Chapter 226

“Little tree, little tree, see what good things I brought you again!”

Outside the world tree,

Su Bai’s figure emerged.

Almost at the same time,

The little tree emerged from the void.

“What do you want to lie?!”

Xiaoshu looked at Su Bai wary, like a thief.

“Why are you innocent!”

Su Bai argued hard,

“You will be mine tomorrow, do I need to cheat?!”

“Bah! Deng’s apprentice!”

The little tree turned around and pretended to leave,

But staring straight at Su Bai’s hand,

He couldn’t look away at all.

The elf with a straight mouth,

It was eaten to death by Su Bai.

Su Bai held it in his hand,

It was his harvest in the imperial garden of the Devil Palace.

Can be planted in the harem by the demon emperor,

These flowers and plants are naturally treasures of the crypt,

Some don’t even know little trees!

“Pay attention to the image, the saliva is flowing out.”

Hearing Su Bai’s reminder,

The little tree quickly wiped his mouth, only to find that there was no saliva at all!


Su Bai will have thousands of precious grass plants,

Throw it at the little tree.

“This, these are all for me?”

The little tree looked dazzled,

The eyes are full of ‘I want this, I want that too! ’

Su Bai: “No.”

Little tree: …..

“These are with you in advance,

Tomorrow will still be mine. ”

“Huh? Tomorrow…isn’t it tomorrow…”

Xiaoshu just remembered,


The sprouts of the World Tree were watered for seven days,

Su Bai officially became the owner of the World Tree,

That is, the owner of the little tree!

Bullied the little tree for a while,

Su Bai left 863 contentedly.

These plants,

Staying in Su Bai’s hands is almost dead.

There are only world tree secret elves,

Only then can they be transplanted successfully, and all of them can be planted alive!

It’s after 12 o’clock tonight,

The copy of the world tree changed ownership,

It is not the same as the water element copy.

The world tree copy is a very large copy,

Need an area to take root.

Originally Wangucheng’s suggestion to Tyrant,

Is to plant the World Tree in the center of Wangu City,


The entire Wangu City will benefit infinitely.


The Federation takes all the development rights of the foggy forest,

Handed over to Tyrant in disguise.

The licking dog in Wangucheng,

Where can I be wronged by this?

He can’t lose to the little bitch of the Federation!

Eternal City immediately sent people,

Signed the “Misty Forest Commissioned Development Agreement” with Shen Wansan,

In 999 years,

Eternal City commissioned Tyrant to develop the Misty Forest.

80% of the proceeds will be invested again in project development.

Give money to Tyrant in disguise!

In this way,

Tyrant owns 100% of the Misty Forest!

100% in any zone!

That being the case,

Su Bai simply chose the location of the World Tree,

Set in the core area of ​​the foggy forest.

This matter was recognized by both the Crown Shuren and the Eternal City.

Some time in the future,

Both forces will focus their development on Misty Town.

To some extent,

The current Misty Town,

Even more popular than Wangu City!

Eternal City,

In front of the mage hall.

“Brothers really can’t dance anymore!”

The Deputy City Lord of Eternal City and the Lord of the Temple of War Titan,

Dignified and extraordinary master,

After a day and night of war dance, my feet are blistering!

“Brothers, one person does the job and the other bears the burden,

I’m going to face the anger of the proud master Elno! ”


The real man, Titan, walked into the mage hall.

Countless people praised him, great!(Read more @

Inside the hall of the mage,

Elno runs a company,

Fred has changed from a frog back to a human form.

Erno looked sad at this time.

“Fred, I feel my eyes bewitched by power,”

Fred: “Haha.”

“I am too obsessed with powerful forces,

And forgot the role of a holy magister,

What kind of face is there for me like this to be the deputy master of the Mage Hall? ”

Fred:? ? ?


You shouldn’t be me! !

I am superficial, ignorant, short-sighted and ignorant,

I like to be blinded by powerful forces!

“Fred, here are two appointments and dismissals,

Ao Shi Grandmaster Erno just signed. ”

Fred did not expect,

Happiness comes so suddenly!

Isn’t he dreaming?

“The first one, Ren Fred is the new deputy head of the Palace of Masters of the Eternal City,

You put it away. ”

Fred: “Okay!”

He tried not to smile too obviously,

So as not to make people look at jokes.

“The second one, Erno, the former deputy head of the Mage Hall of Eternal City,

Changed to be the president of the Mist Town Mage Association,

If the Mist Town Mage Association is upgraded to Mage Hall in the future,

Elno was automatically promoted to the Master of the Palace of Mage. ”

Fred’s smile solidified.

The commission letter that was just received suddenly no longer fragrant!

“Um, or, let’s change it?”

Fred asked timidly.

Elno squinted at him.

“Do you think I’m a fool?”

It really hasn’t changed!

The Lord of the Temple of War Titan,

He walked out of the mage hall heavily,

I told everyone bad news,

“Master Ao Shi Elno refuses to forgive us!”

“In the end, I defeated everything alone.

Decided to send himself to Misty Town as the president of the Warriors Association.

As for the role of the Lord of the Palace, it’s up to you to decide for yourself! ”

Everyone:? ? ?


Everyone reacted.

The position of Eternal City,

Where is the fragrance of mist town?

That day,

The city lord of Eternal City condemned himself for having been the lord of the city for many years, and had no achievements!

Self-delegated as the mayor of Misty Town!

The successor of the city lord,

Immediately demote yourself to the deputy mayor!

The masters of major professional associations,

Squeezed his head and lowered his position to Misty Town.

Two archbishops even fought,

At last,

The one who won became the chairman,

The loser became the vice chairman with tears.

The chaos of Eternal City,

There is no sign of calming down…

Office workers return to the company,

Coffee time,

Found the supervisor,

He said seriously,

“Supervisor, I used the paid leave slip before, and now I come back to work…”

The supervisor misunderstood what he meant,

“Then I will refund you the paid leave?”

“No, I mean, I should get double salary in these two days.”

Supervisor: What he said is so reasonable, I can’t even refute it!


The supervisor realized another thing,

Is he short of money? !

To know,

In the past 33 years,

He always receives as much as the salary is paid.

Very regular.

Never asked for a penny more,

Never mentioned a salary increase!

This is the first time!

“Look, I forgot if you didn’t tell me!”

The supervisor approved the other party’s statement,

“You count as double salary these two days!”

In fact, the whole federal society has been on holiday for three days recently.

They are all three times the salary when they go to work…

This kind of thing,

Don’t tell the office workers.

“By the way, Director, one more thing.”

The office worker said seriously,

“Can I raise my salary?”


what is it today!

The supervisor is pretty sure,

The other party must be in financial trouble.

However, given the danger level of the opponent,

Things that can be solved with money are not things!

“You, how much do you plan to increase?”

The supervisor has a budget in his heart, within 20 million, he can agree!

“1,872.35 yuan a month, is that okay?”

The supervisor was stunned.

Why is this salary increase still small and even?

“I will study it, can I reply to you before get off work?”

“Thank you supervisor! Director, you are a good person!”

Office workers today,

Seems to be in a very good mood,

The skin color is healthy, and there are more words.

Waiting for the office workers to leave,

The supervisor collapsed on the chair as if collapsed,

I want to report to my superiors about the changes in office workers.


From now on, this change seems to be a good direction.


In the heart of the supervisor,

No change is better than no change!

How dangerous are office workers,

The supervisor is a proud master,

I have been in contact with him for thirty-three years,

It couldn’t be clearer!

Thirty-three years,

The supervisor checked his hundreds of shots,

So far, I don’t know what his talent is!

The supervisor only knows one thing:

This man is terribly strong!

This is still from the evaluation of Master Ao Shi!

When the supervisor wants to report to the work,

An instruction from the superior was conveyed,

“Decrease the monitoring level to A level?”

The supervisor was taken aback,

What do you mean?

A-level monitoring,

Only need to deploy 1 Extraordinary, 20 Sixth Rank Martial Artists.

At the moment SS-level surveillance,

The company has 1 outstanding, 2 proud, 15 extraordinary, and nearly a hundred Sixth-Rank martial artists!

In other words…

The company is about to lay off employees!

Office workers go out this trip,

In the end what happened? !


(Check in after three shifts, rush!).

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