Chapter 225

“Unlocked with full firepower (Phase 3)!”

Full firepower (the third stage): Reduce the skill cooling time by 70%, and return the consumption after casting the spell.

Full firepower (offensive): Each time you release a skill, 30% of the damage consumed by Mana is attached. This additional damage has the highest priority and is subject to all additional damage bonuses.

Full firepower (defense): Each time you release a skill, you get 30% of the shield value consumed by Mana, which can resist all damage except real damage. The shield exists for 60S.

Note: Offensive and defensive states can coexist.

“Very strong!”

Looking at the third state of unlocking talents,

Su Bai is very satisfied.

Compared with the second stage, the 60% cooling is increased to 70%.

This is just the most basic improvement!

Offensive and defensive state,

Previously, only one choice could be made.

Su Bai has enough output means,

Often choose to open the defense state.

right now,

He can finally take it all right and confidently.

Calculation of shield and damage,

It also increased from Mana’s 20% to 30%.

The strongest improvement lies in:

Full firepower brings additional damage, the highest priority level, enjoy all Buff bonuses!

Take walking in the void,

After Su Bai is stacked 3 times, it costs 40 million mana,

The extra damage of full fire is 12 million!

With this 12 million damage, you can enjoy bonuses such as the killing field and the god-killing effect! !

It is equivalent to directly increasing the basic damage of the skill!

The great value of this,

As a Gaowan Su Bai, his understanding is extremely deep.

Su Bai now,

On output capacity alone,

Have not lost any great master!

That is, other methods are weaker,

The violence equivalent to the output of specialization!


While the Tier 3 talent brings a huge improvement,

The requirements for unlocking the next level are extremely demanding;

Unlocking conditions: kill one invincible grandmaster of the demon race, and kill one invincible grandmaster of the Cthulhu family.

Two invincible masters,

Even if it’s the dying look before Luo Cheng,

Su Bai is also hard to kill!

To know,

The skeleton of the former Demon Emperor buried in the Demon Palace,

The once invincible master,

Suppressed by the current Demon Emperor for many years!

Strength and foundation are less than one percent or one thousandth of the peak!

Even so,

Can easily escape from Su Bai!

This is the power of the invincible master!

Put away talent,

This time the advanced effect,

Su Bai is very satisfied.

I killed nine of the Forbidden Sea’s peaks before,

How far did the nearby Cthulhu monsters flee.

The Cthulhu Running Dog Grandmaster was also killed by Su Bai.

Talented students on the coast,

It is absolutely safe at the moment.

Even if there is an accident,

Here as the eternal world,

The price of being killed is only the loss of attributes and equipment.

Su Bai’s task has been completed,

It happened that Master Xiaohu sent a message,

Said that the crown tree man is finished.

Su Bai just returned to the trading secret.

“This is this trip to the catacombs,

List of awards issued by the Federation ¨ 々. ”

The crown tree man handed a watch,

Su Bai glanced at it and it was worth 10 million contribution points.

The dark field uses the sky to change the day,

Helped Su Bai solve the identity crisis.


For the top invincible master,

Unless the dark space is particularly concerned,

Otherwise their memory will be difficult to modify.

Luo Cheng also specifically talked to Su Bai about this matter.


In front of the crown tree man,

Su Bai, Crow, Tyrant, the trinity.

It’s all one person.

These 10 million contribution points,

This is equivalent to Su Bai’s 5 wages for 3 jobs.

As for Master Xiaohu,

Still kept in the dark.

There are 5 million contribution points,

The Federation purchased Su Bai’s High Rank Magic Crystal.

A total of 15 million contribution points.

It is equivalent to all the working capital Su Bai has now!

After reading the list,

Su Bai nodded.

“no problem.”

Take people’s money and help them eliminate disasters.

In terms of increasing money, the federal government

Has always been very willing.

In fact, the logic behind it is also very simple.

The wealth of the whole federation,

All belong to the three strongest people.

Tyrant, not surprisingly,

Become the strongest in ten years!(Read more @

In other words,

The future of the Federation is Tyrant’s!

Give things to Tyrant in advance,

Help each other grow,

The right thing!

not to mention,

The cost of the top power,

Many of them are the needs of families or their own strength improvement.

Tyrant walked all the way,

Earn more than spend!

He also has no family to support,

Give the money to Tyrant,

Tyrant has no money!

The three chatted a few words,

The Crown Tree ‘unintentionally’ revealed several news,

“After Yeyou City was controlled by the Federation,

The development of the magic crystal mineral in the city is very smooth,

The quarterly output of Magic Crystal is expected to be more than 5,000 tons!

Such a large-volume development,

In the future, the price of Magic Crystal will drop very quickly. ”

This news,

Only the top group of people in the Federation know!

Even the son of the Shen family had a broken leg, but he didn’t hear the wind!

Su Bai nodded, motioning to understand.

If the magic crystal depreciates,

Tyrant’s magic crystal fell in his hand!

The crown tree man is reminding himself,

Ship as early as possible and cash out at a high level.

This news,

It’s worth more than 10 million contribution points!

And one more thing,

The Crown Tree person directly commissioned Tyrant,

“Can trouble the Ming Deng Luo Cheng,

Luo Cheng’s art of war that he painstakingly compiled,

Take it out, everyone to study it? ”

Head Ye Liangchen of Yeyou City,

The art of war of Luo Cheng is extremely respected!

Even said,

The rhetoric of “half of Luo Cheng’s art of war to level the cave”!

Even if it is a crown tree person,

I also have some interest in this Luo Cheng art of war that I have never met before.

“Luo Cheng Art of War?”

Su Bai was taken aback.

What the hell is this?

Although I became a copywriter,

Su Bai still respects Sun Tzu’s copyright,

It was named “The Art of War by Sun Tzu.”

Luo Cheng is good,

Renamed directly to “Luo Cheng Art of War”?

Doesn’t that mean… Luo Cheng is equal to his grandson?

It’s okay to scold yourself.

“Okay, I will try my best.”

Su Bai suffocated a smile and said goodbye to the two of them.

Before he left,

Going upstairs and Pi Broken Leg and told the news about the price of Magic Crystal.

Su Bai can also remind,

“Don’t think about shorting the price of magic crystal!

Don’t take other families to bet, have you heard? ”

Pi broke his leg and nodded frantically,

Show yourself to understand what to do.

Such strong inside information,

This does not short the price of magic crystal,

Is that still a human?

In previous operations,

Pi’s broken leg has been playing small troubles,

Even if you make a little money, it is not as good as the boss to make more at once!

This time,

Confident in the broken leg,

Earn him a few small goals!

Let the name of Shen Wansan under Tyrant,

Thoroughly loud!

“By the way, show them the dividend plan.

If there is no problem, the dividend will be implemented today. ”

After explaining,

Su Bai left the Tyrant reception.


After Tyrant left,

Xiaohu was chatting with the crown tree man.

“Tyrant does things without leaking,

Do you know, he told me before that he would pay dividends today. ”


Ҭ` Yes, dividends from the development of the foggy forest.

It’s only a few days, so I can have some money.

But this attitude makes people very happy…”

Xiaohu was talking,

The leather upstairs walked down with a broken leg,

Two documents were sent.

“Two, this is the first dividend.

There are rough bills and the amount of dividends paid by each shareholder.

If it’s ok, sign,

I will transfer the money to your designated account. ”

Xiaohu took the file,

I saw a number at first glance:

Dividend 30,000 contribution points?

“Yes, I invested millions of contribution points,

In the first period, the dividend was 30,000, and the future can be expected. ”

Little Tiger nodded frequently.

This rate of return greatly exceeded his estimate.

Pi’s broken leg corrected carefully,

“That…Master Xiaohu, 30,000 is a dividend for me.”

Little Tiger repeated casually,

“30,000 is for you…what did you say?!”

Xiaohu suddenly raised his head, his face was full of shock!

“30,000, is your dividend?!”

Shen Wansan, Shen Wansan, as the name suggests, he only gets three-ten thousandths of the dividend!

If Shen Wansan takes 30,000 contribution points,

Doesn’t that mean…

Xiaohu looked intently,

Net profit accrued for the current period: 100 million contribution points! !

100 million contribution points? !

Xiaohu has never made so much money in his life! !

It’s only a few days,

Earned so much? !

According to the previous agreement,

Xiaohu 10% of stocks, Crown Tree people 10% of stocks.

That is 10 million contribution points per person!


“This speed of making money is too scary!”

The crown tree is okay,

As the invincible master,

10 million contribution points are just a small amount of money to him.


Tyrant’s heart is hard to change!

“Accept it.”

The crown tree man said,

“Aren’t your super furnaces scrapped,

Fix a new one this time.

Moreover, Tyrant will soon have his own army of warriors.

By the time….”

Warrior Legion,

It is inseparable from people, equipment and props.

As the top blacksmith of the Federation, Xiaohu

Want to build a top martial arts army,

Can’t do without his help.

“Then I will accept it shyly…”

Even if Pi broke his leg and left for a long time,

Xiaohu is still immersed in a 10 million dividend,

Can’t recover for a long time.

In the morning, 7 o’clock.

The office worker woke up,

7; 15,

He called the supervisor,

“Supervisor, can I end my vacation early?”

“Yes, the previous business is over.

Well, the people I met are very disciplined, there are still many nice people…”


(Dip, two more cards, meals, code words, understand? Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong!

Note: Luo Cheng = Sun Tzu’s stalk, from a big guy in the book review area. If you see it, please claim it, thank you. ).

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