Chapter 227

“Eye exercises, start…”

in the afternoon,

During eye exercises,

Overlord, Pi Broken Leg, etc. ~ people came to the second class of high school.

As outstanding students of this summer camp,

Many people know and even have their information on the college entrance examination genius list.

“Is the fourth student Xiang Xichu on the genius list!

I heard that the Devil Palace was burned by him! ”

“There is also the third firefly, so handsome! Only a bit worse than Su Bai!”

“And classmate Shen Xiu, he seems to be the one who was beaten to death by Su Bai!”


In everyone’s rumors,

Only the style of Pi Broken Leg is different.

The three of them are looking for Su Bai, all have their own affairs.

A broken leg is a bit of a trivial matter that can’t be done.

I want Su Bai to ask Tyrant for advice.

“Well, recently there was a business that was relatively risky.

I consider hiring one or two bodyguards for the company! ”

Pi Broken Leg is ready to short the price of magic crystal,

The news in Ye Youcheng has not been fully announced before.

Short selling is actually not a difficult thing.

Do business to make money,

There is an eternal truth:

If you make money, some will lose money!

Pi broke his leg for fear of earning too much,

Was knocked on the door in Earth,

Want to find a master-level bodyguard to support the facade.

Su Bai agreed directly for Tyrant.

Hire a master bodyguard,

Even if it is Grand Master Ao Shi,

The maximum salary at the end of a month is 300,000 contribution points.

after all,

No master is clocked in and out of get off work.

Only with the help of the name of the master, to deter Xiao Xiao.

When the master really needs to take action,

Also add money!

The strength is high to a certain level,

Money will be delivered to your door!

After Pi’s broken leg got Su Bai’s affirmative answer,

Immediately proceeded to do it and released a job advertisement.

In the advertisement,

He emphasized three points:

Good treatment, few things, strong strength first!

The problem of the broken leg is solved,

There are two people left.

The fire bug is to help people talk,

“The strongest Yan Eclipse said, I want to see your teacher sometime.”

Su Bai:? ? ?

No way…

Su Bai dealt with the Xeon last time,

Still under his cracked eyelids,

Shouting, ‘see once, fight once! ’.


Su Bai is strange.

Why didn’t Yan Eclipse see through his identity?

he does not know,

In order to make Yan Eclipse as embarrassing as possible,

The last time the Dark Domain shot,

By the way, help Su Bai strengthen the mask.

As long as it is not within 1000 meters,

Stared at by the Yan Eclipse body,

There is no clue to the eclipse!

In order to turn Yan Eclipse into the strongest shame,

The dark field also took great pains.

“Not to meet at Forbidden Sea.”

Fireworm saw Su Bai’s hesitation,

“Just go and visit my house.”

After talking about the fire bug,

Su Bai and Ba Wang looked strange at him.

Brother, you lost your wolf card.

Everyone knows that fire worms are related to inflammation,

Who would have thought,

Fireworm is Yan Zhuo’s son? !

Well, everyone guessed it…

after all,

The Xeon Yan Eclipse has spoken after drinking for six consecutive times,

“My son is invincible in the world!”

Lively put the word show off on his face.

Everyone laughed at Erno.

Everyone is Elno.(Read more @

Overlord’s things are a bit tricky,

“Su Bai, the sixth evil god has fallen,

The broken kingdom of God was constantly being swallowed by the other evil gods.

After 12 o’clock tonight,

The Eclipse of the Strong will open the way to the broken kingdom of God.

The Federation wants you to lead the team…”

“How much and what do you do?”

Su Bai is already familiar with the road.

Don’t talk about feelings with the Federation,

Talk about money directly!

If the money is in place, Xeon can do it too!

“3 million contribution points, leading the team to explore the kingdom of God.

Any gain belongs to the individual!

There are two great powers in the Broken God, war and plague,

If you can get back any authority,

The Federation adds 5 million contribution points! ”

The reason why the sixth evil god fell,

It is because He has the power to war.

With the strength of the dark space and the eclipse,

It is difficult to completely kill the second evil god,

The fourth and fifth evil gods are still stable.

As a result, the sixth child died first,

It is also time and fate.

“No problem, forbidden to wait for me outside the sea at night.”

Su Bai will receive the World Tree first tonight,

Keep putting the copy outside without taking it back,

Su Bai’s heart is always unreliable.

My own cabbage,

We still have to grow it in our own vegetable garden!

Waiting to become the master of the world tree,

Then lead the team to explore the broken kingdom of God.

The time schedule is very full,

The federal government has never let go of gold medals for workers.

After the three got a reply,

Each return,

Su Bai is also making final preparations for tonight’s action.

5:30 in the afternoon,

The office worker is planning to leave the company on time.

I was surprised to find that

Sister Hua, who had worked together for twelve years, left the supervisor’s office sobbing!

Office workers who are familiar with the workplace,


“She is under the unspoken rules?”

“This is not compliant!”

Although the supervisor is a good person,

But it’s still necessary to do it.

Office workers don’t want to miss any opportunity to get hands-on.

A rare opportunity!

He went to the vicinity of Sister Hua first,

Gentlely asked what happened.

In the bottom of my heart,

The office workers thought about seventy-nine ways to kill the supervisor!

Just thinking about it is exciting!

“What? You have been laid off!”

The office worker got an unexpected answer.

Not unspoken rules, but layoffs!


In the past 33 years,

Only new people come in the company,

There has never been such an absurd thing as layoffs!


It is a blind spot for office workers!

Facing a workplace experience that has never been experienced before,

The office worker panicked!

His nails are abruptly long,

Noticing this detail,

The whole company is getting nervous!


Repeating these two words in my heart,

Because I asked for a salary increase of 1,872.35 yuan,

Did it cause Sister Hua to be laid off?

Office workers began to think.

He found,

It seems that the company hasn’t made much money over the years!

The company’s products have never been sold on the market.

There are only a lot of employees in the company, only entering but not leaving.

…….. …… …

What is the difference between running such a company and doing charity?

It must be so!

The sad finding of office workers,

His salary increase of 1,872.35 yuan,

Is the last straw to crush the company!

He is familiar with TV dramas and workplace novels,

I understand,

Once a company starts to lay off employees.

A good, hardworking and capable employee like him,

Always the first to be squeezed away!

Office workers are even more panicked!

The entire company is even more panicked!

The supervisor is about to sound the SSS alarm!


The office worker calmed down.

He realized that

“If you are laid off,

I seem to be able to receive 34 months’ salary at a time. ”

Thought of here,

The office worker suddenly found out,

Why is it not yourself who is being laid off? !

do not get excited,

It will definitely be your turn!

Watching the office workers recovering calm,

People in the entire company felt relieved.

In the afternoon, 5:35.

Office workers who left the department store,

I got through the phone of a professional agency,

“Hello, I may be laid off recently at my job.

Need to find a next home in advance, yes, yes.

What are my strengths?

I can fight better.

In my memory, I have only lost to two people…”

After five minutes of chat,

The agency sent a job advertisement to the office worker.

Perfectly meet the requirements of office workers:

With a lot of money, you don’t need to use your brain to clock in to and from get off work.

On the job advertisement,

The name of the hiring supervisor is interesting,

The office worker read it out softly,

“Shen Wansan?”

“Really simple name, I hope his hands will look better…”


(Fourth, clock in, eat, code, rush!) Again.

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