Chapter 222


Online headquarters of the Assassin League.

This year,

Everything is decentralized.

The news of Su Bai and others’ trip to the cave came back,

A serious problem lies in front of everyone:

Baichuan Crow and Eternal Tyrant already have the ultimate strength!

Even Su Bai in the fifth middle school,

It’s also Grand Master Ao Shi ~ the second strongest existence!

this means,

Once they take revenge against the Assassin Alliance.

Except for a very small number of people can escape.

Most masters will be killed!


If you encounter this kind of crisis situation,

All the thoughts of the Cthulhu Running Dog Grandmaster,

All fled to the crypt!

Times have changed,

The ratio of casualties to the recent grandmaster in the crypt,

It’s like coming to the aunt.

Can’t stop it!

There was even a strange phenomenon,

The battle of the Demon Imperial City,

Low-grade warriors didn’t die much,

The quasi-grandmaster, the grandmaster, died in the hundreds!

This rate of casualties, fools go!

A Grand Master Ao Shi spoke,

“There is no chance to run to the crypt,

Everyone, tell me what to do! ”

Everyone was babbling,

Extraordinary. 16:

“I am going to find a prison and go to the death row camp in the crypt.

I used to have a subordinate called Dharma Exterminator…”

The user [chaofan.16] was removed from the chat room.

This kind of scum that shakes the morale of the military and pulls people to jail.

Can’t keep it!

Extraordinary. 12:

“I recently joined the bald flame sect, following the thirteenth evil god.

Tell everyone about our doctrine…”

The user [chaofan.12] was removed from the chat room.

The user [chaofan.8] exits the chat room, the user…

Those who choose to go to jail and follow the thirteenth evil god,

Accounted for one-third of the grandmaster.

The remaining two-thirds are uncertain and there is no way out.

News of the fall of the sixth evil god,

The strongest have nothing to cover up,

Everyone knows it.

The believers of the sixth evil god have also become people abandoned by the gods.


Pope Schmidt of the thirteenth evil god,

Go alone to the running dog branch of the sixth evil god.

Those who forcibly abandon all gods,

They have become believers of Amon!

Those who didn’t believe it were all raised on the spot.

The strength of bald flame followers,

More than doubled!

The running dogs of other evil gods,

Seeing that the big thing is not good,

Some ran over to eat with a meal.

By the way,

The bald flame believers only do one thing: chase down the evil god running dogs!

This makes all the running dog masters extremely aggrieved!

User [Aoshi.04]: “My lord has given an oracle.”

Proudly spoke up,

Everyone was refreshed.

Is there good news?

“Go to the depths of the Forbidden Sea and become the Lord’s servant forever!”

Aoshi.04 finished speaking and left the chat room.

As the transmitter of the oracle, he didn’t need to explain anything.

All the lackeys present understand.

Go to the depths of the forbidden sea,

Become a servant of the evil god,

It means gaining powerful power and being unable to leave the sea of ​​taboos forever!

The body in reality will also disappear.


Due to close contact with the evil god,

They will become all kinds of weird!

The only advantage is to survive.

Someone retreated, “I think it’s good to go to jail…”

There are also studs,

“Anyway, Earth has no place!

Go to the Lord, maybe you can get a further opportunity! ”

The sixth evil god fell,

If they are lucky, maybe they can get a little broken godhead!

In the chat room,

Everyone made their own decisions.(Read more @

“Am I paying for my sins?”

A grandmaster proud of the world, just quit the chat room,

Head down to face Pope Schmidt.

He is Aoshi.04,

Advise everyone to go to the Great Master Ao Shi in the depths of the taboo sea.


He has taken refuge in Schmidt,

Have not yet received the baptism of the Holy Fire.

In the past few days,

Due to the frenzied fighting,

Schmidt is already level 650.

Even so,

Master Ao Shi bowed his head to a 650-level title magister,

It is also extremely ridiculous!

Not only that,

Behind Schmidt stood five or six grand masters! !

His voice is as hollow as ever,

There is a sense of sacredness that seems to come from nine heavens.

“No one can atone for his sins,

But the Lord chooses to contain everything. ”

The sacred flame is lit,

Grandmaster Ao Shi left moving tears.

“Thank God!”

Under the leadership of Schmidt,

The crowd sang in low voices,

“Praise the Lord, the hermit, the unsolvable, the thirteenth evil god!”

Then everyone bowed their heads,

I meditated in my heart,


After doing all this,

Someone asked,

“The Pope, those masters who tried to take refuge in the evil gods,

Will be destroyed by the Lord? ”

Schmidt responded indifferently,

“Don’t try to figure out the power of the Lord.”

“Lord, there is a way.”

The grandmaster was apprehensive.

“Retreat, I want to pray to the Lord.”

Schmidt stayed alone in the cabin.

First, God talked for a while,

It seems that I got the oracle and knows how to do it.


He took out his cell phone,

“Hello, Baichuan City Defense Department?

I am an enthusiastic citizen,

I want to report a group of evil god running dogs trying to cross the Forbidden Sea illegally…”

“The Urban Defense Department of Baichuan City received an anonymous report?”

Su Bai looked at the latest news received.

The expression is like the old man in the subway looking at the phone.

What the hell?

Xiaohu vowed to say,

“Maybe the crow reported it!”

·· 0 Seeking flowers·····

Su Bai’s expression is even more distorted.

Prank it this is!


To the strongest city defense department, which is only a third-rank martial artist,

Report the movement of the Cthulhu Running Dog Grandmaster?

He dare to report, the Ministry of Urban Defense dare to believe it!

Both sides are ridiculous!

Su Bai rolled his eyes.

Did not take this matter seriously.

The crown tree man never came back,

Su Bai talked about the upcoming dividends,

After telling Master Xiaohu,

He got up and left.

Xiaohu didn’t care either.

The foggy forest has only been developed for a few days,

How much money can you make?

Tyrant’s action is to show an attitude!

If you make money, you will still distribute it to the big guys.

Xiaohu took this heart,

Regarding how much you can earn,

Did not report much expectations.

Taboo overseas, 5000 kilometers.

Su Bai’s figure appeared,

…….. …… 0

Nearly 500 people have been waiting for a long time.

The No. 100 genius of the summer camp is the skeleton,

The senior students of No. 400 Mowu and Diwu were added.

When the two sides first met,

There is still some small friction.

The students of Mowu are quite honest,

In the last clash in the Dragon Canyon,

They were defeated by the overlord and others.

Even the head of the student union,

All were expelled from school afterwards.

Diwu’s senior students,

At first, I was a little unconvinced, why should I listen to this group of high school students.

We have to wait for an instructor named Su Bai.

After being beaten up,

They have nothing to say.

The so-called genius is a comparative evaluation.

Junior students can be beaten up by seniors,

It can explain a lot of problems by itself.

You think you are a genius,


In the eyes of others,

It is no different from ordinary people.

Su Bai doesn’t talk nonsense after he shows up.

“set off!”

A team of 500 people,

Toward the coast of the Forbidden Sea with mighty force!

Their goals:

The Cthulhu Grandmaster monster stranded on the shore!

Taboo sea and air,

Nearly a hundred figures emerged one by one,

They are separated from each other by a certain distance and remain vigilant.

But they have a common goal:

Crossing the periphery of the Forbidden Sea,

Go to the side of the evil god and become the other’s servant!

“Don’t worry, there must be no problem this time!”

“The Xeon can’t shoot us,

The absolute peaks are all in the crypt, Invincible will not be so idle! ”

“As for Tyrant, crow, etc., it’s even more impossible to meet!”

The more they encourage each other,

The less emboldened in my heart.

Thousands of words turned into a sentence,

“Brothers, run faster!”


(Seventh, brush your teeth and come back to the codeword, it will be done before 1:30.

Everyone can go to bed first and come back to see tomorrow. )also.

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