Chapter 224

The office worker just hung up the phone.

30 seconds later,

The phone rang again.

The office worker recovered as before, answered the phone,

The voice of the person in charge of the tour group was full of trepidation,

“Yes, I’m sorry,

We just checked your consumption record.

You only participated in a tour group for one morning,

We should refund you 82.5 yuan! ”

“Thank you so much!”

Almost at the same moment,

The office worker received a refund of 82.5 yuan.

The two made a few polite words and hung up the phone.

Office workers repeat their lives.

Take a hot bath, drink hot milk, and do stretching exercises for 20 minutes.

Go to bed before eleven o’clock in the evening and make sure to sleep for eight hours.

In my sleep,

The office worker babbled,

“Damn it, another peaceful day.”

“I really want to kill…”

“The Lord has already cast down God’s punishment.”

Schmidt stood in front of all the bald heads,

Every believer bowed his head and was extremely pious.

They once had an intersection with the running dog master.

Many people still belong to the other side.

right now,

The names of these running dog masters,

One after another, it was completely gloomy.

They are all dead! !

Tonight prepare to cross the sea of ​​taboo,

They have completely become servants of the evil gods,

Under the eyes of the evil god,

Was killed!

It hurts a lot and is very insulting!

no one knows,

How did the thirteenth evil god do it! !

Maybe Pope Schmidt knew,

No one dares to ask!

20  Everyone,

All immersed in the fear of God’s punishment.

“Tonight, present a prelude to our Lord!”

Schmidt gave an order,

All bald flame believers came out!


The evil god running dogs on Earth have no heads,

Information about their bases, branches, etc.,

Can’t hide the bald flame believer who used to be a teammate.

Killing one’s own person is always the most efficient.

There is no master’s combat power to back up,

Cthulhu’s running dog faced the bald heads like wolves and tigers,

Ability to resist!


The Federation has not had time to make a move,

The entire assassin alliance was killed in all odds!

remaining people,

Either find a prison to sit,

Either you can’t beat it, then join and become a bald member.

The dawn of dawn has not yet come,

The bald heads have completed all the goals of the night.

Assassin Alliance,

Without the master, without the high-rank martial artist, without the branch.

It’s dead in name.

Everyone gathered around Schmidt,

Listen to the instructions for the next step,

“Where is our future path?”

Schmidt did not hesitate,

Gave the answer directly,

“Wherever the god envoy goes, even where we fight!”

Divine Envoy, Baichuan Crow!

Last time I appeared in…Imperial City? !

So, they are going to the catacombs?

No one retreats,


“May it follow the gods!”


Grandmaster of the Assassin Alliance crosses the sea and is completely destroyed!

Assassin League Earth Division, all destroyed!

From Tyrant’s ‘Never Compromise’,

One week has not passed!

Some alliances are dead, and they are indeed dead.

And the bald flame believers,

Started a new journey.

Goal: Catacomb, City of Soul

“The ninety-sixth.”

Walk in the void!

Su Bai trampled to death the last running dog master.

From the evolution of his talent,

There are only 4 masters left.

Cthulhu monsters on the coast,

If you can,(Read more @

Leave it to the geniuses of the Federation as much as possible.

As a result, Su Bai can’t get rewards for killing them.


If the Cthulhu creatures killed are stronger,


Su Bai’s talent will evolve even more!

Just as Su Bai was bothered,

When the 4 Heretic Gods Grandmasters were left to look for.

The calm sea of ​​the taboo sea,

Rolled up a huge whirlpool!

“Scorching Eclipse, Tyrant is dead today!

God said it!

No one can stop it! ”

Forbidden in the depths of the sea mist,

The evil god’s roar came out.

The last half a month,

The evil gods are unfavorable for the passing years.

First, the Ninth Cthulhu was hammered by Yan Eclipse.

Had to return to their own kingdom of God to cultivate.

Then the sixth evil god was designed to be killed.

The number of their believers is also falling sharply!

This is the past hundred years,

A bad situation that has never happened before!

Tyrant is in front of all the evil gods,

Kill all the masters who have taken refuge in,

If the Cthulhu doesn’t make a move, will they be made of clay?

“Yan Eclipse, according to the contract,

We can send a maximum of nine outstanding players!

You can’t even think about it! ”

Yan Eclipse didn’t panic at all,

Some even want to laugh.

Tyrant’s unknown powerful displacement alone,

Not to mention the nine superb,

It is the eighteen best,

Tyrant can easily escape!

Unless Tyrant steps up recklessly, there is no danger!


Under the attention of Yan Eclipse,

Tyrant stepped forward recklessly.


Yan Eclipse moved his position calmly,

Once Tyrant is in danger,

He will save people as soon as possible!

As for the contract with Cthulhu?

The contract that the dark realm swears by his real name,

It’s about my eclipse!

“Good job!”

Su Bai saw 9 terrifying monsters attacking,

Do not retreat but advance.

16 layers of God-killing effect on him,

50% extra damage per layer, plus 50% extra damage of the base.

A total of 850%!

If the 9 superb people of the catacombs surrounded Su Bai,

Su Bai said nothing,

Turn around and run!

With Su Bai’s current strength,

Do not open the ancient dragon soul,

It is impossible to kill a normal Great Master at all!

Cthulhu is different!

In the face of the god-killing effect,

Each of them is rubbish!

Walk in the void!

Scourge of death!

Gods Twilight!

Su Bai with a lot of buffs superimposed on it,

With full firepower,

Just as soon as they played against each other, they killed a great master in seconds! !

Yan Lu, Cthulhu:? ? ?

Yan Eclipse immediately sat back to its original height,

Don’t worry about this kid!

He also mocked aloud,

“How about nine?

You guys send more!

I agreed for Tyrant! ”

In the mist,

The bodies of the evil gods slowly concealed into the depths.

As for the nine outstanding players sent out?

Don’t watch,

It’s cold.

“Successfully killed 100 Cthulhu masters, talent is in progress…”

Solve 9 Cthulhu monsters,

They don’t have explosive chests,

Your body is the most valuable trophy.

Talent is still being advanced,

Su Bai wanted to dispose of nine huge corpses alone,

I don’t know it will be the year of the monkey.

He simply carried nine corpses,

Back to the coast.

“Look! That’s it?!”

Wushuang exclaimed and pointed to a huge shadow in the sky!


A huge, terrifying monster corpse,

Smashed down 863!

One, two….

Nine in total!

The strength of every one of his life is no less than that of Grand Master Ao Shi! !

All the talented students present,

Looked ahead blankly, not knowing what happened.


Standing a slightly familiar figure!

Tyrant! !

The crowd became excited, and their breathing became heavy.


The only legend of this generation!

No. 2 in the top ranking! !

Even if Su Bai compares with him, the light is much dim!

After throwing nine corpses,

Tyrant said coldly.

“Wansan, take care of it.”

His tone is very flat,

It’s like killing a chicken just now,

Take it to the stall owner to help pluck the hair…

That is a monster in the depths of the forbidden sea!

And these salted fish stranded on the coast,

The difference in strength is a hundred times, a thousand times!

Tyrant, once again refreshed everyone’s cognition!


The broken leg responded loudly.

Began to organize manpower,

Maximize the value of these corpses!

“Don’t help, pay according to work!”

Pi broke his leg yelled,

“Everyone, be careful!

There are some alien monsters in these monsters,

The strength may not be less than the master!

must be careful! ”

Everyone: …..

The marine monsters living in the body all have a master level.

Isn’t the body… the absolute top? !

They found out at this moment,

No matter how you overestimate Tyrant,

In the end, it was underestimated! !

After leaving the Forbidden Sea,

Su Bai’s talent is also advanced!

“Talent: Full Firepower (Tier 3) has been unlocked!”


(Drop, work card, the first one will be given! Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong!).

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