Chapter 221

“The fusion flash, and other 19 golden skills,

You can walk in the void! ”

The original unstoppable force,

Integrate displacement, shield, damage, and deceleration control into one.

As a silver skill for making hard work,

Su Bai is also affectionate,

It’s not that you can put it down.

Seeing the first sight of walking in the void,

Su Bai knew that it was time to say goodbye to the unstoppable!

Direct integration, one-stop order!

Walk in the Void (LV.200): Obtain (5 million + 80% * spirit) shield value and flash to a designated area with a range of 50,000 meters.

Inflict 0.01S stun on enemy units 100 meters around the landing point, and add 85% slowing effect, causing (2 million + 200% * intelligence) void damage

Randomly apply 7 debuffs to enemy units 1000 meters around the drop point.

The skill cools down for 0.8 seconds, and the mana costs 5 million.

Note: Every 10 seconds of continuous release of Void Walk, the damage is doubled, the mana cost is doubled, and it can stack up to three times!

The last effect of walking in the void,

This is why Su Bai decided to abandon the unstoppable!

Without calculating any buffs,

With Su Bai’s 620,000 intellectual attributes,

Single void walk damage: 200+62*2=3.24 million.

Stacked once, 6.48 million.

Stacked 2 times, 12.96 million.

Stacked 3 times, 25.92 million! !

Do not count any Buff, just walk in the void,

Can cause 25.92 million ultra-high damage!

The Hundred Battles Buff can add all attributes and increase skill damage.

Killing realm +100% real damage! 860

Killing the gods effect +850% the damage of evil gods creatures!

Include the fire dragon soul, the king buff, and the ancient dragon buff…

Su Bai can trample to death the Great Master of the Heretic God System! !

of course,

This trick is not without its weaknesses.

The super high blue consumption is its biggest flaw!

After stacking 3 times, a single release requires 40 million Mana!

Su Bai’s talent [full firepower] can completely return the mana cost,

Let Su Bai have no worries!

40 million mana consumption, a single output damage of nearly 50 million.

From the perspective of the input-output ratio of blue consumption,

In fact, some suffer.

It’s okay,

Su Bai likes to suffer this kind of loss!

The unstoppable was replaced by “walking in the void”.

The other skills have also been slightly enhanced,

The twilight of the gods, the resurgent monsoon, the natural disaster of death…

Su Bai has retained the skills themselves,

It just raises the level, the damage becomes higher, and it enriches his own means.

As for ravenous crows,

Elno is collecting the Dark Iron Skill Books.

He promised that when Su Bai comes tomorrow,

At least 200 black iron skill books can use Fusion!

The enhancement of skills comes to an end,

Su Bai immediately went to the trading secret realm.

Return to [Tyrant, go around].

“In the past two days,

Misty Town was officially completed,

Our sales have been gratifying…”

Pi Broken Leg is reporting on his work.

According to him,

In the past 48 hours,

Tyrant’s total assets increased by 45%!

This is a terrifying growth rate!

After the federal release of news,

The people of Earth already know that most of the contents of the trip to the caves.

Su Bai led the team to complete three consecutive levels, broke the Demon Imperial City, and directed the burning of the Demon Imperial Palace.

Tyrant rescued the federal prisoners and cut the top!

The Crow even joined forces with Liu Wanlou to kill the Demon Race in an ambush!

These news,

Drove the development of all industries in Misty Town,

As a business wizard, Pi Broken’s leg is also a constant showdown.

Made a fortune for Tyrant!

“…In summary,

Your property is currently valued at 120 million contribution points, working capital is 15 million contribution points, and daily income is over 8%! ”

The larger the asset, the lower the yield.


Because of the golden sign of Tyrant,

Eternal City is almost licking a dog’s cooperation.

Let the broken leg easily earn 8% of daily income!

Extremely scary!(Read more @

Su Bai didn’t know what to say,

I can only nod and praise,

“Not bad.”

After reporting the broken leg,

Su Bai began to dig out.

This time, he did not earn less!

In Demon Imperial City, killing the proud and transcendent masters has gained a lot.

Assault and kill the prince of the demon clan, the prince’s mansion has gained a lot.

Later, a series of income-generating behaviors such as 0 yuan purchases were started in the City of Souls.

In the end, he extorted most of Shadow’s worth.

As the master of martial arts, Liu Wanlou,

Just focus on strengthening yourself,

I don’t want to grab things with juniors,

I gave it all to Su Bai.

“It’s all here, you can estimate it.”

In front of the broken leg,

The storage rings are piled up into a hill! !

“This this….”

Pi broke his leg and thought,

In such a short time,

It is scary enough to increase such a huge asset by 45%!

The results of it?

The boss made a backhand of nearly 100 million contribution points in supplies!

These are all hard currencies.

Give it to the Federation, and the Federation will directly unconditionally accept it in full!

In the business of the broken leg,

Many of them are the appreciation of fixed assets, the improvement of goodwill, and so on.

Such a comparison,

Suddenly Pi broke his leg and found out,

It seems that I am a worker who is a bit redundant…

The boss is so earning!

The operation of the broken leg was as fierce as a tiger,

Looking at the record,

It’s better than the boss Tyrant to take a trip to the crypt.

“Boss, it’s a pity that so many things have been sold!”

Pi Broken leg proposed,

“I heard that the Federation is planning to divide the military corps for the boss.

Some good things, stay first,

After the boss of your warrior corps is established,

Distributed internally by contribution. ”

Pi’s broken leg is the son of the Shen family.

The news is very well informed.

He can read the minutes of the high-level federal meetings at will.

Doing business,

Liquidity and fixed assets are sometimes not as good as well-informed news!

Suggestions for broken legs,

Su Bai naturally does not need to veto.

Now he,

Sitting on a property of 200 million contribution points,

There are very few places where I spend my own money.

not to mention,

If Su Bai really builds a military army.

With his strict requirements,

Legion members have at least the combat power of a rank 5 warrior!

Every high-grade warrior is a gold swallowing beast!

Just assign a set of legendary equipment with the same Level,

It will cost hundreds of thousands of contribution points!

After viewing the financial report,

Su Bai told Pi to break his leg,

The first dividend will be paid this week.

For other companies, the dividend cycle is calculated annually.


It also comes on a quarterly basis.

Su Bai here,


Rich is self-willed!

Ended the meeting with Pi Broken Leg,

Su Bai returned to the first floor.

Only Master Xiaohu was there.

“Strange, where’s the tool man?”

Xiaohu had a question mark on his face,

Tool man, what is that?

The little world of blood elves.

The office worker just left,

The blood elf prince had not had time to breathe a sigh of relief.

The world barrier was directly pierced by people,

A phantom was condensed in front of him.

Elf quasi-emperor, human Ye Su!

The blood elf prince knelt down on one knee,

“I have seen the quasi-emperor!”

The strength of the opponent,

The blood elf prince is clear,

If Ye Su is willing,

You can achieve God’s position in any small world of elves!


Ye Su looked down on these small worlds.

Even the largest world of the elves,

Ye Su nodded, and he could easily get the approval of World Origin!

Xeon, Demon God, Cthulhu,

Why are there strong and weak points?

The devil is proving the Dao in the crypt, and his strength is the weakest!

Cthulhu is stealing the godhead, with mediocre strength, but with many means!


Cthulhu can use some fortunes to increase his strength!

If there are more and more greedy people on Earth,

The god of greed and stinginess will become stronger!

This is why,

Yan Eclipse and Dark Realm are going to kill the gods of war and plague!

If the Terran wars one after another,

While the strength of the human race is increasing,

The sixth evil god will also become stronger!

This is a situation that Human Race cannot allow!

Xeon, why is Xeon?

Each of them preached in Earth!

Break through invincibility and get the recognition of Earth consciousness!

If Ye Su chooses the small world to preach,

His strength will be weaker than the Demon God of the Crypt!

“What does the quasi-emperor have to order?”

The blood elf prince is very well-behaved and has a very low posture.

Even if the other party is just a phantom!

“Tell me everything that the man did just now, verbatim.”

The back of the blood elf prince was wet with cold sweat.

He can’t figure it out,

Where is the other party sacred? !

Was threatened by the strongest again,

It is being followed by Invincible Ye Su again!

The blood elf prince repeated,

“He first praised my hands for their good-looking…”


(The sixth update is on! There are two more.).

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