Chapter 206

Sea of ​​clouds,

The demons are silent.

This time,

It is no longer a question of embarrassment.

The face of the demons,

The glory of the entire demons,

He was directly thrown on the ground by the human race and stepped on countless feet!

Also spit out!

I thought,

Take 903 prisoners to threaten the human race to start a genius war,

Please enter the urn!

Human race will only suffer big or small losses,

The demons can never lose!

The Terran was forced to fight,

NO.2 genius Su Bai led the team,

The whole new generation of human elites are dispatched!

They were forced to walk into a life-threatening killing game!

As long as the plan of the demons,

Can proceed step by step,

Can kill all the new human geniuses!

The results of it?

Under Su Bai’s step-by-step calculation,

Three competitions,

The Mozu didn’t win a game!

Back and forth,

13 Ao Shi Grand Masters were killed by Su Bai!

Nearly 160 extraordinary masters!

Thousands of 699-level prospective masters!

The fighting between the two races in the past fifty years,

No Mozu has suffered such heavy casualties! !

Thanks to Su Bai alone!


Su Bai also let go of the scourge of the former Demon King!

Who knows what moths will come out in the future!

Even if the Mozu family has a big business,

Such a loss,

It is equivalent to slashing the aorta!

After this battle,

Within ten years,

In the crypt,

The demons don’t want to launch an active attack!

One goes down and the other grows,

The demons ruined more than a thousand people who were about to become masters.

On the contrary, Human Race has gained countless! !

Rescued 903 prisoners,

Among them, there are over a hundred masters!

High-end combat power against humans,

It is undoubtedly a great supplement. 730

Among them, there is also a former superb,

As long as you are well-trained, you will definitely be able to return to the top!

Before that,

There are only 19 outstanding Terrans!


All the geniuses of this trip,

When they return to the ground,

The growth rate will also be terrifying!

They will quickly become the new mainstay,

Just like after a big wave washes the sand,

Real gold appears!

A genius who has experienced hardships,

And the geniuses who grew up in the greenhouse,

There are two completely different existences!

In terms of manpower alone,

In the next ten or twenty years, the Mozu

Can’t restore vitality!

The gap between the two sides will continue to be narrowed!

The trend of the people’s prosperity,


This is just a one-sided gain and loss of ‘talent’!

If you want to calculate property damage,

The Demon Imperial City was completely destroyed into ruins,

The Devil Palace was put to the torch,

Countless treasures were looted by the human race…

What price did Terran pay?

Demon Cannon, Demon Crystal, Life Spring Water, Lemon Fruit…

these things,

It’s all found in the Demon Emperor’s treasury!

Human race not only does not lose,

And earn blood!

This kind of maddening suffocation,

Even in the era of the rise of the three strongest human races,

The demons have never experienced it!

After calculating all the losses,

There is another thing that caused the demons to have a collective brain hemorrhage:

This campaign,

None of the Terran is dead! !

Seeing that they are all alive, it is even more uncomfortable than the death of a thousand masters! !

If it is not bound by the real name deed,

The demon gods can’t wait to make a move personally,

Destroy all the human races in the Demon Imperial City!

They will run away soon!

Relying on the ultra-long-distance teleportation array,

Delivered directly to Yeyoucheng!

The demons only felt that a cloud of anger was burning wildly in their hearts,

The eyes of all the demon gods,

Cast down,

Ye Youcheng is fighting fiercely!

“Follow me first!”

Ye Liangchen took the lead,

A dozen masters behind him came out together!

The extermination artillery smashed the city gate,

They first rushed into Yeyou City,(Read more @

A fierce battle with the remaining demons!


Also competing for defense facilities in the city!

Just take a wall,

Terran has completely taken root in Yeyou City!

He has only ten thousand troops,

Even if there is no absolute peak in Yeyou City,

The vast majority of grandmasters also marched with the army.

There are still a lot of proud and extraordinary masters left behind!

There are more masters than Ye Liangchen brought!

The firepower of all the masters was attracted by the battle for the wall,

No one noticed,

Liu Yonggui of the Fourth Product,

Brought a group of high-grade warriors into Yeyou City,

Go straight to the teleportation circle!

Liu Yonggui’s ears,

Reverberating Ye Liangchen’s words

“This trick is the sound of Luo Cheng’s art of war!”

“Our real goal is actually to teleport the magic circle.

Attract the firepower of all the masters,

Be sure to win the teleportation circle! ”


Liu Yonggui didn’t know,

What’s the use of taking down the teleportation circle?


From the appearance of Ye Liangchen,

The other party is as if everything is in the calculations,

Every step is calculated clearly!

This made Liu Yonggui extremely trust the leader Ye!

Of course Ye Liangchen would not take the initiative to say,

This is Luo Cheng’s arrangement.

Just like Luo Cheng would not say, this is the same as Su Bai’s arrangement!


Sometimes you still want face!

As the troops were attracted by the battle for the walls,

Teleportation circle,

It was easily won by Liu Yonggui!

“What next?”

Liu Yonggui was a little at a loss,

Can only take people to guard the teleportation circle.

Next second,

The teleportation circle is on!

Someone is going to send it over!

“Su Bai, what are we waiting for?”

Pi’s broken leg was very anxious.

Stay in the Demon Palace for an extra second,

The danger for everyone is one more point.

“No hurries,

Everyone listen to my command and take another photo!

Take a cooler pose this time! ”


Several drones are taking pictures.

Through this gap of rest,

Everyone has taken hundreds of group photos!

They took a photo with the ruins of the main hall of the Demon Palace,

The ruins of the imperial study, the ruins of the treasure house…

Take a photo!

Su Bai even commanded the drone,

After taking off, take pictures of the tragic situation of the entire Demon Imperial City!

As long as this video is sent back,

It is undoubtedly a great encouragement to the morale of the human race!

“Not urgent.”

When Su Bai took photos,

Has been staring at the sea of ​​clouds.

He was waiting for the signal of rifting.

He believes that Rift also knows that he is waiting for a signal!


The sea of ​​clouds rolled, showing a number: 5!


Su Bai roared!

The numbers on the sea of ​​clouds just appeared,

It was destroyed by the Demon God!

The devil laughed wildly,

“Split! Do you want to use the same trick a second time?”

“too naive!”

“Is the human brains so simple?”

The numbers on the sea of ​​clouds are destroyed,

The demons are in a good mood.

They finally broke a human plan!

The cracked brow furrowed,

Speaking beautiful federal words,

“Can you read when you are beaten?!”

“Laozi gave a countdown,

Are you ruining a fart? ”

Demon God:…

Under the sea of ​​clouds,

In the Devil Palace,

Su Bai yelled everyone to gather,

In the teleportation array,

Su Bai stood in front of everyone,

“I declare,

The first outing of the Devil’s City,

It is officially over! ”

“Let’s count down to three together!”

“3, 2, 1! Eggplant!”

Everyone made a gesture of ‘Yeah’.

Leave the last photo!


Su Bai took the knife and dropped it, killing the last genius of the demons.

Three duels,

Officially ended,

Terra wins!

right now,

They have to bring their heroes,

Triumph! !

The teleportation burst of white light flashed,

Everyone said goodbye to Su Bai,

“Instructor Xiaosu, take care!”

“Boss, come back alive!”


Su Bai’s figure also disappeared into the white light.

He transmits in a different direction from others,

Send randomly!

Even Su Bai didn’t know it,

Which city will it fall to!

After the white light dissipated,

The magic crystal that stayed in place was detonated regularly!

The entire teleportation circle was destroyed, and it was impossible to trace the direction of the teleportation!

5000 kilometers away,

The Demon Sovereign roared again!

Incompetent furious!


Retreat all over!

In Yeyou City,

The teleportation array lights up,

Liu Yonggui shouted for alert!

Half of the warriors are external, and half of the warriors are internal!

“Those who are sent are strong!”

People haven’t come yet,

Liu Yonggui felt the aura of terror!

Grand Master,

Many masters! !


Thousands of figures appeared in the teleportation array!

“It’s my own!”

They immediately recognized that they were all human races!

No less than 10 proud masters!

More than a hundred masters!

This terrifying combat power,

Let Liu Yonggui be shocked to the limit!

When did the Federation have so many hidden powerhouses?

Many are his raw faces!

Listening to the fighting outside,

Yeyou City is still chaotic,

The Terran Warrior Legion and the Demons are fighting together!

More than a thousand strong people appeared in the teleportation array,

No need for reminders at all,

At the moment of being on the battlefield,

They know what to do!


Nearly a thousand strong human races lifted off,

Kill the ring in Yeyou City! !


(Seventh more sent! Chong Chong Chong!).

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