Chapter 212

“Old Zhao, there is good news and bad news,

Which one do you listen to first? ”

Back to Earth,

Everyone finally took a break.

Xiaohu suddenly came to Zhao Zizhen.

“good news.”

“You have become No. 1500+ on the extraordinary list.”

Xiaohu said seriously,

“The names of ranks after 1500 will not be displayed.”

Zhao Zizhen: ….

The Federation rescued many captives from the demons,

There are no less than 100 extraordinary masters,

The superb list is all at once-it’s up!

Instead, it was Lao Zhao who became an outsider.

“What about the bad news?”

“The Demon’s City of Souls,

A horrible strong came out,

Named Shura!

The informant returns,

Shura has already killed 80 grandmasters in a row! ”


Zhao Zi was really surprised.

It stands to reason,

There are endless geniuses on the Terran side,

The demons are not bad either!


The adult cycle of the demons is longer, and it is more difficult to cultivate a strong one.

But the huge population base,

Everything is decided!

Zhao Zizhen muttered,

“Lian Zhan Grandmaster?

It shouldn’t be Su Bai, he won’t make such a big mess…”

After saying this,

Zhao Zizhen himself was stunned for a moment.

Damn it!

In this way,

Who can it be if this is not Su Bai? !

Zhao Zi really worried,

“He is so reckless and dangerous!”

“That’s what I’m waiting for!”


Xiaohu directly tore through the scroll of Forbidden Curse,

“Great Illuminati·Forbidden!”

Zhao Zizhen’s mouth opened and closed.

No sound can be heard.

Xiaohu patted him on the shoulder.

“For Su Bai’s safety in the cave,

Lao Zhao, during this time,

You feel wronged! ”

Your friend [Zhao Zizhen] uses international friendly gestures.


“Master Shura, you really have good eyesight!”

“This gun is called Purgatory Raksha Gun, an advanced legendary level,

Three claw spear!

Below level 750, follow the user’s Level change!

Equipment conditions:…”

Master of the Weapon Pavilion,

Introduce the characteristics of the Purgatory Rakshasa Gun to Su Bai.

This gun,

Most of the data is in line with advanced legendary equipment,

Su Bai liked it,

Are the two abilities that come with the Purgatory Rakshasa Gun,

[Wind Slashing Electric Sting], [Crescent Guardian].

These two skills,

The former can supplement damage,

The latter is a group selection skill,

Sweep the gun, cause damage and repel the enemy, and at the same time make Su Bai have a certain immunity to the damage from both sides!

Su Bai now has no shortage of damage or control.

If you don’t use the cards of Death Scourge, Raven Eating Crows, etc.,

Su Bai can only find some supplements from the equipment skills.

The Crescent Guard was very much to his liking.

“If Master Shura is satisfied,

The little one is arbitrarily calling the shots, giving you a discount,

Don’t ask you for more, 8 tons of magic crystals! ”

A gun, Su Bai must have asked for it.

Money, whether Su Bai should give it or not.

He can be arrogant,

But not too arrogant,

Once it attracts the best shot,

Su Bai can only escape!

In case of escape, his identity was exposed.

The anger of the Demon King will immediately tilt down!

The other party’s offer,

Su Bai cut directly from the ankle.

“2 tons of magic crystals.”


One party is asking for prices, and the other party is sitting on the floor to pay back the money.

The two sides pulled a few times,

The final price is set at 2.8 tons of magic crystal.

Su Bai took out the magic crystal from the storage ring,

Let the other party inspect the goods.

If it’s ok,

The transaction is successful.

Su Bai has a hunch that it will not go so smoothly!

After a few minutes,

The master treasurer came over with an unkind smile.

“Master Shura,

There is a problem with the quality of your magic crystal!(Read more @

It can only be counted as 70% quality,

How do you make up the remaining magic crystal? ”

Su Bai snorted coldly.

“The magic crystal retreats to me, I don’t want the gun.”

“Sorry, my pavilion rules, all payments will not be refunded!”

Su Bai glanced at each other.

This clearly shows that I want to cheat myself!

Encountered a black shop!

Happy, you can eat black again!

Su Bai was not surprised at all,

In the city of the demons,

Those who are doing business are called wonderful flowers!


Every household is a black shop!

Feel the murderous look in Su Bai’s eyes,

The other party didn’t panic at all,

Some even want to laugh!


I told you the truth,

Behind our pavilion is backed by the great master,

You weigh it yourself.

Make up the difference, take the gun and go, don’t embarrass yourself! ”

Is the Great Master Great?

Well, it’s really amazing….

Su Bai chuckles.

“You just said that the quality of the magic crystal is only 70%?”


The treasurer did not panic at all,

“Sura, you delay any longer,

Only 60% of the magic crystal quality is left! ”

This is already a blatant threat!

Su Bai,

Never eat this set of threats!


Su Bai shot,

Slashed it on the purgatory Rakshasa spear,

The quality of equipment is hit hard!


The treasurer hasn’t spoken yet,

The Demon Sect is already on his neck,

Su Bai said coldly,

“right now,

This purgatory Rakshasa gun is only less than 70% of the quality.

I take 70% quality magic crystal,

Buy 70% quality equipment,

Isn’t it reasonable? ”

The treasurer just wanted to refute,

Shura sneered and said something.

“Think clearly before answering,

Life is one’s own, and money is absolute. ”

Cold sweat oozes from the treasurer’s forehead,

Gritted his teeth and said,

“Okay! Shura, I remember you!”

“You didn’t make any money, either,

Want to fix this gun,

No 10,000 magic crystals can’t do it!

Do you think you are smart?

Isn’t it a dumb loss? ”

The treasurer master used the most arrogant tone,

Speaking the most insulting words.

He made a deal with Shura,

This gun belongs to Shura!


Su Bai holds the Purgatory Raksha Gun in his hand,

Poke a hole directly in the treasurer’s body,

Nail each other to the wall!

The entire weapon pavilion,

· ·········Ask for flowers···············

Just listen to Shura roar,

“Are you a black shop here!”

The equipment is not repaired,

Dare to sell it? ! ”

Master treasurer:…….

This gun,

You smashed it!

The guests of the entire Weapon Pavilion,

All noticed the movement here.

Of course they know this is a black shop,


Who would have thought,

Why is he so dark!

Sell ​​the equipment if it is not repaired!

“Too disgusting! His family pitted me 500 catties of magic crystal last time!”

“Use shoddy goods, sell damaged equipment, everyone in the City Lord’s Mansion will report a wave!”


Seeing things get worse and worse,

Master treasurer,

Whether it’s for the safety of your own life,

Or to calm public anger,

Can only shout loudly,

“It’s the little one who forgot to repair it.

Master Shura waited a moment,

Let me fix it for you! ”

He looked at Shura and asked the other person’s opinion.

Just listen to Shura’s cold voice,

“Okay, after the equipment is repaired.

……. … …….

Remember to return the 800 Jin Magic Crystal’s change. ”

Master treasurer: ….

“Okay! Just as Master Shura said!”

Encountered hard stubble, was hacked!

Su Bai’s previous sentence,

It really made the treasurer understand that,

Being like Shura,

Even if it kills people and overtakes goods, it is directly transmitted to the depths of the crypt.

The Great Master,

I just want to chase and kill, both powerful and unintentional!


The Purgatory Raksha Gun was restored as before,

After checking the goods, Shura took the gun and 800 catties of magic crystals to find change, and left the weapon pavilion.

The treasurer looked at his back,

Said viciously,


Laozi will let you eat as much as you want! ”


He turned and walked into the Accord next door,

There is the owner of the weapon pavilion,

The residence of the Great Master!

As soon as you enter the door,

He cried,

“Master Dark Demon, you have to be the master of the villain!

That repair just now…”


He was the ultimate dark demon,

Slap to death!

The Great Master Dark Demon, after killing his treasurer,

Kneel down into the house,

“The minister has nowhere to do it, disturbing the holy driver, and the minister is a capital crime!”

The great master,

Like a dog at this time,

Kneeling outside the house!

Inside the house,

Sitting on a golden skeleton with only half of his body left.

“It’s okay…”

“If I can come out alive, I won’t be far from the last step!”

The dark demon heard this sentence,

My heart trembled.

Everyone understands what the last step of the invincible master means!

Demon God’s position!

Terran is strong!

The former Demon Sovereign, has actually come this far? !

The Golden Skull said calmly,

“The urgent task is to collect the healing artifacts and reshape my body!”


Looking for the blood of our line! ”

“I have to use my own people if I want to do important things!”

The dark demon should arrive respectfully,

“Chen, take the decree!”


(Fifth watch is sent, there are three watches left, charge!) Corpse.

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