Chapter 223

“Successfully kill [Holy Rank Creature·Soulslayer] to gain experience…”

Not long after departure,

Su Bai rose to level 399.

Leapfrog to kill the Cthulhu Grandmaster,

It’s too easy for him!

As for the phalanx of 500 students,

They cooperate skillfully,

Take advantage of the weakness of Cthulhu creatures that cannot leave the place,

Go to the Raiders.

Consumption as far as possible,

After the blood volume is low,

The melee career is on the top, the output is full, and the kill!

It often takes an hour or two,

To kill a monster.

Even so,

Everyone’s upgrade speed is also fast!

Many people are already level 199, level 299,

Was forced to leave the monster spawning team,

Overlord and others,

It is also marching towards level 399.

After Su Bai brushed the Level to 399,

Having nothing to do, began to patrol the coastline.

The sea of ​​taboos is taboo.

Because of the coming of Cthulhu,

The rules here have become extremely distorted.

such as,

Taboo areas over 100 meters above the sea,

no-fly !

Unless you reach the level of an invincible master,

Otherwise, they are all 100 meters above the sea.

Monsters in the sea,

The lowest level is 700!

If you fly close to the sea,

It is easy to be seriously injured by a monster attack!

Even Su Bai,

In unnecessary circumstances,

Nor will he actively approach the Forbidden Sea.

Although there are strong eclipses on the top of the head,


If there are fewer accidents, there will be fewer accidents.

In order to avoid identity exposure,

After leaving the main force,

Su Bai took the initiative to put on a mask of joy and anger.

Now he,

It’s Tyrant’s identity!

Like a king patrolling his future territory,

Su Bai’s figure kept flashing on the edge of the Forbidden Sea.

Walk in the void!

Each displacement is 50,000 meters,

Once every 0.32 seconds!

Su Bai’s current displacement speed,

Reach the terrifying 150,000 meters per second!

Faster than many medium and short distance transmissions!

Outside the taboo sea,

The running dogs of Cthulhu,

Already decided to cross the sea.

They did not make reckless decisions.

But prayed on the periphery,

After receiving the response from the evil gods they followed,

Just decided to go!

As Aoshi.04 said,

Today’s Cthulhu is just when he lacks helpers!

Relying on the power of Cthulhu,

As long as the running dog master successfully crosses the sea,

Arrived beside the evil god,

Strength can get a step up!

The cost is also huge,

Some people lose their minds,

Some people will lose their life,

Without exception, they will all become huge monsters and lose their human form.

Make such a decision,

It is also very difficult for them.

It’s just that they don’t have a better choice.

Too hard to go to jail,

It’s too hard to be bald,

Die and refuse to die.

Follow the Cthulhu, if you are lucky enough to become a god,

Their sanity, longevity and other costs will be repaid!

Rather than sit and wait for death,

It’s better to give it a try, maybe a bike becomes a motorcycle!

“The Lord has changed the rules of this area!”

After getting a response,

The minions are very excited.

In the next period of time,

In the taboo sea field,

Cthulhu creatures move distance +100%!(Read more @

Non-Cthulhu creatures travel distance -90%!

They run 100 meters, which is equal to 200 meters, others have to run 2000 meters to catch up!

Equivalent to a gap of 20 times!

Not only that,

The evil gods also spent great effort,

In this area,

Cthulhu creatures suffered -50% damage!

“With the help of these rules,

Even if the crow comes, what is there to be afraid of! ”

Some people are so proud and fearless!

“Don’t set up the flag!”

Finally, some grandmaster couldn’t stand these guys.

Since everyone has decided to cross the sea together,

Then less BB!

“Quick, go! Later, things change!”

Nearly a hundred figures rushed to the coastline.

After they left,

Several figures appeared on the spot,

They are all bald, and their strength is above the master!

They just joined Schmidt’s command,

Unlike the original 83 Saints, he believed in everything about Amon.

Hearing is false,

seeing is believing!

They are going to see and see today,

The thirteenth evil god in the legend,

Isn’t it that evil in the end!

“Really someone crossing the sea?”

Su Bai did not expect,

The anonymous report turned out to be true!

Nearly a hundred figures,

Start crossing the sea faster than the master!

The speed of each of them,

Faster than the extraordinary master,

The strength is undoubtedly above the master!

Su Bai glanced at his talent,

To evolve, you need to kill 100 Cthulhu Grandmaster creatures.

Killed 3 before,

Now that nearly a hundred of them have been killed,

Talent can almost evolve!

Such a good opportunity,

Of course Su Bai will not miss it.

“Walk in the void!”

The figure of Su Bai,

Did not appear 50,000 meters away.

But shortened by half,

Appeared at 25,000 kilometers!

“Is this… Cthulhu’s domain power?”

Su Bai didn’t worry about it.

Even if it is shortened by half,

Want to catch up with these guys,

Also easy!

“Fuck, who is it, how can you run so fast?”

“It’s Tyrant! Run!”

The running dog masters noticed the strangeness behind them.

They are going full speed,

Now, speed up at all costs!

This is a race,

In their view,

It’s like meeting a bear while camping in the forest,

No need to beat the bears,

Just need to beat your friends, that’s enough!

The bear will target the person at the end!

They think so.. 0


Tyrant appeared directly in front of everyone,

Stopped the fastest running grandmaster Ao Shi.

Master Stooges: …

Don’t play cards according to the routine!

Grandmaster Ao Shi still wanted to struggle a bit,

“It’s okay, he can’t kill me in seconds…”

I haven’t finished speaking yet,

He was trampled to death by Voidwalking.

Walk in the void with 3 layers,

The absolute tops of the Cthulhus will be seriously injured after eating!

There is another proud master,

Trying to stand up and stabilize the military’s morale,

“It’s okay, here is eternity, even if it is, we are just…”

“That Aoshi died in reality just now!”

An extraordinary screamed, interrupting Aoshi’s speech.

Since entering the realm of evil gods,

In the case of enjoying the buff bonus,

Some of them have been transformed into eternal creatures!

Was killed,

Means complete death!


Everyone had no time to react,

The killing belonging to Tyrant continues!

Walk in the void every 0.32 seconds,

It can take the life of a grandmaster every time!

No one can escape!

This is a feast marked with death!

Taboo overseas,

Several newly joined bald masters,

Feeling the breath of the master disappear one by one,

The face was full of horror.

They remembered Schmidt’s words,

“Don’t speculate about the power of the Lord!”

Several people bowed their heads,

The death of every master,

Will make them tremble.

Until someone breaks down,

Starting to recite the name of the Lord is not only a prayer, but also a confession!

Everyone joined the ranks of 2.3.

From today,

They followed Amon wholeheartedly…


10 at night.

Office workers returning to their residences,

A call was made.

“I’m sorry to bother you so much.

I previously signed up for a 3-day tour of the Blood Elf World for 99 yuan,

Only participated in the first day of play,

Can you refund me the remaining 66 yuan? ”


On the other side of the phone,

Hearing such excessive demands,

Hang up directly!

It was originally a tour group that swindled people to shop,

This guy doesn’t have to shop, and wants to refund?

On the phone,

The expressions of office workers gradually became savage,

Whispered slightly excitedly,

“They should be considered unruly if they do this?”

“If they don’t follow the rules, can I just…”


I feel my blood is boiling!


(The eighth is sent, finish the work!

Good night, brothers, see you tomorrow. ).

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