Chapter 210

“Darkland, it’s another shot!”

“Isn’t he hunting down the first evil god?!”

“Human race is easy to calculate, but fortunately the evil god is dead!”

After learning that the Eternal Evil God was beheaded,

After Yunhai passed the initial mania,

Calm down quickly.

There are only three strongest humans in the human race,

All three have their own mission!

Don’t talk about eroding and cracking,

What did the dark field do,

The demons still know it! !

According to the rumors,

The eternal first evil god,

Have been plotting Earth!

He has a plan to destroy the world, which he starts secretly.

And the dark domain has been hunting down the first evil god!

If the dark field comes out,

There are only two possibilities,

The first evil god is dead!


The plan of the first evil god can no longer be stopped!

The dark domain can only hurry up before the plan is launched,

Remedy more!

No matter what kind,

For the demons, they are extremely dangerous!

He can enter the eternal evil god,

You can come to the crypt Slayer Demon God!

If you continue to bounce at this time,

I just don’t think I’m eye-catching enough,

Send it to the other side to fight!

All the demons,

Reach a consensus at this moment:

“Send Demon God’s Order!”

“Stop Ge!”

In the sea of ​​black clouds,

The Nine Destiny Strongest Flew out,

Run to nine battlefields of the crypt!

“The devil has an order!”

“Stop Ge!”

Inside the City of Souls,

Su Bai looked at the monsters that kept flying back in the sky,

This all-out war that just broke out soon,

It died down again.

For the demons,

Again and again, again and again.

The low morale is even worse.

On the contrary, it is Human Race,

It’s the first time to make a small profit in Zhilan City,

the second time,

It’s even more money!

Destroyed the Demon Imperial City and seized Yeyou City!

What you eat in your stomach,

Of course Terran will not spit it out easily!

With Ye Youcheng in hand,

The Federation can directly send out elite warriors army,

Guard the night in a secluded city!

Southeast Catacombs,

The demons have any big moves,

Can’t hide from the eyes of the human race.

The demons want to organize a large-scale demonic wave,

There is no city as a logistics center,

It can’t be done at all!

And the well-informed federation,

Fully able to deal with it,

You can even take the initiative,

Break the magic tide!

Since then,

The Southeast Cataract only needs 60% of the troops,

It can be easily guarded!

There are only two for the best,

One sits in Yeyou City,

One is on the line of defense!

The horns of each other,


And the output near Yeyou City,

All were accepted by the Federation!

In the long term,

Can bury the nail of Yeyoucheng in the crypt,

It is more valuable than breaking the Demon Imperial City!

This is just a gain and loss.

When the Demon Emperor rushed back to the Demon Imperial City,

Seeing devastation,

There is no demon imperial city with a good land,

It was even more angry and directly razed the Demon Palace to the ground!

This is his shame! !

What’s more terrifying is that

The emperor found…

The former Demon King, the old guy who can’t kill!


The harm is endless!

Over the Demon Imperial City,

There were roars,

“Human Su Bai, it’s hard to vent my hatred if I don’t kill!”

…(Read more @

“The magic tide has receded!”

“The demons have retired!”

Nine human defense lines, and received news at the same time!

Even the monsters in the Far North Defense Line,

They all retreated sadly!

of course,

It is inevitable that there will be a lot of destruction before leaving.

The ultimate master of the human race returned to the northern caves,

They need to determine first,

There are no traps left by the demons on the line of defense,

Only then can the warrior corps be stationed,

Start repairing the line of defense!


The Terran kept it!

No less than a big victory!

In offense and defense,

The defensive side’s loss is always less than the offensive side!

Even everything in the Demon Imperial City,

Has not spread,

Most people don’t know,

What a brilliant victory the Federation has achieved today!

Don’t know,

Su Bai took talented students,

What kind of miracle has been created!

Taboo sea,

The taboo sea today is black.

The sixth evil god has fallen!

The rest of the evil gods,

While rushing back to his own kingdom of God,

Prepare to devour the legacy of the sixth evil god.

On the other side,

They also remembered the lesson of this time!

“Wait for me to go back,

To engrave everything in the kingdom of God,

Can’t forget the talent of the dark domain! ”

“Yes, I am the same!”


After a few seconds,

The nine evil gods were stagnant,

They feel,

Something terrible happened just now!

“I seem to have forgotten something…”

“Damn it! This familiar sense of amnesia is here again!”

“What the hell did I forget!”

Steal the day and change the day!

If it weren’t for the first evil god to be involved in the dark realm,

Based on the heaven-defying effect of this talent alone,

The Terran army has long since entered the sea of ​​taboos!

Three strong,

Really propped up the sky for the human race!

The figure of the evil god disappeared in the depths of the mist,

The water of the taboo sea,

Back slowly,

Retreat for three thousand miles!

Countless evil monsters stranded on the ground,

Most of them have the power of a master,

Fettered by the evil and mysterious law, unable to leave this place!

Taboo sea and sea water recede,

They can only stay in place and become targets!

Waiting for the Terran Master to attack!

Out of the mist,

The blaze of flames, blood flowing from the small wounds.

“The trouble of the first evil god is solved?”

The dark realm can free up,

Even he was surprised.

Darkfield shook his head,


Most of my energy is still on Him. ”

“How long can you stay?”

“30 seconds, but only one shot.”

After Dark Domain finished speaking, his figure disappeared in place.

He has been chasing and killing the first evil god,

The effect of talent is also haunting the opponent!

It is precisely because of [stealing the sky and changing the day],

Keep stealing the idea of ​​the first evil god,

Only then did his plan to destroy the world progress extremely slowly!


There is still progress!

This is the horror of the first evil god!

After the dark field disappeared,

Yanzhe doesn’t care about the image,

Sit down anywhere,

Silently watched the tide of the Forbidden Sea slowly receding.

This scene,

He has watched it for decades.

If there are no accidents,

Will see a hundred years, a thousand years!

The strongest of the human race,

In the eyes of demons and evil gods,

Paint the ground as a prison, no more freedom!

How is it different from a prisoner?

The responsibility of the strong,

It is a vocabulary they cannot understand!

“…” The demons outside the city retreated! ”

In Yeyou City,

All the human warriors cheered.

Ye Liangchen stood on the city wall,

High spirits!

He suddenly remembered,

When leaving,

Luo sold the tip to himself!

After a series of battles,

Ye Liangchen admires the author of Luo Cheng’s Art of War extremely!

Luo Cheng, it’s an exhaustive strategy, the soldiers are like gods!

It is a contemporary soldier!

Ye Liangchen hurriedly pulled out the tips.

He remembered,

After meeting the devil,

In order to shout out the contents of the tips!

Just read the tips note,

Ye Liangchen hadn’t had time to recall,

Changes in mid-air!

A terrifying figure appeared outside Yeyou City,


Even Grandmaster Ao Shi felt extremely uncomfortable!

Invincible Grand Master!

Contemporary Demon King!

“Where is Su Bai?!”

He came to Su Bai!

Want to frustrate it!

Ye Liangchen was extremely excited!

Luo Cheng, guess right again!

The Demon Sovereign is really here!

Follow the instructions before,

Led by Ye Liangchen,

The whole night youcheng shouted in unison,

The sound is deafening, resounding through the world! !

“The Devil Emperor made a great plan to settle the world, damage the palace and break down soldiers!”

“The Devil Emperor made a great plan to settle the world, damage the palace and break down soldiers!”


The stalwart figure of the Devil Emperor,

After hearing this sentence, he couldn’t help but shake twice.

Two drops of Demon Emperor’s blood,

Flowing from his eyes!

Su Bai,

Too much deception! !


(The third one is sent, am I so brave? Chong Chong Chong Chong!).

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