Chapter 211

“Master Ao Shizong fights life and death!

Do not miss passing through! ”

“Buy it!

Shura pays 1 for 1,000! ”

Inside the City of Souls,

Next to the biggest arena of life and death,

The audience sat in the stands,

Countless monsters shouted and roared, bringing the atmosphere of the court to the extreme.

It’s even more lively than Earth’s highest-level boxing match!

The host is introducing the two contestants,

“The blue party,

Is an unknown genius,

He participated in the life and death ring for 3 hours,

Has already cut 68 extraordinary, 11 proud masters!

Let us shout out his name! ”

Shocking cheers erupted from the entire stand,

“Sura! Sura!”

“As for the red side,

Will it be the 12th Ao Shi who died under Shura?

let us wait and see! ”

Jingle Bell–

The bell that represents the start of the game rang,

The cold light flashed!

“Sura, win!!”

“It’s another one kill!

This is the 80th time Shura has killed the Grandmaster in a second! ”

The proud master of the demons,

Not the enemy of Shura One!

Listening to the cheers in the audience,

Su Bai dried the blood on the Demon Zong,

Go down the ring.

80 consecutive victories!

In the past three hours,

He honestly killed 80 demon masters…

The result of this battle,

If it is sent back to the Federation,

I’m afraid it will make a lot of people feel ashamed.

The demon masters they killed in this life,

Not as many as Su Bai can kill in three hours!

The demons are bloodthirsty,

Although they will resist going to the battlefield to sell their lives,


Fight alone within the clan,

Especially when the opponent’s strength is weaker than yourself,

The demons always rushed up,

Master 737   is no exception!

They have always been able to bully their own people.

Even if there is a Demon King Bone Ring,

Su Bai’s breath is too weak.

Every demon master who participated in the war,

I believe I can tear him to pieces!


Without exception,

Falling under the cold light of the Demon Sect!

After 80 games,

Su Bai did not continue to fight.

It’s not that he was tired of killing,


No master in the City of Souls is willing to fight him!

At the end of the channel,

A monster with a smile on his face waited for a long time,

He is the agent responsible for Shura’s participation in the life and death battle,

Present a storage ring at this time,

“Master Shura,

This is your total income from these 80 games,

You count it! ”

Su Bai accepted the ring,

I didn’t even look at it.

A cold light flashed across,

One of the broker’s arms was broken,

Demon blood soared out,

“Master Shura calms down! calms down!”

After being inexplicably hit hard,

Not only was the agent not at all angry,

On the contrary, he begged for mercy,

“It’s a little ignorance,

Even dare to be greedy for your money!

It’s all here! ”

The agent once again presented a storage ring.

Based on Su Bai’s understanding of the demons,

It is impossible not to be greedy after plucking the feathers of the wild goose!

Su Bai accepted the storage ring again.

Then he killed him easily.

“I hate that someone lie to me!”

The agent’s body was burned clean.

No one dared to step forward and stop,

Many monsters watched in fear.

Can act as Shura’s agent,

The strength is also an extraordinary master!

Su Bai is just making an excuse,

Kill more monsters.

“did not expect,

Kill monsters as monsters,

Efficiency comes faster! ”

Su Bai said to himself.

Five hours ago,

He was teleported to the City of Souls,

First, an hour was wasted in the treatment area.

Not long after,(Read more @

Su Bai received the demon’s order to stop the war.

The entire city of Reaper has cancelled its wartime state,

The monsters returned to their daily state,

Su Bai was surprised to find that

There are too many opportunities to do things on your own!

The easiest way,

As the master of the demons,

Participate in the Grand Master’s life and death battle!

The main master of the city of Souls was killed a lot by Su Bai!

The next time Imperius City wants to initiate a demonic wave,

The pressure in the Demon’s Vault will be much less.

Su Bai carries 2 storage rings,

Probably glanced,

There are as many as 8 tons of magic crystals!

1 ton of normal quality magic crystal,

Equivalent to 1 million federal contribution points!

Su Bai played in these 80 games and gained a lot.

Leaving the arena arena,

Su Bai walked into the largest weapons cabinet in the city of Imperius.

The magic cut is still too conspicuous,

He needs to consider changing a weapon,

Crow is good at assassination, Tyrant is a mage, Su Bai is strong in close combat.

As Su Bai of Shura,

It needs to be different from the previous three identities,

This way it won’t make people doubt it!

The top floor of the weapon attic,

There are all kinds of top weapons,

They are all comparable to the advanced legendary equipment.

Su Bai’s attention,

Attracted by a gun,

Get started,

Check out its introduction,

Su Bai asked,

“Good gun! How do you sell it?”


Everyone who participated in the battle of geniuses,

And 903 celebrity warriors,

Go home!

Compared with the time of departure,

Only one person is missing-team leader Su Bai!

They only know,

Su Bai went to perform a dangerous task.

As for where you went and what to do.

Don’t know everything.

After returning to Earth,

Zhao Zizhen was released from the shackles,

The freedom of speech was restored.

“Suffocated me to death!”

Zhao Zi really took a breath.

This time in the catacombs,

More exciting than his experience in this life!

Master Zhan, kill the summit, break the demon palace…

He didn’t personally participate either.

Even so,

The little heart still thumped and throbbed,

Terribly scared!

“Lao Zhao, I was worried about Su Bai before…”

Xiaohu frowned, always feeling that he had forgotten something important.

“Old Zhao, I don’t think there will be a problem anymore!”

Zhao Zizhen let out a cold snort of disdain,

“I want to affect your and my memory at the same time,

Haven’t been discovered yet,

Could it be that the strongest shot? ”


With Lao Zhao’s words,

Xiaohu is relieved!

It seems that the Xeon is really making a move!

As for what memories are erased,

Xiaohu doesn’t care,

I can’t remember it anyway.

Not only him,

All the people of the outing group of the Devil’s City,

Subconsciously ignored:

Su Bai may be the crow/Tyrant, this thing!

Just before the dark domain shot,

He and Rikong met in less than 30 seconds.

“Is it necessary?

Waste a mobile phone meeting for a junior. ”

The moment Su Bai entered the crypt,

Li Kong saw through all his disguise.

Even Luo Cheng of Invincible Grandmaster,

Can see the clues.

How could it not be seen?

The dark field is even simpler,

The day Su Bai got the mask of joy and anger,

Just under the gaze of the dark domain!

Able to chase and kill the first evil god at the same time,

Separate your mind and focus on Tyrant.

It is already the limit that the dark domain can do!

“Three geniuses,

Better than a genius. ”

Dark Field explained briefly.

After using [Stealing the Sky and Changing the Day] again,

The dark figure disappeared,

Continue to hunt down the first evil god and stop the opponent’s plan to destroy the world!

Split air smiled without saying a word.

It must not be that simple!

in fact,

Think about it for a moment,

You know why the dark field does this.

The three strongest men,

There are two who know Su Bai’s secret.

A certain eclipse is still kept in the dark!

that guy,

Always use the excuse of being drunk,

Laughing at the Boss who hadn’t played the 100th floor of the Trial of God in the dark field!

That’s right!

In the top combat power,

It is always rumored that Rift Sky failed to play 100 bosses.


What didn’t win was the dark domain!

Known as the darkest domain of the strongest,

There used to be such a dark history,

I was ridiculed by someone Yan for many years.

at the moment,

Yanzhe still doesn’t know Su Bai’s true identity,

How many jokes will be made!

The other two Xeons are looking forward to it.

I know who Tyrant is, I don’t say, alas, just for fun!

In the warrior cemetery,

Feeling what just happened,

Luo Cheng said triumphantly,

“Boy, Dark Domain is making another move!”

“A big deal, it affects the entire Federation!”

As the invincible master,

Without being targeted by the dark domain,

Luo Cheng can keep his memory.

If the dark realm treats Cthulhu,

Full shot Luo Cheng.

Then Luo Cheng has to stop cooking!

Qin Lin still didn’t understand what happened.

Luo Cheng smirked,

“Boy, do you remember what the talent of the dark domain is?”

“Stopping the sky and changing the day.”

Qin Lin answered casually.

This time,

It was Luo Cheng’s turn to be shocked!

He froze in place like a stone sculpture,

Staring at Qin Lin blankly,

This kid,

Not affected by the dark space? !

Luo Cheng: …..

He was secretly shocked,

“Fuck, did the old man discover the weakness of [Spreading the Sky]?!”

“This talent… is not effective for fools?!”


(Fourth more sent! Chong Chong Chong!).

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