Tree that was about to fall to the ground was abruptly stopped!

People on the ground looked up,

Such a terrifying secret,

It was dragged by one hand!

Even Ye Su is a little struggling at this time.

He whispered,

“In my real name, pardon!”

On the world tree,

The leaves and branches that were originally a little dim,

At this moment, full of vitality!

Not only did the rank of the entire secret realm not drop,

There is even a sense of breakthrough!

“Little tiger, shoot!”

On the clouds,

Mainly based on several great master-level holy magisters,

Gather hundreds of proud masters, thousands of extraordinary masters,

They are NPCs from the Eternal Continent,

The Federation has spent countless favors, please come and help!

Just to make Tyrant’s world tree secret realm,(Read more @

Perfect at birth!

This time,

The Commonwealth has paid for it!

So many holy magisters,

After a long singing,

Gather into an unnamed thunder formation!

And the center of the formation is really Xiaohu!

Hold high a weapon that resembles a hammer and an axe,

Xiaohu let out an angry roar,

“The fury of the gods!”

A lightning bolt with incomparable terrifying power descended,

Chop on the world tree!

At the moment lightning strikes,

The little tree closed her eyes screaming,

When the World Tree is injured, she will also be injured.


One hand is over the sea bowl!

Although shrouded in shadows,

Little tree has never been so relieved.


Thunder and lightning,

In an instant, the fire tree silver flower!

Little tree didn’t feel any pain

Instead, it was the sea bowl she was in,

Start to disintegrate a little bit!

This sea bowl worth more than tens of millions of contribution points,

Can’t bear the terrible harm,

Completely destroyed!

Su Bai’s hand covered it,

It just plays a psychological role.

Really help the little tree to insulate it from harm,

It’s this sea bowl!

Leaving the shelter of the sea bowl, the little tree looked at the world tree again.

at this time,

Ye Su no longer holds the world tree,

But let it land smoothly.

The size of the World Tree has also become a lower-level super large copy.

Rank slipped two consecutive steps!


The sky thunder just now,

Let the canopy of the World Tree ignite a flame!

“Wisdom Fire!”

Everyone closed their hands and looked at this proud result.

“I didn’t expect it to be successful!”

Little Tiger was panting, thunder and lightning flashed all over his body.

It was the first time Su Bai saw him take action.

The thunder just now,

If it hit Su Bai,

Even if Su Bai’s blood volume exceeds 200 million, he can’t resist it!

“Go and see the effect of the fire of wisdom.”

Xiaohu urged.

This time,

The value of spending 50 million contribution points before and after the Federation,

Just for the arrival of the World Tree Secret Realm!

strictly speaking,

In order to give birth to the fire of wisdom!

This is a matter specially emphasized by Yan Eclipse of Xeon.


They can only have at most one super-large secret realm.

And the first time I had a secret realm,

There are some methods,

Super rare output is born!

This special effect,

Unique in eternity,

The opportunity is fleeting!

such as,

The Tiandao Library in the hands of the headmaster of the magic city,

At that time, two strong men were assembled,

Created a skill cabinet for him.

That skill cabinet randomly produces one hundred skill books every day!

The fire of wisdom on the canopy of the world tree,

Hundred times more precious than the skill cabinet!

In the eyes of everyone’s expectation,

Su Bai flew to the crown of the world tree,

After being struck by lightning,

Leaving behind a large expanse of lightning strike wood,

The little tree waved,

A total of 500 pieces of lightning struck the wood, yards in front of Su Bai.

These are all good materials for building equipment!

“Good job.”

Su Bai rubbed the skull of Xiaoshu,

Show encouragement.

In the past, we were friends,

Su Bai also gave gifts from time to time,

Maintain friendship.

Now it’s a master-servant relationship,

Su Bai began to enjoy the happiness of prostitution!

The lightning struck wood was taken away,

On the entire canopy,

Only the fire of wisdom is left.

This flame is neither strong nor weak,

Burning slowly,

It seems that it will never go out.

Su Bai was close to feel the temperature of the flame,

There is even a chill.

Fingertips move forward slowly,

Su Bai is sure,

The fire of wisdom does not have the terrifying heat.

As for the effect?

As the master of the mystery,

The effect of the fire of wisdom emerged in front of Su Bai’s eyes:

“The Fire of Wisdom:

Ignite the spark of wisdom, let people understand a skill that has never been mastered.

After the opening effect,

All units around 1500 meters,

Obtain a highest Rank skill that can be learned at the current Level!

Cooling time: 7 days

Consumption: World Tree specialty 867 lemon fruit, wisdom fruit, pistachios…”

Consume this column,

Su Bai ignored it!

The powerful effect of the fire of wisdom,

It is worth paying for any price!

Su Bai is now at level 399 and can comprehend legendary skills!

Under 300 level, comprehend diamond level skills.

Level 300-500, comprehend legendary skills.

Above level 500, comprehend the forbidden curse!

Although the skills are random,

But I can’t stand a prostitute!

Su Bai took a deep breath.

Call everyone within 1500 meters,

Including talented students who are about to go to the kingdom of evil gods,

The effect of the fire of wisdom is not consumed per person.

Naturally, the more the better!

1500 meters,

Standing densely packed with people.


Under the eyes of everyone,

Su Bai officially opened the effect of the fire of wisdom!

Thousands of masters stiffened,

They stayed at their level for too long,

Most forbidden spells have been learned!

Ignited by the fire of wisdom,

The forbidden curse obtained is naturally extremely rare!

Others have also gained a lot!

Many people shouted excitedly,

“I, I have legendary skills!”

“Diamond-level skills, something that tens of millions can’t buy!”


Even Ye Su, the strongest and invincible human race,

After reviewing the forbidden curse named [The Arrival of the Tree World],

The calm mood also splashed into waves!

With this skill alone,

All the hard work this time is worth it!

from now on,

No matter where Ye Su goes,

His home court is everywhere!

Even in the heyday of the dark lantern Luocheng,

Ye Su also has the confidence to fight!

Others have gained a lot,

Su Bai, the owner of the world tree,

Naturally, there are gains.

“The fire of wisdom is lit, legendary Skills: The Red Pool!”


(Dip, six more cards, red red!).

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