Chapter 205

“Fuck, the tomb is moving, I won’t play anymore!”

Pi’s broken leg gave a strange cry,

Run away!



The heartbeat sounds like beating a drum,

Affect everyone present!

Many low-grade warriors,

Blood has begun to overflow from the nose and mouth.

“Below the master, all retreat!”

Su Bai ordered,

Low-grade warriors retreated one after another.

Xiaohu took Zhao Zizhen and left.

Take a few masters together.

They are going to the scene to create a shackle.

Seal Lao Zhao’s mouth!

God knows how many things he can miss!

“Su Bai, let me go in and have a look?”

Grandmaster Ao Shi proposed.

The tomb has been blown up,

The contents are obviously still alive.

If a while,

While everyone is transmitting,

Was attacked by ghosts in the tomb,

Cause the transfer to fail.

That’s a big joke!

“I come.”

Su Bai rejected the proposal of Grand Master Ao Shi,

He is the strongest existence here,

A crow flew to the depths of the tomb,

Another crow stopped on the shoulder of Grand Master Ao Shi,

If Su Bai encounters an accident,

Can be sent out at any time.

In addition, he has the means of the gods dusk, unstoppable and so on.

Nearly 200 million blood volume.

No matter what is in the cemetery,

Su Bai can get away!

As for his direct use of crows,

People around have weird faces,

He looked like hesitating and stopping.

Baichuan Crow is by my side!

They have accepted the assumption that Su Bai is a crow.

in fact,

Before this trip,

When Luo Cheng taught Su Bai’s marksmanship,

Specifically mentioned,

“Boy, don’t worry about this trip.

Don’t worry about your identity being exposed! ”

Su Bai is the Baichuan crow,

Luo Cheng knows.

The crow is Tyrant,

Luo Cheng guessed it.

This time there are 100 visitors,

If the Crow and Tyrant both shoot,


Su Bai is equivalent to playing with a bright card!

In fact,

Su Bai is also ready to reveal his identity.


Luo Cheng vowed to promise,

Will help Su Bai solve his worries!

As for how to do it,

Luo Cheng didn’t say.

Just revealed a clue,

“It has something to do with the talent of the strongest 〃‖!”

Among the known talents of the strongest,

Torn open wounds,

Known as the strongest SSS talent!

The scorching beacon continues to sky,

It is the most suitable SSS-level talent for team battles!

As for the dark domain of the Xeon?

People only know one thing:

Yanzhe suppressed the eternal evil god alone.

Li Kong suppressed the Demon God of the Cavern alone.

Dark field,

It can suppress inflammation and rupture!

Dark Domain is also known as the strongest Xeon! !

“What the hell is the talent of the dark field…”

Su Bai is very curious,

How can the other party solve their own troubles?

Amnesia of all?

Su Bai’s figure disappeared deep in the tomb.

After a long while,

There was an explosion in the tomb passage!

next moment,

Su Bai appeared beside everyone,(Read more @

The Tomb of the Devil Emperor completely collapsed!

“The former Demon Sovereign is not dead!”

Su Bai said,

Everyone present was extremely surprised!

The former demon emperor,

That is, the once invincible in the crypt!

He didn’t die completely,

Everyone can understand.

Even if the foundation of invincibility is destroyed,

It’s also stronger than the ordinary extreme!

Can Su Bai escape from the opponent?

Master Ao Shi,

Ask yourself,

If it were them, there would be no chance to escape!


Su Bai regretted,

“Let him run!”

Everyone:? ? ?

It’s not Su Bai who escaped,

It was the former Demon King who escaped! !

Everyone took a closer look,

Su Bai holds most of the golden ribs, a golden leg bone…

“Just took him apart in half,

That guy ran away. ”

Failed to kill the former Demon King with his own hands,

Su Bai is very sorry.

“Master Xiaohu, see if these things can be used as waste!”

Grandmasters: …..

If the body of the former Demon King,

If it’s rubbish,

What are they,

Is the waste not as good as the scum…


Su Bai can tear down the former Demon King,

That’s his skill!

Not convinced!

When Xiaohu saw the skeleton of the former Demon Emperor,

Also surprised.

“This… in the tomb?”

Su Bai briefly talked about the battle just now,


He made a request,

I hope Xiaohu can simply modify the Cthulhu Bone Ring!

Everyone began to rush towards the teleportation formation.

This time,

I really want to go.

There is nothing valuable in the Devil Palace.

Everyone gathers,

Su Bai is still waiting.


Wait for Master Xiaohu to build the equipment.

Su Bai wanted to use the ashes of the former Demon King,

Completely transform the bone ring.

Let Bone Ring not exude the breath of evil gods,

Changed to the blood of the demon!


It is of great help to Su Bai’s next actions!

“Su Bai, tell me the truth,

What are you going to do! ”

Xiaohu felt that things were not that simple.

Zhao Zizhen on the side also made a whining sound.

Zhao Zizhen (want to say): Are you going to split up with us?

“I intend to split up with you.”

Su Bai did not hide,

“If I appear in Yeyou City,

The Demon Sovereign will definitely take action and kill me directly! ”

Su Bai’s trip,

Completely destroyed the demon’s plan.

Not only rescued 903 celebrity captives,

He also destroyed the Demon Imperial City and burned the Demon Imperial Palace.

The anger of the Demon King,

It will definitely vent on him!

What Su Bai said makes sense.

“…” Then what are you going to do? ”

Xiaohu was very worried.

If Su Bai dies,

The four geniuses of the human race,

Just die three!

The pain that the human race can’t bear!

“The way to hide a drop of water,

Just put it back into the sea! ”

Su Bai’s plan is crazy and bold,

He intends to teleport to other demons cities,

Relying on the breath of the bone ring to block, escape the demon emperor’s investigation!


After the all-out war ceases.

Su Bai can sneak back to the human line of defense.

that time,

The Demon Sovereign certainly cannot stare at every crypt,

This is Su Bai’s chance to escape!

“Feasible is feasible, but it’s too dangerous!”

Xiaohu just wanted to say more.

He suddenly realized one thing,

Su Bai has the strength to kill the top,

In addition to invincible,

What else can threaten his life?

Only Su Bai threatened others!


Xiaohu has a hunch.

Su Bai’s kind of troublesome character,

I will never lurch quietly!

Maybe there will be some disturbance in the crypt!

Thought of here,

Xiaohu was actually a little excited!

This is to put C4 in the enemy’s nest!

Do not,

Not C4, but nuclear warhead!

The geniuses and masters of the demons,

If you don’t die, you must peel off!

“The bone ring is ready!”

Xiaohu returned the modified demon bone ring to Su Bai,

“The time is in a hurry, and it can only last for 3 days at most.”

“Within 3 days,

If you don’t come back,

I am afraid that the strongest will launch an all-out attack! ”

Xiaohu reminded,

Su Bai today is so important to the human race!

Terran cannot afford to lose Su Bai!

“rest assured,

My life, I care more than anyone! ”

everything’s ready,

Su Bai didn’t let people start teleporting immediately.

“What are you waiting for?”

Su Bai looked up at the sky,


“Wait for a signal!”

Wait for the dark clouds above your head to change,

Cooperate with someone again!


(Sixth more sent!

I’ve coded for most of the time, so I can’t ask for a fresh flower monthly evaluation ticket? !

Go on codewords! Keep voting! Chong Chong Chong! )No.

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